DtrPontÍl'1 KEVLAB@ is an orgarric fiber
in the arornaiic polyanride fanri{y. The
lunique properties and distinct chemical
Co|-1pos|Llon ot KEVLÁRe distingtrisn
it Írom other cot-,rtllercia]' tllan nlade
KEVLAR@ has a unique conrbination
of l'rrgh nroduius, toughness, abrasion
resrstance ar'cr Ilrernral stabil ty. lt r,vas
developed for der-nanciing industrial
arld advanced-technology applrcations.
Currently. rrany types of KEVLAR@ are
procluced to rrreeT a oroad rirnge of end
uses that require strong, ltghtwerght.
cltirable rraterials.