Hi Waleeb :)
I'm sorry little talk yesterday , but I was very sleep and tired..
First , I called Sussel this morning 3 times but she did not answered the call so I left a voice message in the mailbox.. I'm waiting for her to return me.
About the gym.. Pirajuí have two options.. they are in fact 4 , but only two are Worth..
First one is the “CLUBE” .. is a Family plan and you, Handi and the baby can use, the gym, Monday to Saturday morning, all the time you want – dont have personal there.
Also at the clube, your Family can use the pool and the baby can have class in pool whem he is grow..and have a playground for kids..
Alson have a pizza place inside to eat.
The fist month is 700 and the nexts 100.
The other option is my gym, is just individual plan, you need to choose how many days do you want..
I do 3 days, in Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 pm is 150 for month.. the more days you do is more expensive get..
It will be a pleasure to show you the two .. just let me know :)