Here is an example of a letter opposing the same program
Dear Editor,
The City Commission is considering increasing everyone’s gas utility bills to create a subsidy program for the poor. I am able to pay my own way on a small, fxed income. I haven’t used my furnace yet this winter, preferring to wear three woolen sweaters. I am saving so that I can pay the proposed 38 percent increase in gas bills when it REALLY get cold.
I called City Hall to protest and was told, ever so gently, that I was one of those who would be helped by the subsidy. Absolutely not! No self-respecting oldster would accept a dole extorted from other struggling citizens. The churches have prime responsibility in this area. Churches are close to the source and are in a position to locate those actually suffering in the cold.
I am outraged by the proposal to the City Commission.
A.B. Tony Anytown