How and when to wean
There were two patterns with regard to timing of weaning. Second
time mothers, usually those in the “relaxed” group, tended to be baby
led, using cues such as changes in sleep pattern, finishing milk quickly,
being more irritable and watching others in the family eat.
‘He’d scream and stare at me when we were eating and he was a
bigger baby so I went with rusks as not extreme’
In contrast, advice-led mothers, usually those in the “concerned”
group, sought advice from Health Care Professionals (HCPs), the
internet, books, their own mothers or friends. Those in the higher
socioeconomic category were more likely to seek advice from HCPs.
‘My mum said start at 4 months - she said she started with me at 3
months but I am waiting I have seen the health visitor and I am going to
start at 18 weeks’
Anxiety and concerns about timing of weaning were exacerbated
by conflicting advice.
‘They have now gone back to saying 4 months - if you leave it too late
they can be iron deficient’