Only in İstanbul would a 400-year-old mosque be called 'New'. Dating f ترجمة - Only in İstanbul would a 400-year-old mosque be called 'New'. Dating f العربية كيف أقول

Only in İstanbul would a 400-year-o

Only in İstanbul would a 400-year-old mosque be called 'New'. Dating from 1597, its design references both the Blue Mosque and the Süleymaniye Mosque, with a large forecourt and a square sanctuary surmounted by a series of semidomes crowned by a grand dome. The interior is richly decorated with gold leaf, coloured İznik tiles and carved marble.

Originally commissioned by Valide Sultan Safiye, mother of Sultan Mehmet III, the mosque was completed six sultans later in 1663 by order of Valide Sultan Turhan Hadice, mother of Sultan Mehmet IV.

The site had earlier been occupied by a community of Karaite Jews, radical dissenters from Orthodox Judaism. When the valide sultan decided to build her grand mosque here, the Karaites were moved to Hasköy, a district further up the Golden Horn that still bears traces of their presence.

The mosque was created after Ottoman architecture had reached its peak. Consequently, even its tiles are slightly inferior products, the late 17th century having seen a diminution in the quality of the products coming out of the İznik workshops. You will see this if you compare these tiles with the exquisite examples found in the nearby Rüstem Paşa Mosque, which are from the high period of İznik tilework. Nonetheless, it is a popular working mosque and a much-loved adornment to the city skyline. Note that it is closed to visitors on Fridays between 7am and 2pm.

Across the road from the mosque is the tomb of Valide Sultan Turhan Hadice, the woman who completed construction of the New Mosque. Buried with her are no fewer than six sultans, including her son Mehmet IV, plus dozens of imperial princes and princesses

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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
فقط في اسطنبول أن مسجد عمره 400 سنة أن يسمى 'جديد'. يؤرخ من 1597، مراجع في التصميم الجامع الأزرق ومسجد السليمانية، مع الساحة الأمامية كبيرة وملاذا مربعة من التغلب على سلسلة من سيميدوميس وتوج بقبة الكبرى. الداخلية غنية مزينة بأوراق الذهب والملونة İznik البلاط ومنحوتة من الرخام.أصلاً بتكليف من Valide السلطان صفية، أم السلطان محمد الثالث، كان المسجد السلاطين الست المكتملة في وقت لاحق في 1663 أمر Valide السلطان تورهان حاديس، والده السلطان محمد "الرابع".وفي وقت سابق كانت تحتلها الموقع جماعة من "اليهود كريت"، المنشقين جذرية من اليهودية الأرثوذكسية. عندما قررت valide السلطان بناء المسجد الكبير لها هنا، تم نقل والقرائين إلى Hasköy، مقاطعة كذلك حتى القرن الذهبي الذي لا يزال يحمل آثار وجودهم.تم إنشاء المسجد بعد الهندسة المعمارية العثمانية قد بلغ ذروته. ونتيجة لذلك، حتى في البلاط منتجات رديئة بعض الشيء، أواخر القرن السابع عشر بعد أن شهدت تضاؤل في نوعية المنتجات التي تخرج من حلقات العمل İznik. سوف تشاهد هذا إذا قارنت هذه المربعات مع أمثلة رائعة وجد في مسجد رستم باشا القريبة، ومن فترة İznik tilework عالية. ومع ذلك، فمن مسجد شعبية لعامل وزينه محبوبا لأفق المدينة. علما أنه مغلق أمام الزائرين يوم الجمعة بين 07:00 ص و 02:00 م.عبر الطريق من المسجد هو قبر Valide السلطان تورهان حاديس، امرأة الذي أتم بناء "المسجد الجديد". دفن مع بلدها هي السلاطين لا يقل عن ستة، بما في ذلك بلدها ابنه محمد الرابع، بالإضافة إلى العشرات من الإمبراطورية الأمراء والاميراتاقرأ المزيد:
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النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
Only in İstanbul would a 400-year-old mosque be called 'New'. Dating from 1597, its design references both the Blue Mosque and the Süleymaniye Mosque, with a large forecourt and a square sanctuary surmounted by a series of semidomes crowned by a grand dome. The interior is richly decorated with gold leaf, coloured İznik tiles and carved marble.

Originally commissioned by Valide Sultan Safiye, mother of Sultan Mehmet III, the mosque was completed six sultans later in 1663 by order of Valide Sultan Turhan Hadice, mother of Sultan Mehmet IV.

The site had earlier been occupied by a community of Karaite Jews, radical dissenters from Orthodox Judaism. When the valide sultan decided to build her grand mosque here, the Karaites were moved to Hasköy, a district further up the Golden Horn that still bears traces of their presence.

The mosque was created after Ottoman architecture had reached its peak. Consequently, even its tiles are slightly inferior products, the late 17th century having seen a diminution in the quality of the products coming out of the İznik workshops. You will see this if you compare these tiles with the exquisite examples found in the nearby Rüstem Paşa Mosque, which are from the high period of İznik tilework. Nonetheless, it is a popular working mosque and a much-loved adornment to the city skyline. Note that it is closed to visitors on Fridays between 7am and 2pm.

Across the road from the mosque is the tomb of Valide Sultan Turhan Hadice, the woman who completed construction of the New Mosque. Buried with her are no fewer than six sultans, including her son Mehmet IV, plus dozens of imperial princes and princesses

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