الحمد للهالجهاد غير واجب على المرأة، قال ابن قدامة رحمه الله : ( ويشتر ترجمة - الحمد للهالجهاد غير واجب على المرأة، قال ابن قدامة رحمه الله : ( ويشتر الإنجليزية كيف أقول

الحمد للهالجهاد غير واجب على المرأة

الحمد لله

الجهاد غير واجب على المرأة، قال ابن قدامة رحمه الله : ( ويشترط لوجوب الجهاد سبعة شروط ; الإسلام , والبلوغ , والعقل , والحرية , والذكورية , والسلامة من الضرر , ووجود النفقة . فأما الإسلام والبلوغ والعقل , فهي شروط لوجوب سائر الفروع , ولأن الكافر غير مأمون في الجهاد , والمجنون لا يتأتى منه الجهاد والصبي ضعيف البنية , وقد روى ابن عمر , قال : { عرضت على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يوم أحد وأنا ابن أربع عشرة , فلم يجزني في المقاتلة } . متفق عليه . ......وأما الذكورية فتشترط ; لما روت عائشة , قالت { : يا رسول الله , هل على النساء جهاد ؟ فقال : جهاد لا قتال فيه ; الحج , والعمرة } . ولأنها ليست من أهل القتال ; لضعفها .. ) انتهى من المغني 9/163

وحديث عائشة رضي الله عنها رواه أحمد (25361) وابن ماجه ( 2901) وصححه الألباني في صحيح سنن ابن ماجه.

وهل تخرج المرأة لمساعدة المجاهدين ومداواة الجرحى ؟

قال السرخسي في شرح السير الكبير (1/184) : ( باب قتال النساء مع الرجال وشهودهن الحرب . قال : لا يعجبنا أن يقاتل النساء مع الرجال في الحرب ; لأنه ليس للمرأة بنية صالحة للقتال , كما أشار إليه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في قوله :" هاه , ما كانت هذه تقاتل". وربما يكون في قتالها كشف عورة المسلمين , فيفرح به المشركون وربما يكون ذلك سببا لجرأة المشركين على المسلمين , ويستدلون به على ضعف المسلمين فيقولون : احتاجوا إلى الاستعانة بالنساء على قتالنا , فليتحرز عن هذا , ولهذا المعنى لا يستحب لهم مباشرة القتال , إلا أن يضطر المسلمون إلى ذلك , فإنّ دفع فتنة المشركين عند تحقق الضرورة بما يقدر عليه المسلمون جائز بل واجب . واستدل عليه بقصة حنين.

وفي أواخر تلك القصة : " قالت أم سليم بنت ملحان , وكانت يومئذ تقاتل شادة على بطنها بثوب : يا رسول الله أرأيت هؤلاء الذين فروا منك وخذلوك , فلا تعف عنهم إن أمكنك الله منهم , فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : يا أم سليم عافية الله أوسع , فأعادت ذلك ثلاث مرات , وفي كل ذلك يقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : عافية الله أوسع " . وفي المغازي أنها قالت : ألا نقاتل يا رسول الله هؤلاء الفرارين فنقتلهم كما قاتلنا المشركين ؟ فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : عافية الله أوسع . وأية حاجة إلى قتال النساء أشد من هذه الحاجة حين فروا عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأسلموه , وفي هذا بيان أنه لا بأس بقتالهن عند الضرورة ; لأن الرسول لم يمنعها في تلك الحالة , ولم ينقل أنه أذن للنساء في القتال في غير تلك الحالة .

قال : ولا بأس بأن يحضر منهن الحرب العجوز الكبيرة فتداوي الجرحى , وتسقي الماء , وتطبخ للغزاة إذا احتاجوا إلى ذلك , لحديث عبد الله بن قرط الأزدي قال : كانت نساء خالد بن الوليد ونساء أصحابه مشمرات , يحملن الماء للمجاهدين يرتجزن , وهو يقاتل الروم , والمراد العجائز , فالشواب يمنعن عن الخروج لخوف الفتنة , والحاجة ترتفع بخروج العجائز . وذكر عن أم مطاع , وكانت شهدت خيبر مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قالت : رأيت أسلم ( وهي قبيلة من قبائل العرب ) حيث شكوا إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ما يلقون من شدة الحال فندبهم إلى الجهاد فنهضوا . ولقد رأيت أسلم أول من انتهى إلى الحصن فما غابت الشمس من ذلك اليوم حتى فتحه الله علينا.

ففي هذا بيان أنها كانت خرجت مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ولم يمنعها من ذلك فعرفنا أنه لا بأس للعجوز أن تخرج لإعانة المجاهدين بما يليق بها من العمل والله الموفق) انتهى.

وقال في كشاف القناع (3/62) : (( و ) يمنع ( نساء ) للافتتان بهن , مع أنهن لسن من أهل القتال , لاستيلاء الخور ( أي الضعف ) والجبن عليهن ; ولأنه لا يؤمن ظفر العدو بهن , فيستحلون منهن ما حرم الله تعالى قال بعضهم : ( إلا امرأة الأمير لحاجته ) لفعله صلى الله عليه وسلم . ( و ) إلا امرأة ( طاعنة في السن لمصلحة فقط كسقي الماء ومعالجة الجرحى ) لقول الربيع بنت معوذ : " كنا نغزو مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم نسقي الماء ونخدمهم , ونرد الجرحى , والقتلى إلى المدينة " رواه البخاري وعن أنس معناه رواه مسلم ; ولأن الرجال يشتغلون بالحرب عن ذلك , فيكون معونة للمسلمين وتوفيرا في المقاتلة) .

وهذا كله ما لم يتعين الجهاد بأن دهم العدو بلد المسلمين، فإنه يجب الجهاد على كل قادر رجلاً كان أم امرأة ، فتخرج المرأة بغير إذن زوجها، قال الكاساني الحنفي رحمه الله : ( فأما إذا عم النفير بأن هجم العدو على بلد , فهو فرض عين يفترض على كل واحد من آحاد المسلمين ممن هو قادر عليه ; لقوله سبحانه وتعالى ( انفروا خفافا وثقالا ) قيل : نزلت في النفير . وقوله سبحانه وتعالى ( ما كان لأهل المدينة ومن حولهم من الأعراب أن يتخلفوا عن رسول الله ولا يرغبوا بأنفسهم عن نفسه) ....) انتهى من بدائع الصنائع 7/98.

وجاء نحو هذا في الشرح الصغير من كتب المالكية (2/274) : أن الجهاد إذا تعيّن بأن هجم العدو على بلاد المسلمين فإنه يجب على كلّ قادر عليه من الرجال والنساء .

وخلاصة الجواب :

أن الجهاد لا يجب على المرأة في الأصل ، إلا إنه عند الضرورة ، كما لو هجم الكفار على بلاد المسلمين فإنه يجب عليها الجهاد ، حسب قدرتها واستطاعتها ، فإن كانت غير مستطيعة فلا يجب عليها لقول الله تعالى : ( لا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْساً إِلا وُسْعَهَا ) سورة البقرة/286

والله أعلم .
من: التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة
إلى: الإنجليزية
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Fine thank youJihad is not obligatory for women, Ibn qudaamah said: (that the Jihad requires seven conditions; Islam, and puberty, and mind, and freedom, and masculine, and safety from harm, and having maintenance. either Islam blog and reason, is that other branches, and the infidel unsafe in Jihad, and crazy does not come from Islamic Jihad and the boy is weak structure, it was narrated that Ibn ' Umar said: {presented to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him one day and I'm fourteen , Did not permit me on fighter}. Agreed. ...... And either masculine require; What Ruth Aisha, said {: o Messenger of God, do women have to Jihad? said: Jihad don't fight it; the Hajj, Umra}. And it's not one of the people fighting; Their vulnerability. End quote from Al-mughni) 9/163The hadeeth of Aisha narrated by Ahmad (25361) and Ibn maajah (2901) and classed as Saheeh by Al-albaani in Saheeh Sunan IBN maajah.Does a woman for help and heal the wounded?Al-sarkhasi in explaining the great walk (1/184): (door fighting women with men and their witnesses war. said: we cannot fight women with men at war; it is not a valid structure for women fighting, as indicated by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him saying: "huh, what was this fighting." perhaps in fighting rougher Muslims revealed, rejoicing by the participants and perhaps a reason for the audacity of the mushrikeen Muslims , And they conclude it on poor Muslims, say they need to hire women to fight us, flitharz about this, and this sense is not desirable for them directly, but have to Muslims, the pagans affliction paid when necessary by an estimated Muslim legal but a duty. It quoted the story of nostalgia.At the end of the story: "healthy mother daughter malhan, and were then fighting the dispute with him in the stomach with a dress: o Messenger of Allaah, what do you think of those who have fled from you and they let down you, not spared them that you God them, he said to the Prophet: o mother of God Spa sound wider, it returned three times, and on each it says Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: God wellness." In Maghazi said: fight, o Messenger of Allah, kill them the flights as they fought the pagans? He said peace be upon him: God wellness. And no need to fight women more than this need while fleeing from the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, crucifying him, in this statement that there is nothing wrong with their fight when necessary; Because the Prophet did not stop her in that situation, and did not convey that women in fighting the case.He said: it's OK to bring them big old war heals the wounded, and watered, and cook to invaders if needed, because of the hadeeth of ' Abd-Allaah ibn earring azdi said: Khalid Bin Waleed women and women uncover companions, carrying water for the yrtgzen Mujahideen, which is fighting the Roman, and to the elderly, valshwab barred out of fear of fitnah, and the need to rise out the elderly. He said the mother of Donna, and she saw the Khyber with the Prophet (PBUH) said: I saw Aslam (tribe of Arab tribes) where he complained to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him what threw the severity of the case, assigned to Jihad, stood up. I have seen the safest first concluded the fortress what absent Sun that day until we God slot.In this statement they had emerged with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him did not stop her, we know that it's okay for the old man to come out to support Mujahideen as befits their work and God bless).It says in kashshaaf Al-qinaa ' (3/26): ((f) prevents (women) to their infatuation, with the people they are fighting, for takeover of the Creek (which doubled) and cheese on them; and he does not believe their enemy Zafar, legitimizing them as Allaah has forbidden them said: (only the Prince of need) to do the Prophet. (F) the only woman (bringing a age of interest only as watering water and treat the wounded) to say spring girl mu'awwidh: "we conquer with the Prophet, both water and we serve, and we respond to the wounded, the dead city," narrated by Al-bukhaari and Muslim narrated that Anas narrated by sense; Because men in war, it is aid for Muslims and economical fighter).All this unless to be Jihad that they raided enemy country Muslims, Jihad should be on every capable man or woman, woman without the permission of her husband, Al-kaasaani Al-Hanafi said: (if the uncle of Eustachian tube that attacked the enemy over country, it is Fard ' Ayn assumes each individual Muslims who is capable; for saying the Almighty (anfroa light and put a heavy) it was said : Landed in the eustachian tube. Saying the Almighty (the people around them and reiterated that the lag from the Messenger of Allah and do not want themselves) ....) Finished badaa'i ' Al-sanaa'i ' 7/98.This came in a little explanation from Maliki's books (2/274): Jihad if the enemy attacked the Muslim countries should all capable men and women.To sum up:Jihad is not a woman, but when necessary, as if attacked infidels on Muslim countries it must, depending on their capacity and ability, but can manage it should not for Allaah says: (God does not cost a soul but position) Sura/286And Allah knows best.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]

Praise be to Allah Jihad is the duty of women, Ibn Qudaamah may God have mercy on him, said: (required for the necessity of jihad seven conditions; Islam, and puberty, and mind, and freedom, and masculine, and the safety of the damage, and the presence of alimony. As for Islam and adulthood and mind, they are the terms of the necessity of the other branches, because Infidel unsafe in the jihad, and Crazy does not come from Jihad and the boy's weak infrastructure, has been narrated by Ibn Umar said: {presented to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him on a Sunday and I'm fourteen, did not Adzna in combat}. Agreed. ... ... The masculine require title; what Ruth Aisha, said {: O Messenger of Allah, do jihad for women? He said: Jihad is not fight it; Hajj and Umrah}. But it is not from the people fighting; for weakness ..) finished singer / 9 163 and modern Aisha narrated by Ahmad (25 361) and Ibn Majah (2901) and in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah. Will women go out to help the Mujahideen and heal the wounded? Sarkhasi said in explaining the great Sir (1/184): (door fighting women with men and Shahudhn war. He said: I do not like it that women with men fighting in the war; it is not a valid structure for women to fight, as indicated by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in saying: "Huh, what was this fight." And it may be in its fight uncover the nakedness of Muslims, rejoice with the polytheists and may be a cause of daring infidels against Muslims, and kaafirs by the weakness of the Muslims and they say they need to use women to fight us, Flethrz about this, but this meaning is not recommended to them directly fighting, but the Muslims have In addition, the payment of sedition polytheists check when necessary, estimated by Muslims is permissible, but a duty. He quoted the story of nostalgia. At the end of that story, "said Um Saleem girl Milhan, and was at that time fighting Hadh on her stomach Gown: O Messenger of God, what do you think of those who have fled from you and Khzlok, do not spare them that the God you could of them, he said, peace be upon him: O or sound wellness broader God, Voaadt it three times, and each says that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: God broader wellness. " In the Maghazi she said: Do not fight O Messenger of Allah those Lafraran Venguetlhm as we fought the infidels? He said peace be upon him: God broader wellness. And no need to fight most of these women need when they left the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and delivered him, and in this statement that it is okay Baktalen when necessary; Because the Prophet did not stop her in that case, did not convey that he was authorized to women in combat in is such a case. He said: There is nothing wrong to bring them big old war Vtdaoa wounded, irrigate water, cook the invaders if they need it, to talk Abdullah bin earring Azdi said : The women Khalid Bin Al Waleed and his companions Mhmrat women, carrying water to Ertdzn Mujahideen, which is fighting the Romans, and to be elderly, Vahawab prevented from going out for fear of sedition, and the need for the exit of the elderly rises. He said all or obeyed, and they saw the Khyber with the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said: I saw Aslam (a tribe of Arab tribes) where complained to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him what throwing the severity of the case Vendbam to jihad Venhadwa. I have seen the safest first end to the fort, what the sun was absent from that day until the opening of God to us. In this statement she was out with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him did not stop her from that Varafna that it is okay for the elderly to go out to help the Mujahideen as befits the work God bless) ended. He said in Qinaa (3/62): ((f) prevents (women) of the fascination with them, while they are not from the people of the fighting, to seize the creek (ie doubled) and cheese on them; but he does not believe fingernail enemy them, Visthlon them what God hath God Almighty said to one another: (only woman Prince because he needs) to do God's peace be upon him. (f) only woman (piercing in age for the benefit of all Ksaga water and treat the wounded) to tell the girl Mu'awwidh spring: "we invade with the Prophet, peace be upon him water the water, we serve, and we respond wounded and the dead to the city, "Bukhari Anas meaning Narrated by Muslim; and because men are working the war about it, so aid to Muslims and save in combat). And all of this is not to be jihad that the enemy attacks the Muslim country, it must Jihad each capable man or woman, women come out without her husband's permission, Al-Kasaani Hanafi said God's mercy: (As for the horn that if uncle attacked the enemy on the country, it is assumed duty on each one of the individual Muslim who is capable of performing it; For saying the Almighty (rush lights and heavies) said: I got in the horn. And saying the Almighty (what was for the people of the city and those around them from Bedouins to fall behind in the Messenger of Allah and do not want the same for themselves) ....) it finished Badaa'i Trades 7/98. and this came about in the small explanation of Maalikis books (2/274) : that jihad if designate that attacked the enemy to a Muslim country, it must all able bodied men and women. To sum ​​up: that jihad should not be on women in origin, but when necessary, as if attacked infidels on Muslim countries it must Jihad, according to their ability and the best of its ability, it was not Msttiah it should not be to the words of God: (God does not burden any soul beyond its scope) Sura / 286 and God knows best.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]

thank God no duty to Jihad for women, Ibn qudaamah said Allah's mercy: (provided that seven conditions; Islam, Jihad and puberty reason, freedom, masculinity, and damage, and the maintenance. As for Islam and mature mind.It is a condition that the other branches, and the cover is safe and does not come to Jihad, Jihad and the weak infrastructure, the boy narrated Ibn 'Umar, he said.: {before the messenger of Allah peace be upon him one day and I'm fourteen,No Yjzny in fighter (). Agreed. ... as a masculine; for aa'ishah said, "Jihad? He said: O messenger of God, are women. Jihad Haj, don't fight it; and (). Because it is not from the fighting; their vulnerability). The end of the singer's 9 / 163

And Aisha, may Allah be pleased (25361) narrated by Ahmad and Ibn majah (2901) and the Albanian in saheeh Sunan Ibn majah.

you woman to help and heal the wounded mujahideen?

AL sarakhsi said in explaining the great bots (1 / 184).Women with men Wshhwdhn war fighting. He said: we do not like to fight, women with men in the fight; it is not suitable for structure to fight, as indicated by the messenger of Allah peace be upon him) in saying: "Hmm, what were fighting."Perhaps in the fighting Muslims, Fyfrh revealed rugged by the polytheists might be the reason for the Ljrat infidels against Muslims, Wystdlwn by poor Muslims say: they needed the use of women to fight us, Flythrz about this,This effect is not desirable to directly fight, but Muslims have to do, the temptation of the payment when the yield was estimated by the Muslims but necessary duty. He quoted it with nostalgia.

at the end of that story, "said umm sulaym bint milhan,The day fight, wrapping her open gown: O messenger of God, see those who have fled from you Wkhdhlwk, don't you know them if you are God, he said peace be upon him: Oh, God, or proper health, with more that three timesIn all, says the messenger of Allah peace be upon him: let God is greater ". At first, she says, not to fight these Alfraryn, O messenger of God, as we Fnqtlhm idolaters? He said peace be upon him: let God more.No need to fight the women than those required when fleeing from the messenger of Allah peace be upon him Waslmwh, in that it was fine Bqtalhn statement at necessary; because the prophet did not prevent it in that case.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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