The Episode starts with Sarla calling Pragya and says she is very happ ترجمة - The Episode starts with Sarla calling Pragya and says she is very happ العربية كيف أقول

The Episode starts with Sarla calli

The Episode starts with Sarla calling Pragya and says she is very happy today as Tanu has left from their lives. Janki takes the call and says they will come to her house. Sarla asks Pragya to visit temple and make mata rani wear chunari. Pragya says she will visit temple but she is more happy as her mum is cleared from the accusations. Sarla blesses her and says it is your good works that you are seeing this day. Pragya says this is your values which you have given me. Sarla blesses her.

Tanu is stepping down the stairs and thinks about Abhi. Tai ji asks Mitali to give money as she is leaving. Mitali says she don’t have money right now. Tanu hears them..Mitali thinks she is inauspicious to make me lose. Tanu thinks about Aaliya and misses her. Abhi sees her and calls her. Just then Tanu looks at him and falls down the stairs. Abhi and Pragya rush to her. Pragya asks Raj to call ambulance. Abhi asks Tanu to open her eyes, and gives water. Dadi asks Abhi not to worry.

Nikhil thinks he has to do something to break Abhi and pragya’s relation. He thinks what to do? Shall I kidnap her…then think whereever she is in trouble, Abhi saves her like a hero. He thinks to give her injection to make her fall in coma. He thinks if he has lost from Pragya, and thinks about her. He gets Pragya’s call. Pragya informs her that Tanu has fallen down the stairs while stepping down. Nikhil says someone might have pushed her. Pragya says nobody has done anything and asks him to think about his responsibility towards his baby. He says you are baby’s father and that’s why I am informing you. Nikhil thinks if something happens to baby then Tanu can’t marry Abhi and my dream to become CEO will fail.

Pragya tells Dadi that Tanu has fallen down in our home and that’s why she is responsible. They rush her to hospital. Abhi tells Doctor to save Tanu and her baby. Doctor says he will do the needful. Nurse asks Abhi to fill the form and asks about baby’s dad name. Abhi tells his name. He thinks baby is mine, and nothing should happen to him. Nikhil comes to hospital and thinks if this is Pragya’s trick to frame him. He thinks I will not go inside, and then her plan will fail and then she will come to know what I am. Then thinks he thinks to check out Pragya’s plan. Mitali thinks if Tanu is acting or doing drama. She thinks she has won the bet and tells Tai ji. Tai ji says I will never bet with you. Dasi asks about the bet. Mitali tells she has won. Dasi scolds them.

Purab tells Raj and Akash that Abhi might be feeling guilty. Akash says Abhi is emotional for the child. Rachna is sad and says don’t know why this has happened. She says everything has changed. Purab asks him to say clearly. Rachna says if Tanu acted like Dadi, so that she couldn’t stop at home. Raj says she is a mum and will not harm her baby intentionally. Akash says knowing that Abhi will marry her only for the baby. Pragya thinks Abhi couldn’t see Tanu’s pain. She sits beside him. Abhi says you said that you will support me like a friend in every situation, and says I need you. He says my baby’s life is in danger because of me. May be Tanu got shocked when I call her, and slipped. He says my baby didn’t get my name and may be life also. He feels guilty. Pragya tells Abhi that nothing will happen to baby.

Pragya says you have taken good care of baby when he is not ……just then doctor comes and scolds Abhi holding him responsible for Tanu’s condition. He says they would have done premature delivery, but it is risky for both mother and baby. He says Tanu was crying badly when I asked her how she fell down..He asks him to take care of his wife. Abhi looks on. Pragya hears him. Nikhil also hears doctor’s advice and scolding. Doctor says we have shifted her to private room and asks him to consult psychiatrist for her. Pragya thinks she was about to tell him about her truth. Nikhil thinks he shall hide before Abhi sees him. Purab asks what happened? Nikhil hides. Abhi tells Purab that Tanu got consciousness and he is going to meet her. Purab doubts on Tanu. Pragya thinks Tanu might trap Abhi and thinks to go. Nikhil comes infront of her and says you called me here to trap me.

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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
The Episode starts with Sarla calling Pragya and says she is very happy today as Tanu has left from their lives. Janki takes the call and says they will come to her house. Sarla asks Pragya to visit temple and make mata rani wear chunari. Pragya says she will visit temple but she is more happy as her mum is cleared from the accusations. Sarla blesses her and says it is your good works that you are seeing this day. Pragya says this is your values which you have given me. Sarla blesses her.Tanu is stepping down the stairs and thinks about Abhi. Tai ji asks Mitali to give money as she is leaving. Mitali says she don’t have money right now. Tanu hears them..Mitali thinks she is inauspicious to make me lose. Tanu thinks about Aaliya and misses her. Abhi sees her and calls her. Just then Tanu looks at him and falls down the stairs. Abhi and Pragya rush to her. Pragya asks Raj to call ambulance. Abhi asks Tanu to open her eyes, and gives water. Dadi asks Abhi not to worry.Nikhil thinks he has to do something to break Abhi and pragya’s relation. He thinks what to do? Shall I kidnap her…then think whereever she is in trouble, Abhi saves her like a hero. He thinks to give her injection to make her fall in coma. He thinks if he has lost from Pragya, and thinks about her. He gets Pragya’s call. Pragya informs her that Tanu has fallen down the stairs while stepping down. Nikhil says someone might have pushed her. Pragya says nobody has done anything and asks him to think about his responsibility towards his baby. He says you are baby’s father and that’s why I am informing you. Nikhil thinks if something happens to baby then Tanu can’t marry Abhi and my dream to become CEO will fail.Pragya tells Dadi that Tanu has fallen down in our home and that’s why she is responsible. They rush her to hospital. Abhi tells Doctor to save Tanu and her baby. Doctor says he will do the needful. Nurse asks Abhi to fill the form and asks about baby’s dad name. Abhi tells his name. He thinks baby is mine, and nothing should happen to him. Nikhil comes to hospital and thinks if this is Pragya’s trick to frame him. He thinks I will not go inside, and then her plan will fail and then she will come to know what I am. Then thinks he thinks to check out Pragya’s plan. Mitali thinks if Tanu is acting or doing drama. She thinks she has won the bet and tells Tai ji. Tai ji says I will never bet with you. Dasi asks about the bet. Mitali tells she has won. Dasi scolds them.Purab tells Raj and Akash that Abhi might be feeling guilty. Akash says Abhi is emotional for the child. Rachna is sad and says don’t know why this has happened. She says everything has changed. Purab asks him to say clearly. Rachna says if Tanu acted like Dadi, so that she couldn’t stop at home. Raj says she is a mum and will not harm her baby intentionally. Akash says knowing that Abhi will marry her only for the baby. Pragya thinks Abhi couldn’t see Tanu’s pain. She sits beside him. Abhi says you said that you will support me like a friend in every situation, and says I need you. He says my baby’s life is in danger because of me. May be Tanu got shocked when I call her, and slipped. He says my baby didn’t get my name and may be life also. He feels guilty. Pragya tells Abhi that nothing will happen to baby.Pragya says you have taken good care of baby when he is not ……just then doctor comes and scolds Abhi holding him responsible for Tanu’s condition. He says they would have done premature delivery, but it is risky for both mother and baby. He says Tanu was crying badly when I asked her how she fell down..He asks him to take care of his wife. Abhi looks on. Pragya hears him. Nikhil also hears doctor’s advice and scolding. Doctor says we have shifted her to private room and asks him to consult psychiatrist for her. Pragya thinks she was about to tell him about her truth. Nikhil thinks he shall hide before Abhi sees him. Purab asks what happened? Nikhil hides. Abhi tells Purab that Tanu got consciousness and he is going to meet her. Purab doubts on Tanu. Pragya thinks Tanu might trap Abhi and thinks to go. Nikhil comes infront of her and says you called me here to trap me.Precap:
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
تبدأ الحلقة مع سارلا يدعو براجيا وتقول أنها سعيدة جدا اليوم كما غادر و Tanu من حياتهم. Janki يأخذ هذه الدعوة، ويقول انهم لن يأتي الى منزلها. سارلا يسأل براجيا لزيارة المعبد، وجعل ماتا راني chunari ارتداء. يقول براجيا ستزور المعبد لكنها أكثر سعادة كما يتم مسح أمها من هذه الاتهامات. سارلا يبارك لها وتقول انها أعمالكم الحسنة التي كنت ترى هذا اليوم. يقول براجيا هذا هو قيمك الذي قدمتموه لي. سارلا يبارك لها. و Tanu هو يخطو إلى أسفل الدرج ويفكر أبهي. تاي جي يسأل ميتالي لإعطاء المال كما هي ترك. يقول ميتالى أنها لا تملك المال في الوقت الحالي. TANU يسمع them..Mitali يعتقد أنها مشؤومة لجعل لي يخسر. TANU يفكر Aaliya ويفتقد لها. أبهي يرى لها ويدعو لها. فقط بعد ذلك، ينظر و Tanu في وجهه ويسقط أسفل الدرج. أبهي وبراجيا الاندفاع لها. براجيا يسأل راج لاستدعاء سيارة إسعاف. أبهي يسأل و Tanu لفتح عينيها، ويعطي المياه. دادي يسأل أبهي لا داعي للقلق. نيخيل يعتقد ان لديه أن تفعل شيئا لكسر أبهي وعلاقة براجيا ل. وقال انه يعتقد ماذا تفعل؟ علي أن يخطفه ... ثم فكر أينما أنها في ورطة، أبهي يحفظ لها وكأنه بطل. وقال انه يعتقد أن يعطي حقنة لها لجعل سقوطها في غيبوبة. وقال انه يعتقد إذا كان قد خسر من براجيا، ويفكر لها. انه يحصل على دعوة براجيا ل. براجيا يعلم لها و Tanu قد سقط إلى أسفل الدرج في حين تنحيه. يقول نيخيل شخص قد دفعت لها. يقول براجيا أحدا لم تفعل شيئا ويطلب منه التفكير في مسؤوليته تجاه طفله الرضيع. يقول كنت والد الطفل، وهذا هو السبب في أنني أبلغكم. يعتقد نيخيل إذا حدث شيء ما لطفل ثم و Tanu لا يمكن أن يتزوج أبهي وحلمي أن أصبح ستفشل الرئيس التنفيذي. براجيا يقول دادي أن و Tanu وقد سقطت في وطننا، وهذا هو السبب في أنها هي المسؤولة. يسرعون إلى المستشفى. أبهي يقول طبيب لإنقاذ و Tanu وطفلها. يقول الطبيب انه سوف تفعل احتياجا لها. ممرضة تطلب أبهي لملء استمارة وتسأل عن اسم والدي الطفل. أبهي يقول اسمه. وقال انه يعتقد الطفل هو الألغام، وليس هناك ما يجب أن يحدث له. نيخيل يأتي إلى المستشفى، ويعتقد إذا كان هذا هو خدعة براجيا لتأطير له. وقال انه يعتقد ولن أخوض في الداخل، ومن ثم خطتها ستفشل ثم قالت انها سوف تأتي لمعرفة ما أنا. ثم يعتقد انه يعتقد للتحقق من خطة براجيا ل. ميتالى يعتقد إذا و Tanu يتصرف أو القيام الدراما. وقالت انها تعتقد انها فازت الرهان ويقول تاي جي. يقول تاي جي وسوف أراهن أبدا معك. داسي يسأل عن الرهان. ميتالى يقول انها قد فاز. داسي سليطات اللسان لهم. Purab يقول راج وعكاش أن أبهي قد يكون شعور بالذنب. يقول عكاش أبهي غير العاطفي للطفل. راتشنا أمر محزن ويقول لا أعرف لماذا حدث هذا. وتقول كل شيء قد تغير. Purab يطلب منه أن يقول بشكل واضح. يقول راتشنا إذا تصرفت و Tanu مثل دادي، لدرجة أنها لا يمكن أن تتوقف في المنزل. يقول راج هي أمي ولن تضر طفلها عمدا. عكاش يقول العلم أن أبهي سوف يتزوجها فقط للطفل. براجيا يعتقد أبهي لا يمكن أن نرى الألم و Tanu ل. تجلس بجانبه. يقول أبهي قلت انك سوف تدعم لي مثل صديق في كل حالة، ويقول أنا بحاجة لك. يقول حياتي الطفل في خطر بسببي. قد يكون و Tanu حصلت بالصدمة عندما أدعو لها، وتراجع. يقول لم طفلي لا تحصل على اسمي والحياة قد تكون أيضا. وقال انه يشعر بالذنب. براجيا يقول أبهي أن شيئا لن يحدث لطفل. يقول براجيا كنت قد اتخذت رعاية جيدة للطفل عندما لا ...... فقط ثم يأتي الطبيب وسليطات اللسان أبهي احتجازه المسؤولة عن حالة و Tanu ل. وقال إنهم قد فعلت الولادة المبكرة، ولكنه محفوف بالمخاطر على كل من الأم والطفل. يقول و Tanu كان يبكي بشدة عندما سألتها كيف سقطت down..He يسأله لرعاية زوجته. أبهي يبدو على. براجيا يسمعه. كما يسمع نيخيل نصيحة الطبيب وتوبيخ. يقول الطبيب قمنا بتحويل لها غرفة خاصة ويطلب منه استشارة الطبيب النفسي لها. براجيا يعتقد أنها كانت على وشك أن أقول له عن حقيقة لها. نيخيل يعتقد انه يجب إخفاء قبل أبهي يراه. Purab يسأل ماذا حدث؟ نيخيل يخفي. أبهي يقول Purab التي حصلت و Tanu وعيه وقال انه ذاهب لمقابلتها. Purab يشك في و Tanu. براجيا يفكر و Tanu قد فخ أبهي ويعتقد أن تذهب. نيخيل يأتي امام عينيها ويقول لك اتصل بي هنا إلى اعتراض لي. Precap:

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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