Two upcoming events may interest our students from Saudi Arabia.
1. The Abilene Interfaith Council (AIC) will meet at noon in Matthews Auditorium on Tuesday, November 10. The program includes everyone from Abilene who went to the Parliament of the World’s Religions. I mention it to you because it may be a good chance for our Saudi students to meet other Muslims. I know that Manel Kortas, mentioned below, will be present that day.
2. Manel, a local Muslim woman whose sister, Nahla Ourajini, is a McM student, will speak to my Religions of the World Class on November 18, 11:00 a.m., in OM 211. The Saudi students are welcome to join us that day if they want.
See Manel’s email, below, about the Islamic Association of North Texas. This may be a good resource.
I’ll help this process in any way that I can. Thank you for the international students you are bringing to campus.