40400:26:15,766 --> 00:26:17,868Miss Daly?40500:26:21,139 --> 00:26:23 ترجمة - 40400:26:15,766 --> 00:26:17,868Miss Daly?40500:26:21,139 --> 00:26:23 العربية كيف أقول

40400:26:15,766 --> 00:26:17,868Mis

00:26:15,766 --> 00:26:17,868
Miss Daly?

00:26:21,139 --> 00:26:23,607
You should know better
than to present yourself

00:26:23,641 --> 00:26:25,775
without advance warning.
It's very poor security.

00:26:25,810 --> 00:26:28,011
The news I have
is urgent, and tomorrow

00:26:28,045 --> 00:26:30,513
might be too late.

00:26:30,547 --> 00:26:34,484
I need to see
Oberfuhrer Faber personally.

00:26:34,518 --> 00:26:36,619
The Oberfuhrer
is engaged right now, but,

00:26:36,653 --> 00:26:40,462
if you'll come this way,
I can spare a little time.

00:26:43,997 --> 00:26:45,580
It's a nice office.

00:26:45,699 --> 00:26:47,462
It's temporary.

00:26:47,497 --> 00:26:49,940
How is the spy;
has he been helpful?

00:26:52,314 --> 00:26:54,769
I apologize.

00:26:55,217 --> 00:26:58,132
It isn't my place to ask
or yours to know,

00:26:58,207 --> 00:27:00,796
- I shouldn't assume.
- No, by all means. He's well.

00:27:03,606 --> 00:27:05,812
As well as can be expected.

00:27:05,847 --> 00:27:08,015
But first, uh,
the information you mentioned?

00:27:08,050 --> 00:27:10,317
I will ensure personally

00:27:10,352 --> 00:27:13,354
that Oberfuhrer Faber
receives it the moment

00:27:13,388 --> 00:27:15,356
he becomes available.

00:27:15,390 --> 00:27:17,425
I can...

00:27:17,530 --> 00:27:20,726
- speak freely with you?
- Of course.

00:27:24,398 --> 00:27:26,928
I met with the others
in Alfred's cell.

00:27:27,852 --> 00:27:29,669
They trust me.

00:27:29,703 --> 00:27:32,641
I know where they are right now.

00:27:39,622 --> 00:27:41,856
The people I work with,
they wouldn't understand

00:27:41,890 --> 00:27:44,325
your senses, your memory.

00:27:44,360 --> 00:27:46,327
They don't see what I see...

00:27:46,362 --> 00:27:48,428
that you need to be
treated differently.

00:27:49,186 --> 00:27:51,030
- I want to help you.
- My memory also means

00:27:51,065 --> 00:27:54,283
that I know how long you stood
there watching me get beaten.

00:27:54,452 --> 00:27:57,137
- 59 blows.
- Alfred, your father was trying

00:27:57,171 --> 00:27:59,172
to protect you by keeping
your condition a secret

00:27:59,207 --> 00:27:59,988
and I could do the same.

00:28:00,031 --> 00:28:01,975
My father didn't care about protecting me!

00:28:02,009 --> 00:28:04,210
I can underplay the extent
of your memory to my superior.

00:28:04,245 --> 00:28:06,712
You don't understand.

00:28:07,364 --> 00:28:09,464
I'm ready for the pain.

00:28:10,266 --> 00:28:12,318
I'm ready to die.

00:28:15,754 --> 00:28:16,738
You'd do that to your mother?

00:28:16,854 --> 00:28:18,658
My mom left me.

00:28:18,692 --> 00:28:20,959
She couldn't take being
with my father anymore.

00:28:20,994 --> 00:28:23,595
After what he became
in the First War,

00:28:23,978 --> 00:28:25,630
what he saw out there.

00:28:27,633 --> 00:28:30,123
He wanted silence too.

00:28:31,896 --> 00:28:34,739
From the war, from me...

00:28:35,358 --> 00:28:37,609
from raising a freakish boy
on his own.

00:28:40,550 --> 00:28:42,228
What did he do?

00:28:44,085 --> 00:28:46,149
I came home, 12 years old,

00:28:46,184 --> 00:28:49,420
a bang, a burst, horrible
colour of a burning smell.

00:28:49,454 --> 00:28:52,323
I came into the kitchen
and found my father

00:28:52,357 --> 00:28:55,221
and the gun and the blood.

00:28:56,139 --> 00:28:58,428
His face half gone,

00:28:58,462 --> 00:29:01,597
still breathing, suffering.

00:29:01,632 --> 00:29:05,435
I could feel the life...
The warmth...

00:29:05,469 --> 00:29:09,238
Draining out of him,
right under my hands.

00:29:10,832 --> 00:29:12,708
Do you know what that's like?

00:29:13,555 --> 00:29:14,976
To feel the life
of someone you love

00:29:15,010 --> 00:29:17,946
disappear from your hands?

00:29:17,980 --> 00:29:20,181
To want it back?

00:29:21,575 --> 00:29:23,126
The ache?

00:29:25,005 --> 00:29:27,956
But there's nothing, it's gone.

00:29:39,901 --> 00:29:42,302
You do know.

00:29:48,145 --> 00:29:50,107

00:30:10,296 --> 00:30:12,964
It's empty but I don't
like it. It's too exposed.

00:30:12,999 --> 00:30:14,966
It's better than
the last three fields

00:30:15,001 --> 00:30:17,235
- we looked at.
- Wide open to patrols.

00:30:17,270 --> 00:30:19,104
- I know.
- Being out after curfew,

00:30:19,138 --> 00:30:21,005
setting up signal fires,
drawing attention...

00:30:21,039 --> 00:30:23,307
- You have a better idea?
- I don'
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
40400:26:15,766 --> 00:26:17,868Miss Daly?40500:26:21,139 --> 00:26:23,607You should know betterthan to present yourself40600:26:23,641 --> 00:26:25,775without advance warning.It's very poor security.40700:26:25,810 --> 00:26:28,011The news I haveis urgent, and tomorrow40800:26:28,045 --> 00:26:30,513might be too late.40900:26:30,547 --> 00:26:34,484I need to seeOberfuhrer Faber personally.41000:26:34,518 --> 00:26:36,619The Oberfuhreris engaged right now, but,41100:26:36,653 --> 00:26:40,462if you'll come this way,I can spare a little time.41200:26:43,997 --> 00:26:45,580It's a nice office.41300:26:45,699 --> 00:26:47,462It's temporary.41400:26:47,497 --> 00:26:49,940How is the spy;has he been helpful?41500:26:52,314 --> 00:26:54,769I apologize.41600:26:55,217 --> 00:26:58,132It isn't my place to askor yours to know,41700:26:58,207 --> 00:27:00,796- I shouldn't assume.- No, by all means. He's well.41800:27:03,606 --> 00:27:05,812As well as can be expected.41900:27:05,847 --> 00:27:08,015But first, uh,the information you mentioned?42000:27:08,050 --> 00:27:10,317I will ensure personally42100:27:10,352 --> 00:27:13,354that Oberfuhrer Faberreceives it the moment42200:27:13,388 --> 00:27:15,356he becomes available.42300:27:15,390 --> 00:27:17,425I can...42400:27:17,530 --> 00:27:20,726- speak freely with you?- Of course.42500:27:24,398 --> 00:27:26,928I met with the othersin Alfred's cell.42600:27:27,852 --> 00:27:29,669They trust me.42700:27:29,703 --> 00:27:32,641I know where they are right now.42800:27:39,622 --> 00:27:41,856The people I work with,they wouldn't understand42900:27:41,890 --> 00:27:44,325your senses, your memory.43000:27:44,360 --> 00:27:46,327They don't see what I see...43100:27:46,362 --> 00:27:48,428that you need to betreated differently.43200:27:49,186 --> 00:27:51,030- I want to help you.- My memory also means43300:27:51,065 --> 00:27:54,283that I know how long you stoodthere watching me get beaten.43400:27:54,452 --> 00:27:57,137- 59 blows.- Alfred, your father was trying43500:27:57,171 --> 00:27:59,172to protect you by keepingyour condition a secret43600:27:59,207 --> 00:27:59,988and I could do the same.43700:28:00,031 --> 00:28:01,975My father didn't care about protecting me!43800:28:02,009 --> 00:28:04,210I can underplay the extentof your memory to my superior.43900:28:04,245 --> 00:28:06,712You don't understand.44000:28:07,364 --> 00:28:09,464I'm ready for the pain.44100:28:10,266 --> 00:28:12,318I'm ready to die.44200:28:15,754 --> 00:28:16,738You'd do that to your mother?44300:28:16,854 --> 00:28:18,658My mom left me.44400:28:18,692 --> 00:28:20,959She couldn't take beingwith my father anymore.44500:28:20,994 --> 00:28:23,595After what he becamein the First War,44600:28:23,978 --> 00:28:25,630what he saw out there.44700:28:27,633 --> 00:28:30,123He wanted silence too.44800:28:31,896 --> 00:28:34,739From the war, from me...44900:28:35,358 --> 00:28:37,609from raising a freakish boyon his own.45000:28:40,550 --> 00:28:42,228What did he do?45100:28:44,085 --> 00:28:46,149I came home, 12 years old,45200:28:46,184 --> 00:28:49,420a bang, a burst, horriblecolour of a burning smell.45300:28:49,454 --> 00:28:52,323I came into the kitchenand found my father45400:28:52,357 --> 00:28:55,221and the gun and the blood.45500:28:56,139 --> 00:28:58,428His face half gone,45600:28:58,462 --> 00:29:01,597still breathing, suffering.45700:29:01,632 --> 00:29:05,435I could feel the life...The warmth...45800:29:05,469 --> 00:29:09,238Draining out of him,right under my hands.45900:29:10,832 --> 00:29:12,708Do you know what that's like?46000:29:13,555 --> 00:29:14,976To feel the lifeof someone you love46100:29:15,010 --> 00:29:17,946disappear from your hands?46200:29:17,980 --> 00:29:20,181To want it back?46300:29:21,575 --> 00:29:23,126The ache?46400:29:25,005 --> 00:29:27,956But there's nothing, it's gone.46500:29:39,901 --> 00:29:42,302You do know.46600:29:48,145 --> 00:29:50,107_

00:30:10,296 --> 00:30:12,964
It's empty but I don't
like it. It's too exposed.

00:30:12,999 --> 00:30:14,966
It's better than
the last three fields

00:30:15,001 --> 00:30:17,235
- we looked at.
- Wide open to patrols.

00:30:17,270 --> 00:30:19,104
- I know.
- Being out after curfew,

00:30:19,138 --> 00:30:21,005
setting up signal fires,
drawing attention...

00:30:21,039 --> 00:30:23,307
- You have a better idea?
- I don'
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 3:[نسخ]
40400: 00: 26: 26: 17868 15766 -- >مس دالي؟بيجو 40500: 00: 26: 26: 21139 -- >عليك أن تعلممن تقديم نفسك40600: 00: 26: 26: 25775 23641 -- >دون إنذار مسبق.انها سيئة للغاية الأمن.40700: 00: 25810 - 26: 26: 28011 -- >الخبر عنديالملح أيضا، و غدا40800: 00: 26: 26: 30513 28045 -- >قد يكون متأخرا جدا.40900: 00: 26: 26: 34484 30547 -- >أريد أن أرىoberfuhrer فابر شخصيا.41000: 00: 26: 26: 36619 34518 -- >oberfuhrerلها حتى الآن، لكن...41100: 00: 26: 26: 40462 36653 -- >إذا كنت سوف يأتي بهذه الطريقةأنا يمكن أن يوفر الكثير من الوقت.41200: 00: 26: 26: 45580 43997 -- >It "s a مكتب رائع.41300: 00: 26: 26: 47462 699 45 - >هذا مؤقت.41400: 00: 26: 26: 49940 47497 -- >كيف تجسس.هل هو مفيد؟41500: 00: 26: 26: 54769 52314 -- >أعتذر.41600: 00: 26: 58132 -- > 26 هناليس عملي ان نسألأو لك أن تعرف.41700: 00: 58207 - 26 27 - >:: 00796كان يجب الا تتحمل.لا، بكل الوسائل.هو حسناً.41800: 00: 03606 - - > 27: 27: 05812كما هو متوقع.41900: 00: 05847 - - > 27: 27: 08015ولكن أولا,المعلومات التي ذكرتها لك؟42000: 00: 08050 - - > 27: 27:   317 10أنا شخصيا لن يضمن421الرقم في سجل المستخلصات الكيميائية 10352-88-2 00: 00: 27: 27: 13354 -- >هذا oberfuhrer فابروتتلقى هذه اللحظة42200: 00: 13388 - - > 27: 27: 15356لقد أصبحت متاحة.42300: 00: 15390 - - > 27: 27: 17425أنا أستطيع...42400: 00 - > 17530 - 27: 27: 20726:- التحدث بحرية معك؟- بالطبع -42500: 00: 24398 - - > 27: 27: 26928التقيت مع الآخرينفي زنزانة الفريد.42600: 00: 27852 - - > 27: 27: 29669فهم يثقون بي.42700: 00: 29703 - - > 27: 27: 32641أعرف أين هم الآن.42800: 00: 39622 - - > 27: 27: 41856الناس الذين أعمل معهم.هم لا يفهمون42900: 00: 41890 - - > 27: 27: 44325حواسك، الذاكرة الخاصة بك.43000: 00: 44360 - - > 27: 27: 46327هم لا يرون ما أرى...43100: 00: 46362 - - > 27: 27: 48428التي تحتاج إلىتعامل بشكل مختلف.43200: 00: 49186 - - > 27: 27: 51030أريد أن أساعدك- ذاكرتي أيضا.43300: 00: 51065 - - > 27: 27: 54283أن أعلم كم وقفتهناك تراقبني تحصل بادن.43400: 00: 54452 - - > 27: 27: 57137- 59 الضربات.- الفريد، والدك كان يحاول43500: 00: 57171 - - > 27: 27: 59172لحماية لكم من حفظالشرط الخاص بك سرا43600: 00: 59207 - - > 27: 27: 59988وأنا يمكن أن تفعل الشيء نفسه.43700: 00: 28: 28: 01975 00031 -- >والدي لم يهتم لي حماية.43800: 00: 28: 28: 04210 02009 -- >أنا يمكن أن تحفظ الحدمن الذاكرة الخاصة بك إلى رئيسي.43900: 00: 28: 28: 06712 04245 -- >أنت لا تفهم.44000: 00: 28: 28: 09464 07364 -- >أنا مستعد للألم.44100: 00: 28: 28: 12318 10266 -- >أنا مستعد أن أموت.44200: 00: 28: 28: 16738 15754 -- >انّكَ أمك بذلك؟44300: 00: 28: 28: 18658 16854 -- >تركتني أمي.44400: 00: 28: 28: 20959 18692 -- >انها لا تستطيع اتخاذمع والدي بعد الآن.٤٤٥00: 00: 28: 28: 23595 20994 -- >بعد ما أصبحفي الحرب الأولى.44600: 00: 28: 28: 25630 23978 -- >ما رآه هناك.44700: 00: 28: 28: 30123 27633 -- >وظل الصمت أيضاً.44800: 00: 28: 28: 34739 31896 -- >من الحرب، من لي...44900: 00: 28: 28: 37609 35358 -- >من تربية الولد عجيبمن تلقاء نفسه.45000: 00: 40550 28 أو 27 -- >::ماذا فعل؟45100: 00: 28: 28: 46149 44085 -- >عدت إلى المنزل، 12 عاما،45200: 00: 28: 28: 49420 46184 -- >دوى انفجار رهيباللون من رائحة احتراق.45300: 00: 28: 28: 52323 49454 -- >لقد دخلت المطبخ.و وجدت والدي45400: 00: 28: 28: 55221 52357 -- >و البندقية و الدم.45500: 00: 28: 28: 58428 56139 -- >هل ذهب نصف وجهه.45600: 00 - > 1 - 28: 29: 01597لا يزال يتنفس المعاناة.45700: 00: 29: 29: 05435 01632 -- >انا اشعر ان الحياة...الدفء...45800: 00: 29: 29: 09238 05469 -- >نزح منهصحيح تحت يدي.45900: 00: 832 10 - - > 29: 29: 12708هل تعرف ماذا يبدو ذلك؟46000: 00: 29: 29: 14976 13555 -- >أن تشعر بالحياةمن شخص تحبه46100: 00: 29: 29: 17946 15010 -- >تختفي من يديك؟46200: 00: 29: 29: 20181 17980 -- >تريده؟46300: 00: 29: 29: 23126 21575 -- >الوجع؟46400: 00: 29: 29: 27956 25005 -- >ولكن لا يوجد شئ, انها ذهبت.46500: 00: 29: 29: 42302 39901 -- >هل تعرف.46600: 00: 29: 29: 50107 48145 -- >_46710296 -- > 00: 00: 30: 30 12964انها فارغة ولكن أنا ارتداء "رمثل ذلك.هو أيضا عرضة للخطر.46812999 -- > 00: 00: 30: 30 14966إنه أفضل منالمجالات الثلاثة الماضية46900: 00: 30: 30 - 15001 17235 -- >:نحن في نظر.- دوريات مفتوحة على مصراعيها.47017270 -- > 00: 00: 30: 30 19104- أعرف -أريد أن أبين بعد ان.47119138 -- > 00: 00: 30: 30 21005وضع إشارة الحرائق.لفت الانتباه...47221039 -- > 00: 00: 30: 30 23307هل لديك فكرة أفضل؟لا
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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