Frampton Nuttel had gone to the countryside in order to cure his nerves. His sister, thinking that he, not knowing anyone there, will be depressed, making his nerve problem worse, gave him letters of introduction to all the people she knew there. Nuttel did not think much of such visits but still decided to visit a lady about whom he knew nothing except her name and address. The lady’s niece, a girl of about fifteen years gave him company till the lady came down. The girl on knowing that Nuttel did not know anything accept her aunt’s name and address decided to play a joke on him. She narrated to him how on that very day, three years ago, her aunt met with a tragedy. A large French window was kept wide open and her stay centered on it.
It was three years ago, on that day, Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and her two brothers went to their days’ shooting and never came back. In crossing the moor to their favorite snipe-shooting ground, they were engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog. Their bodies were never found. But her aunt always believes that they will come back some day along with a little brown spaniel that had gone along with them. She believes that they will come back the same way they went and so keeps the window open everyday till it is quite dark. The niece then describes how they went out, the husband with his white waterproof coat over his arm and her youngest brother singing “Bertie why do you bound?” In quiet evenings like that day, even she gets a creepy feeling that they will walk in through that window.
Just then, the aunt hurried to the room, apologizing for her lateness. She told Nuttel not to mind the open window since her husband and her brothers will come home that way from hunting. She then cheerfully talked about shooting and its’ different aspects. Frampton found this very scary and tried to change the topic of discussion by talking of his illness. His hostess only heard him partially as she was constantly looking out of the open window. Then suddenly he saw her face lightened up and exclaimed that they had come. Nuttel looked at the niece who had a look of horror in her eyes. Nuttel turned to look out of the window. He saw three men walking towards the window with guns under their arms. One of them was also carrying a white coat. A tired brown spaniel was with them when they were near the house and one of them sang out, “Bertie, why do you bound?”
Nuttel grabbed wildly at his stick and hat and ran out of the house as if he had seen ghosts. The men came into the house and asked who had bolted out of the house. Mrs. Sappleton also found Nuttel extra-ordinary. She told her husband and brothers, how he had talked only about his illnesses and dashed off without a word of goodbye or apology. Here the niece calmly said that he ran out because of the Spaniel as he had a horror of dogs. He was once hunted into a cemetery somewhere on the banks of the Ganges River by a pack of pariah dogs. He spent the night in a newly dug grave with the dogs snarling and grinning above him.
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
Frampton Nuttel had gone to the countryside in order to cure his nerves. His sister, thinking that he, not knowing anyone there, will be depressed, making his nerve problem worse, gave him letters of introduction to all the people she knew there. Nuttel did not think much of such visits but still decided to visit a lady about whom he knew nothing except her name and address. The lady’s niece, a girl of about fifteen years gave him company till the lady came down. The girl on knowing that Nuttel did not know anything accept her aunt’s name and address decided to play a joke on him. She narrated to him how on that very day, three years ago, her aunt met with a tragedy. A large French window was kept wide open and her stay centered on it.It was three years ago, on that day, Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and her two brothers went to their days’ shooting and never came back. In crossing the moor to their favorite snipe-shooting ground, they were engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog. Their bodies were never found. But her aunt always believes that they will come back some day along with a little brown spaniel that had gone along with them. She believes that they will come back the same way they went and so keeps the window open everyday till it is quite dark. The niece then describes how they went out, the husband with his white waterproof coat over his arm and her youngest brother singing “Bertie why do you bound?” In quiet evenings like that day, even she gets a creepy feeling that they will walk in through that window.ومن ثم، هرع الخالة إلى الغرفة، الاعتذار لتأخر الوقت لها. وصرحت نوتيل لا إلى الأذهان النافذة المفتوحة منذ زوجها واخوتها وسوف تأتي الصفحة الرئيسية بهذه الطريقة من الصيد. ثم مرح تحدثت عن إطلاق النار وعن ' الجوانب المختلفة. فرامبتون وجدت هذا مخيف جداً وحاولت تغيير موضوع المناقشة بالحديث عن مرضه. له مضيفة فقط سمعت عنه جزئيا كما كانت تبحث باستمرار من النافذة المفتوحة. ثم فجأة رأي وجهها يخفف حتى وقال أنهم جاءوا. نوتيل نظرت إلى ابنه الذي كان نظرة الرعب في عينيها. نوتيل تحولت إلى نظرة من النافذة. أنه شاهد ثلاثة رجال يسير نحو النافذة مع المدافع تحت السلاح. واحد منهم كان يحمل أيضا معطفا أبيض. كان الكلب براون تعب معهم عندما كانوا قرب المنزل وواحد منهم غنى بها، "برتي، لماذا قمت بربط؟"أمسك بعنف في بلده عصا وقبعة نوتيل ونفد من المنزل كما لو كان قد رأي أشباح. الرجال جاء إلى المنزل وطلب من الذين قد انسحب خارج المنزل. كما وجدت سابليتون السيدة نوتيل غير عادية. وقالت زوجها والأخوة، كيف أنه تحدث فقط عن بلده الأمراض وانطلق من دون كلمة وداعا أو الاعتذار. هنا قال ابنه هدوء أن ركض بسبب الكلب كما كان رعب كلاب. وكان مرة تصاد في مقبرة في مكان ما على ضفاف نهر الغانج بحزمة من كلاب منبوذة. وقضى الليل في حفر حديثا خطيرا مع الكلاب الزمجرة ومبتسما أعلاه له.
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