Please find attached the first draft of your CV and Cover Letter. In our experience, there could be some elements in the CV Draft which you may not agree with. Therefore, we have an amendment process so that we can continue to work on your CV until you are 100% satisfied.
Below are some notes on how we achieved your CV draft.
• There may be some areas highlighted in blue that require your inputs. For example, start and end months asked as (Months and Year), are mandatory fields in the resume, required for registration of your CV for the distribution process. Please verify your records and provide us all the details asked in blue to go ahead with the process.
• The points under your accomplishments, as provided in the CV, are based on your original CV as well as our industry research on your target job title, hence, we request you to go through the points provided and come back with changes, if applicable.
• The contact details such as your current address, telephone numbers, email ID, personal details are provided based on the documents sent by you; we request you to go through the contact details and let us know if any changes are applicable, as these basic contact are vital details for the recruiters to contact you and your personal details are important from the recruiters' point of view to maintain an updated database.
• We request you to provide us your valuable feedback / testimonial with regards to your satisfaction level on the draft and also a point on whether our services are eligible to be recommended; kindly also send us a confirmation email to go ahead with the distribution.
There are some points provided, based on our research on your target job title, which we request you to confirm in the draft.
There are some points in the draft which will appear similar to your original CV, as we felt that it is not necessary to re-work or re-phrase them.
There are certain parameters we follow while emphasizing on your qualifications and competencies to attract the recruiters’ attention and your draft is designed to qualify for
all those parameters the recruiters are looking for. Hence, we request you not to change the format and the details provided.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.
Thanks and warm regards,