A Date for the Theatre
f Mike I Jack
Hello, Jack. Why the rush? Where are you going? Hello, Mike. I'm on my way to meet Joyce at the station. We're having dinner at a Chinese restaurant and then we're off to the theatre.
Do you often go to the theatre?
Yes, Joyce and I usually go at least once a fortnight; sometimes more. Do you ever go?
Yes, but I don't often find time these days. There are so many other things to do.
True, true.
Listen, perhaps Janet and I can arrange to meet you and Joyce one Saturday evening. We can have dinner together and go on to a theatre.
That's a good idea. Look, I forget the name of the play, but there's a good comedy on at the Theatre Royal next week. If you like, I can book four seats for next Saturday.
All right. I'm meeting Janet later this evening so I can make sure that she's free next Saturday. I'll ring you tomorrow to confirm if we are coming.