Nutrition and fitness center
The description of the business:
Nutrition and fitness centre will include different departments that will provide optimum care process for the patient with different services. It is a big centre consists of seven units. The units are; reception unit, dietitian offices, scanning unit, seminar room, restaurant, gym & psychotic room. Each unit provided with most professional equipment and Devices. The workers are professionals. Overall it will be a comprehensive centre in which it will provides all the services to the clients.
Figure1: The units of the Nutrition and fitness centre
The idea of this business centre is came from a big problem face our country which is diabetes. International diabetes federation did a study that shows, in 2012 the prevalence of diabetes is 7.7% in Oman and by the time this prevalence can increase. The treatment of the diabetic patients cost the government about 44 million R.O in 2012. Until now Oman consider being in the safe side comparing with other region countries and to prevent any complications we want to try to establish this project. Also this study shows that Oman each year pays a lot of money to treat this disease. This project will try to reduce the incidence of diabetes in Oman and the diseases associated with it, to decrease the cost of diabetes therapeutic and to provide high quality services using technology and professional people.
Figure2: The prevalence of diabetes in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in 2012
The land/ space that the project will establish on, is donated by one member of the project members. It is in Al-Kwair, Muscat province which is considered as a Strategic location. It designed to attract the Government, diabetic and it associated problems and also the healthy people. The Advertisements and social networks are considered to be important keys to attract the interested people.
As any business, there are will be competitors. In our project... they will try to compete with our services. (7)