Buffalo is the major dairy animal in India,contributing approximately 56% of the total milkproduced in the country [1]. Buffaloes having highcapacity to face adverse environmental conditions anda remarkable longevity (up to 10 years productionperiod). Among the established breeds of buffalo inIndia, the Murrah breed originated in the valleys ofRohtak and its surrounding area of the Haryanaprovince. This breed has now spread over all parts.Murrah buffaloes performed far better than local andcrossbred cattle, indicating its adaptation to variousenvironmental conditions. The variation in milkproduction is a regular phenomenon in all milkinganimals, broadly the factors which are responsible forsuch variations can be divided into 1) Physiological,which will be governed by the genetically make up and2) Environmental, such as age, number of previouslactations, pregnancy, season of calving, calvinginterval and nutrition status [2]. The season of calvinghas got a marked effect on the total production