The movie about great love between courtesan and noble Venetian grandee. He should be a senator according to his blue blood. They could not married. His father found him the fiancée. The marriage with her should ensured his political status.
Her mother confess to the daughter about her young years status. Now the daughter should support the family the same way. Her mother was courtesan.
It should be said a few words about courtesan society status in Venice that time. Only these women had good education because they could visited the library. They communicated with men and knew a lot. They could read books while married women considered the reading unsuitable occupation for well-mannered women. Such courtesan freedom only seemed. They were well-educated persons, but the price for it was very high.
Our courtesan was a poet. She had a pointed tongue. Due to her status, beauty, love story with noble men, she can published her poetry. Her success like a poet stimulate a great offence and envy of another less successful man-poet.
Later he organized the inquisition trial on her. Ran risks to loose his status and freedom her sweetheart defended her from the trial and appealed to her other lovers to support her. They did it. It was very pathetic moment! Festive, dissolute, faulty Venetian spirit life-saver its queen of beauty, smart and independence.
I recommend you to see this movie, it’s very beautiful and inspired to find your love or to make your love greater.