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GlossaryPrevious Next In this secti

GlossaryPrevious Next In this section, we have given the description, definition and full form of various technical terms and/or acronyms which have been used throughout this manual.

Angle of View - The scene angle that a video camera lens can show on the monitor, like Diagonal Angle, Horizontal Angle and Vertical Angle, usually described in degrees.

Aspect Ratio - The ratio of the vertical to the horizontal image size. 4:3 is the PAL standard.

Bandwidth - The capacity of the transmission medium stated in bits per second or as a frequency. Or, the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, the bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second (bps) or bytes per second.

Bit - Abbreviated with small “b”. Binary Digit. The smallest unit of data in a computer.

bps - Bits Per Second is the unit used for measuring line speed, the number of information units transmitted per second.

Byte - Abbreviated with capital “B”. A unit of data that is eight bits long and is used by most computers to represent a character such as a letter, number or symbol.

Camera format (Sensor Size) - Video camera’s CCD chips format; 1/4", 1/3", 2/3", 1" etc.

Camera Sensor - Video image sensor. CCD or CMOS chip.

CCD - Charge Coupled Device. A video image sensor chip.

CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) - Is a Television system that sends a signal to one or more monitors rather than broadcasting over a public network, hence closed-circuit. A standard CCTV system will normally include a CCTV camera (for capturing video), transmitters and receivers (to transfer the video from the source to where it is recorded), a recording system (for video playback), and a monitor (for video monitoring). CCTV systems are primarily used for security purposes inside and outside buildings, car parks, industries and similar premises.

CMOS - Complementary - Metal Oxide Semiconductor. A video image sensor chip that produces much lower quality picture than CCD chip.

DVR - Digital Video Recorder; records video pictures digitally.

Electronic Shutter - Compensates for moderate light changes in indoor applications without the use of auto iris lenses.

Field Of View (FOV) - The width, height or diameter of a scene to be monitored. Usually determined by the focal length of a lens, the sensor format and the distance to the objects.

Glossary: This list gives some of the most commonly used abbreviations in the arena of video surveillance system design.

Focal Length (FL) - The distance from the center of a lens to the focal point (sensor). The longer the focal length, the narrower is the angle of view.

Frame - A whole video image; is composed of two interlaced fields. A CCD chip produces 30 frames per second at NTSC system and 25 frames at PAL.

Gigabyte (GB) - 1024 Megabyte = 1073741824 Bytes. It is a unit of storage.

IP - Internet Protocol. A set of rules to send and receive messages at the Internet address level. The previous popular version was called IPv4 and the latest version is known as IPv6.

IP CCTV (IP Video) - Internet Protocol Closed Circuit Television

Iris - An adjustable opto-mechanical aperture built into a camera that controls the amount of lights coming through the lens.

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group. A graphic image file or a image compression algorithm.

Kilobyte ( Kb) - 1024 Bytes

Kbps - Kilobits per second. A measure of bandwidth.

LAN - Local Area Network. A group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line.

Megabyte (MB) - Megabyte = 1024 Kilobyte = 1048576 Bytes

Mbps - Megabits per second. A measure of bandwidth.

MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group. A standard for a digital video & audio compression.

NTSC - National Television System Committee; formulates standards for American colour television system. NTSC system has 525 horizontal scan lines and 30 frames per second.

PAL - Phase Alternating Line system. A colour television system used in Europe, Australia, parts of Africa and the Middle East. It has 625 horizontal scan lines and 25 frames per second.

Pan - Rotating or scanning a camera side ways to view an area in a horizontal direction.

Pan and Tilt - A Camera mounting device that allows movement in both side ways and up or down.

Server - A computer program that provides services to other computer programs in the same or other computers. Or, the computer that a server program runs.

Switcher - A device that allows the video signals from multiple cameras to be displayed on a monitor, or recorded on a VCR one at a time in sequence.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol. A set of rules to exchange messages with other Internet points at the information packet level.

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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
GlossaryPrevious Next In this section, we have given the description, definition and full form of various technical terms and/or acronyms which have been used throughout this manual.Angle of View - The scene angle that a video camera lens can show on the monitor, like Diagonal Angle, Horizontal Angle and Vertical Angle, usually described in degrees.Aspect Ratio - The ratio of the vertical to the horizontal image size. 4:3 is the PAL standard.Bandwidth - The capacity of the transmission medium stated in bits per second or as a frequency. Or, the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, the bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second (bps) or bytes per second.Bit - Abbreviated with small “b”. Binary Digit. The smallest unit of data in a computer.bps - Bits Per Second is the unit used for measuring line speed, the number of information units transmitted per second.Byte - Abbreviated with capital “B”. A unit of data that is eight bits long and is used by most computers to represent a character such as a letter, number or symbol.Camera format (Sensor Size) - Video camera’s CCD chips format; 1/4", 1/3", 2/3", 1" etc.Camera Sensor - Video image sensor. CCD or CMOS chip.CCD - Charge Coupled Device. A video image sensor chip.الدوائر التلفزيونية المغلقة (دائرة تلفزيونية مغلقة)-هو نظام تلفزيون أن يرسل إشارة إلى واحد أو أكثر أجهزة العرض بدلاً من البث عبر شبكة عامة، ومن ثم الدائرة المغلقة. وسوف تشمل نظام الدوائر التلفزيونية المغلقة قياسية عادة كاميرا الدوائر التلفزيونية المغلقة (لالتقاط الفيديو) وأجهزة الإرسال والاستقبال (نقل الفيديو من المصدر بحيث يتم تسجيل)، ونظام تسجيل (لتشغيل الفيديو) وجهاز (لرصد الفيديو). أنظمة الدوائر التلفزيونية المغلقة وتستخدم أساسا لأغراض الأمن داخل وخارج المباني ومواقف السيارات والصناعات وأماكن مشابهة.شبه موصل أكسيد المعدن-تكميلية-CMOS. رقاقة استشعار صورة فيديو التي تنتج صورة أكثر جودة أقل من رقاقة اتفاقية مكافحة التصحر.DVR--مسجل فيديو رقمي؛ ويسجل صور فيديو رقمياً.مصراع الإلكترونية-يعوض عن التغيرات الخفيفة المعتدلة في تطبيقات داخلي دون الاستخدام للسيارات قزحية العدسات.حقل من عرض (FOV)-العرض أو الارتفاع أو القطر من مشهد رصد. وعادة ما يحددها البعد البؤري لعدسة وتنسيق أجهزة الاستشعار والمسافة للوصول إلى الكائنات.المعجم: هذه القائمة يعطي بعض الاختصارات الأكثر استخداماً في الساحة لتصميم نظام للمراقبة بالفيديو. البعد البؤري (فلوريدا)-المسافة من مركز العدسة إلى مركز التنسيق (الاستشعار). يعد البعد البؤري، أضيق من زاوية نظر.الإطار--صورة كاملة فيديو؛ وهي تتألف من حقلين المتداخلة. وتنتج رقاقة اتفاقية مكافحة التصحر 30 لقطة في الثانية في نظام NTSC وإطارات 25 في بال.غيغا بايت (GB)--1024 ميغا بايت = 1073741824 بايت. وحدة التخزين.IP-بروتوكول الإنترنت. مجموعة من القواعد إرسال وتلقى الرسائل على مستوى عنوان إنترنت. شعبية الإصدار السابق كان يسمى IPv4 وهو المعروف أحدث إصدار IPv6.الملكية الفكرية الدوائر التلفزيونية المغلقة (الفيديو الملكية الفكرية)-تلفزيون الدائرة المغلقة بروتوكول الإنترنتآيريس--قابل لتعديل فتحه الميكانيكية وعلم البصريات بنيت في كاميرا يتحكم في مقدار الأضواء القادمة من خلال العدسة.JPEG--مجموعة خبراء الصور الفوتوغرافية المشتركة. ملف صورة رسومية أو خوارزمية ضغط صورة.كيلوبايت (Kb)-1024 بايتكيلو بايت في الثانية-كيلو بت في الثانية. تدبير من عرض النطاق الترددي.LAN-شبكة المنطقة المحلية. مجموعة من أجهزة الكمبيوتر والأجهزة المرتبطة بها التي تشترك بخط اتصالات مشتركة.ميغا بايت (MB)-ميغا بايت = 1024 كيلوبايت = 1048576 بايتميغابت في الثانية-ميغابيت في الثانية الواحدة. تدبير من عرض النطاق الترددي.تلفزيون--مجموعة خبراء الصور المتحركة. مقياس لضغط الصوت والفيديو الرقمية.NTSC-لجنة نظام التلفزيون الوطني؛ وتضع معايير لنظام التلفزيون الأمريكية اللون. وقد نظام NTSC 525 خطوط المسح الأفقي و 30 لقطة في الثانية الواحدة.بال-مرحلة "التناوب الخط" النظام. نظام تلفزيون ألوان المستخدمة في أوروبا، وأستراليا، وأجزاء من أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط. قد 625 خطوط المسح الأفقي و 25 من الإطارات في الثانية الواحدة.عموم--تناوب أو المسح الضوئي طرق جانبية كاميرا لعرض منطقة في اتجاه أفقي.عموم والميل-"الكاميرا" تركيب الجهاز الذي يسمح بالحركة في كلا الاتجاهين الجانب وأعلى أو لأسفل.الملقم-برنامج كمبيوتر يوفر خدمات لبرامج الكمبيوتر الأخرى في نفس أو أجهزة الكمبيوتر الأخرى. أو، الكمبيوتر الذي يقوم بتشغيل برنامج ملقم.الجلاد-جهاز يتيح الفيديو إشارات من كاميرات متعددة ليتم عرضها على شاشة، أو المسجلة على جهاز فيديو واحد في وقت واحد في تسلسل.TCP-بروتوكول التحكم بالإرسال. مجموعة من القواعد تبادل الرسائل مع نقاط الإنترنت الأخرى على مستوى حزمة من المعلومات.حقوق الطبع والنشر © عام 2014،
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
GlossaryPrevious Next In this section, we have given the description, definition and full form of various technical terms and/or acronyms which have been used throughout this manual.

Angle of View - The scene angle that a video camera lens can show on the monitor, like Diagonal Angle, Horizontal Angle and Vertical Angle, usually described in degrees.

Aspect Ratio - The ratio of the vertical to the horizontal image size. 4:3 is the PAL standard.

Bandwidth - The capacity of the transmission medium stated in bits per second or as a frequency. Or, the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, the bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second (bps) or bytes per second.

Bit - Abbreviated with small “b”. Binary Digit. The smallest unit of data in a computer.

bps - Bits Per Second is the unit used for measuring line speed, the number of information units transmitted per second.

Byte - Abbreviated with capital “B”. A unit of data that is eight bits long and is used by most computers to represent a character such as a letter, number or symbol.

Camera format (Sensor Size) - Video camera’s CCD chips format; 1/4", 1/3", 2/3", 1" etc.

Camera Sensor - Video image sensor. CCD or CMOS chip.

CCD - Charge Coupled Device. A video image sensor chip.

CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) - Is a Television system that sends a signal to one or more monitors rather than broadcasting over a public network, hence closed-circuit. A standard CCTV system will normally include a CCTV camera (for capturing video), transmitters and receivers (to transfer the video from the source to where it is recorded), a recording system (for video playback), and a monitor (for video monitoring). CCTV systems are primarily used for security purposes inside and outside buildings, car parks, industries and similar premises.

CMOS - Complementary - Metal Oxide Semiconductor. A video image sensor chip that produces much lower quality picture than CCD chip.

DVR - Digital Video Recorder; records video pictures digitally.

Electronic Shutter - Compensates for moderate light changes in indoor applications without the use of auto iris lenses.

Field Of View (FOV) - The width, height or diameter of a scene to be monitored. Usually determined by the focal length of a lens, the sensor format and the distance to the objects.

Glossary: This list gives some of the most commonly used abbreviations in the arena of video surveillance system design.

Focal Length (FL) - The distance from the center of a lens to the focal point (sensor). The longer the focal length, the narrower is the angle of view.

Frame - A whole video image; is composed of two interlaced fields. A CCD chip produces 30 frames per second at NTSC system and 25 frames at PAL.

Gigabyte (GB) - 1024 Megabyte = 1073741824 Bytes. It is a unit of storage.

IP - Internet Protocol. A set of rules to send and receive messages at the Internet address level. The previous popular version was called IPv4 and the latest version is known as IPv6.

IP CCTV (IP Video) - Internet Protocol Closed Circuit Television

Iris - An adjustable opto-mechanical aperture built into a camera that controls the amount of lights coming through the lens.

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group. A graphic image file or a image compression algorithm.

Kilobyte ( Kb) - 1024 Bytes

Kbps - Kilobits per second. A measure of bandwidth.

LAN - Local Area Network. A group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line.

Megabyte (MB) - Megabyte = 1024 Kilobyte = 1048576 Bytes

Mbps - Megabits per second. A measure of bandwidth.

MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group. A standard for a digital video & audio compression.

NTSC - National Television System Committee; formulates standards for American colour television system. NTSC system has 525 horizontal scan lines and 30 frames per second.

PAL - Phase Alternating Line system. A colour television system used in Europe, Australia, parts of Africa and the Middle East. It has 625 horizontal scan lines and 25 frames per second.

Pan - Rotating or scanning a camera side ways to view an area in a horizontal direction.

Pan and Tilt - A Camera mounting device that allows movement in both side ways and up or down.

Server - A computer program that provides services to other computer programs in the same or other computers. Or, the computer that a server program runs.

Switcher - A device that allows the video signals from multiple cameras to be displayed on a monitor, or recorded on a VCR one at a time in sequence.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol. A set of rules to exchange messages with other Internet points at the information packet level.

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يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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