Besides, the results of this study have stated that there were statistically significantdifferences between the average scores of the experimental group of the students whointeracted with the learning content in the form of static infographics, and the averagescores of the students in the group that interacted with the learning content in the formof animated infographics in their performance of: a) skills of designing and producingvisual learning materials, b) skills of recognizing the elements and principles of visualdesign. The difference was in favor of the students who interacted with learning contentin the form of static infographics. And this can be explained as follows:In the light of static infographics characteristics, where information in visual textsand components are static, the information are limited to the content provided, andeasy to interact with, besides display zooming in/out control; while the animatedinfographics present the same content, but through one continuous motion or animatedscenes rather than separate steps or blocks of information.Another possible explanation is that the static infographics provided the studentswith the needed flexibility to navigate the entire infographic subject visually, as oneunity back and forth, getting all the information provided at the same time, and enablinglearners to read the text and display the information simultaneously until theyhave understood the subject completely at every stage or segment of the infographics.Besides, the static infographics help learners to learn the conceptual processes, and todiscover relationships more easily within the same infographics, thus improving theirlearning outcomes. On the other hand, the animated infographics seems to providelearners with a lot of data, but it prevents their minds from making their own logic.And according to the cognitive load theory (CLT), the use of static infographics withthe text reduces the learner's cognitive load during the learning process, so learnerscan focus more on content rather than trying to understand how it is presented [24].Conversely, the learning process becomes increasingly difficult with the excessiveamount of information provided through different tools using multiple media andcomponents, diverse capabilities and a large amount of information that should beaddressed [11].