1- to be a commitment to truth Democracy relies on the citizens to obtain reliable and valid facts placed in their proper context.
2- Journalists are supposed to be transparent to the fullest degree with respect to their sources and their ways .
3- For the first loyalty is to citizens At a time when news organizations are dealing with different views, including advertisers and shareholders, journalists must Alhvat in these institutions for their loyalty to the citizens and the public interest above everything, .
4- practitioners must maintain their independence from their coverage of doing Independence is the basic requirement for the press, which is the cornerstone of its reliability. Independence of spirit and mind, and not neutrality, .
5- should serve as an observer independent authority Press an extraordinary ability to control those who affect their power and their citizens.
6- should public opinion and criticism put forward compromise space is available The media is carrying the community dialogue .
7- we should seek to make important and a matter of concern The press is telling the story of her purpose.