People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have higher prevalence of o ترجمة - People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have higher prevalence of o العربية كيف أقول

People with intellectual disabiliti

People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have higher prevalence of overweight and obesity compared to the general population with highest rates among people living in community
While dietary intake and physical activity patterns are major determinants of over weight and obesity well established predictors of dietary intake, including preferences, accessibility, and availability, may present differently among people with ID. For people with ID, social support often comes from direct support professionals (DSPs) (paid caregivers) who are key in promoting sound nutrition and informed choice along with maintaining person’s autonomy. Moreover, nutrition knowledge, training needs, barriers and supports to meal planning, food
purchase and preparation among DSPs are not known. A paucity of information and lack of validated instruments exist concerning meal planning, food purchase, and preparation among DSPs who support people with ID living in community homes. Understanding the resources that are needed to support staff working in community homes can lead to greater understanding of how to improve dietary intake and subsequently decrease health disparities of people with ID who live in community settings.
To address this issue, the purpose of this dissertation was to develop a reliable and valid measurement scale to evaluate nutrition supports needed among DSPs who provide services to
individuals with ID residing in community homes. A three-phase exploratory mixed method design approach was used. This design incorporated the results of the first and second phase
qualitative methodologies, including focus groups, expert panel review, and cognitive interviews to inform a third phase, quantitative survey.
Two hundred individuals (n=200) (DSPs, individuals with ID, family members, and CBO management) participated in the three phases of the study from five community based
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have higher prevalence of overweight and obesity compared to the general population with highest rates among people living in communitysettings. While dietary intake and physical activity patterns are major determinants of over weight and obesity well established predictors of dietary intake, including preferences, accessibility, and availability, may present differently among people with ID. For people with ID, social support often comes from direct support professionals (DSPs) (paid caregivers) who are key in promoting sound nutrition and informed choice along with maintaining person’s autonomy. Moreover, nutrition knowledge, training needs, barriers and supports to meal planning, foodpurchase and preparation among DSPs are not known. A paucity of information and lack of validated instruments exist concerning meal planning, food purchase, and preparation among DSPs who support people with ID living in community homes. Understanding the resources that are needed to support staff working in community homes can lead to greater understanding of how to improve dietary intake and subsequently decrease health disparities of people with ID who live in community settings.To address this issue, the purpose of this dissertation was to develop a reliable and valid measurement scale to evaluate nutrition supports needed among DSPs who provide services toالأفراد مع معرف يقيمون في منازل المجتمع. استخدم نهج تصميم ثلاث مراحل أسلوب مختلط استكشافية. هذا التصميم دمج نتائج المرحلة الأولى والثانيةمنهجيات النوعية، بما في ذلك مجموعات التركيز، واستعراض فريق الخبراء، والمقابلات المعرفية إبلاغ من المرحلة الثالثة، والمسح الكمي.الأفراد مائتي (ن = 200) شارك في المراحل الثلاث للدراسة من خمس المجتمع على أساس (DSPs، والأفراد مع معرف، وأفراد الأسرة، وإدارة البنك المركزي العماني)
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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