In the room Malaika was restlessly waiting for Rishi. Rano calms her d ترجمة - In the room Malaika was restlessly waiting for Rishi. Rano calms her d العربية كيف أقول

In the room Malaika was restlessly

In the room Malaika was restlessly waiting for Rishi. Rano calms her down as patience is always fruitful. Malaika was curt that in this age, patience gets a person to grave only. She was relieved that she was in the hospital where Tanuja went, and asks Rano to let her give this pregnancy news to Rishi. Rano looked forward to the time when Rishi will push Tanuja away.
Rano gets a call from Raaj who was apologetic to Rano that he left after fighting Rano. Malaika whispers in her ear to tell Raaj about Tanuja’s truth. Raaj says he had a little pain in chest today. Rano was concerned, and complains he didn’t even take her to America. Raaj agrees their views don’t match but this shouldn’t ruin their relations. Rano asks if he went to America to realize this, Raaj says he got time in America only

to think about her importance, he now thinks to take care of her for the rest of his life. Rano tells him to return soon, she is also missing him. Raaj requests Rano to remove all the impurities she has in her heart for Tanuja. Malaika asks why Rano didn’t tell Raaj about Tanuja. Rano says he is unwell, and he wouldn’t have accepted anything on a phone call. She was only waiting for Rishi.
The lights get off, Bee ji was worried and calls everyone. Some violin men and puppet dancers come inside. Rishi follows them, and sings a birthday wish for Bee ji. Manpreet, UV and others join him. Rano curses herself for forgetting about Bee ji’s birthday. Tanuja comes on stairs too, worried what if Rano tells everything to Rishi. There, Rishi was complimenting Bee ji to be hot. They suggest Bee ji’s age. Bee ji was complaining about lights going off, UV says it was because they had to give her a surprise. Rishi holds a bouquet, rolls Bee ji in dance and presents him with the flowers kneeling in front of her. Bee ji goes to get ready, to justify his poetry. Bee ji watches Tanuja there, saying she must be jealous of her. Tanuja comes to wish Bee ji and blesses her. Bee ji asks about talking to Raaj on phone. Rishi tells them about the party decorators and guests on the way, and asks everyone to get ready.
Malaika comes to Rishi to speak about Tanuja who may spoil his life. Rishi interrupts that he doesn’t want to listen anything against Tanuja only because Malaika doesn’t like her. He goes upstairs smiling towards Tanuja, who was elated. Rano overhears this, and asks Malaika why she didn’t tell Rishi about pregnancy. Malaika was upset Rishi doesn’t want to hear anything from her about Tanuja. Rano says she must do something else, and takes Malaika aside.
Ahana comes to the room, upset. Manpreet asks what the problem she is worried about is. She tries to speak about Tanuja. Manpreet tells Ahana that Rishi dearly loves Tanuja, and doesn’t listen to Ahana. He says Ahana shouldn’t know what he is aware of, that romance has returned Rishi’s life again. He thinks now there would again be guitars, flowers, music and breezes of love; this would add colors to their lives as well. He hurries Ahana to get ready and leave. Ahana was worried what will happen when Rishi comes to know about Tanuja’s pregnancy.
Tanuja comes to the room, thinking she never thought about hiding something from him. She had to do so, and can’t share this news with him. Rishi watches her and asks to find his black suit. He notices she was upset, and says he realize he was rude to her at day time. Tanuja thinks about Manpreet’s judgment. Rishi asks why is she upset, and makes her sit; wondering if someone said something to her. Tanuja begins to cry, thinking how she should tell him about this pregnancy. This isn’t the right time and she can’t tell him. Rishi was concerned for her tears, and tells her that he doesn’t care about anyone; and really cares for her. Tanuja assures no one ever said he cares for her, these tears are out of happiness. Rishi asks her not to cry, she may shout her frustration out at him but not get sentimental. He then realizes and asks her to find his black suit.
In t
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
في الغرفة تنتظر ملائكة ريستليسلي ريشي. رانو يهدئ لها كما الصبر دائماً مثمرا. وكان ملائكة مقتضبة أن الصبر في هذا العصر، يحصل شخص القبر فقط. وقالت أنها أعفي من أنها كانت في المستشفى حيث ذهب تانيا، ويسأل رانو السماح لها بإعطاء هذه الأخبار الحمل ريشي. رانو يتطلع إلى الوقت الذي فيه سيدفع ريشي تانيا بعيداً.رانو يحصل على مكالمة من راج الذي كان اعتذاره إلى رانو الذي غادر بعد القتال رانو. ملائكة يهمس في إذنها لأقول راج عن الحقيقة تانيا. ويقول راج لديه القليل من ألم في الصدر اليوم. رانو المعنية، ويشكو من أنه لم يكن حتى يأخذها إلى أمريكا. وتتفق راج لا تتطابق وجهات نظرهم ولكن هذا لا ينبغي أن تدمر العلاقات بينهما. رانو يسألك إذا ذهب إلى أمريكا لتحقيق هذا، راج يقول أنه حصل على الوقت في أمريكا فقطللتفكير في أهمية لها، أنه يعتقد الآن رعاية لها لبقية حياته. رانو يقول له العودة قريبا، وقالت أنها مفقودة أيضا له. طلبات راج رانو لإزالة كل الشوائب ولديها في قلبها تانيا. ملائكة يسأل لماذا لم تخبر رانو راج عن تانيا. رانو يقول أنه ما يرام، وأنه لن يقبل أي شيء في مكالمة هاتفية. إلا أنها كانت تنتظر ريشي.الخروج من الأضواء، النحل الجماعة الإسلامية كان قلقا وتدعو الجميع. بعض الرجال الكمان والعرائس الراقصات تأتي داخل. ريشي يتبع لهم، وتغنى رغبة عيد ميلاد للنحل الجماعة الإسلامية. مانبريت والأشعة فوق البنفسجية وغيرهم الانضمام إليه. رانو الشتائم نفسها لنسيان عيد ميلاد بي جي. تانيا يأتي على الدرج أيضا، قلق ما إذا كان رانو يقول كل شيء ريشي. هناك، وكان المدح ريشي جي النحل لتكون ساخنة. ويقترحون سن النحل جي. كانت تشكو جي النحل الأضواء الخروج، والأشعة فوق البنفسجية ويقول أنه نظراً لأنها يجب أن تعطي لها مفاجأة. ريشي يحمل باقة ورد ولفات جي النحل في الرقص ويقدم له مع الزهور راكعا أمام عينيها. جي النحل يذهب للحصول على استعداد، لتبرير شعره. جي النحل الساعات تانيا هناك، قائلا أنها يجب أن تكون الغيرة لها. تانيا يأتي أتمنى جي النحل ويبارك لها. جي النحل يسأل عن الحديث براج على الهاتف. ريشي يحكي لهم عن الطرف الديكور والضيوف على الطريق، ويطلب من الجميع للحصول على استعداد.ويأتي ملائكة ريشي للتحدث عن تانيا الذين قد يفسد حياته. مقاطعة ريشي أنه لا يريد الاستماع أي شيء ضد تانيا فقط لأنه لا يحب الملائكة لها. يذهب بالطابق العلوي يبتسم نحو تانوجا، الذي كان معجبا. رانو يسمع هذا، ويسأل الملائكة لماذا قالت أنها لم تخبر ريشي حول الحمل. كان قلب ملائكة ريشي لا تريد أن تسمع أي شيء من بلدها عن تانيا. رانو تقول أنها يجب أن تفعل شيئا آخر، ويأخذ ملائكة جانبا.Ahana comes to the room, upset. Manpreet asks what the problem she is worried about is. She tries to speak about Tanuja. Manpreet tells Ahana that Rishi dearly loves Tanuja, and doesn’t listen to Ahana. He says Ahana shouldn’t know what he is aware of, that romance has returned Rishi’s life again. He thinks now there would again be guitars, flowers, music and breezes of love; this would add colors to their lives as well. He hurries Ahana to get ready and leave. Ahana was worried what will happen when Rishi comes to know about Tanuja’s pregnancy.Tanuja comes to the room, thinking she never thought about hiding something from him. She had to do so, and can’t share this news with him. Rishi watches her and asks to find his black suit. He notices she was upset, and says he realize he was rude to her at day time. Tanuja thinks about Manpreet’s judgment. Rishi asks why is she upset, and makes her sit; wondering if someone said something to her. Tanuja begins to cry, thinking how she should tell him about this pregnancy. This isn’t the right time and she can’t tell him. Rishi was concerned for her tears, and tells her that he doesn’t care about anyone; and really cares for her. Tanuja assures no one ever said he cares for her, these tears are out of happiness. Rishi asks her not to cry, she may shout her frustration out at him but not get sentimental. He then realizes and asks her to find his black suit.In t
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