لا تقحموا أبنائنا الطلاب في الصراع المسلح والحرب الجائرةتعليقا وتساؤل  ترجمة - لا تقحموا أبنائنا الطلاب في الصراع المسلح والحرب الجائرةتعليقا وتساؤل  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

لا تقحموا أبنائنا الطلاب في الصراع

لا تقحموا أبنائنا الطلاب في الصراع المسلح والحرب الجائرة

تعليقا وتساؤل على القرار الصادر اليوم من العاصمة المؤقتة الخاص بإلغاء ختم وزارة التربية التعليم وعدم التعامل معه والموجه لكافة الجهات الرسمية والمعنية محليا وأقليميا ودوليا.
رابط الخبر المعلن( http://bwabtk.com/yemen/99049.html )
دون النظر أو التوضيح لما يتعلق للطلاب الخريجين قبل هذا التاريخ وكل ما يراد منه التأكيد على عدم شرعية ختم سابق بعد اليوم وليكون ما يكون وأغلب الطلاب اليمنيين ومن لهم علاقة بالأمر لايزال الأمر مرتبط بالعاصمة صنعاء وحيث تتواجد كافة مقرات المنظمات الدولية والمحلية والسفارات , وهلم جر...
بأي عقلية يتم التصرف مع وضع أبنائنا الطلاب ومستقبلهم.
الا يعلم من أصدر القرار هذا بأنه ليس من السهل على الطلاب جميعا أن يتعاملوا مع الوضع الحالي , أليس من الصعب على أيا منهم أن يقوم بالوصول إلى ما يرمى إليه, أليس هذا دعوة لجر أبنائنا الطلاب إلى ما لا يحمد عقباه .
ماذا عن أبنائنا الطلاب الذين سبق وأن حصلوا على شهادات تخرج من الثانوية العامة وبالختم القديم , وخاصة أولئك الذين تضرروا من جراء الصراع المسلح والأوضاع السياسية الجارية في اليمن, والذي بسبب كل ذلك لم يتمكنوا من الحصول على فرصة الدراسة في الجامعات خارج اليمن .
ما هو ذنب أبنائنا الطلاب مما يحدث من صراع و من قرارات لا تراعي حقوق الطالب اليمني؟
ألا يكفي أن الكثيرين من هم لم يتمكنوا من مواصلة دراستهم ولنفس الأسباب التي ارتبطت بالأحداث الجارية في اليمن.
وما هي المعالجات التي يمكن أن تحل مشاكلهم هذه وأوضاعهم لكي يواصلوا دراستهم الجامعية.
لا تجروا أبنائنا في معترك الصراع المسلح والأوضاع السياسية التي لم تجلب لنا جميعا سوى الدمار والقتل و ضياع المستقبل والفرص امام أبناؤنا.
إذا كان أبنائكم قد حلت مشاكلهم فلا تقحموا أبنائنا في حرب لا هوادة فيها.
ولا يعرف أي عاقبة ستؤول إليها و تحل عليكم لعنة التاريخ ونقمة الأجيال القادمة.
د. احمد عبدالعزيز نعمان البناء
عضو الشبكة الدولية لتعزيز سيادة القانون
رئيس مؤسسة منار العلمية للدراسات والبحوث الصحية
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Do they insert students in armed conflict and unfair warA comment and question on the resolution of the temporary capital today to abolish the Ministry of education seal and not deal with him for all the official bodies involved locally, regionally and internationally.The advertiser News link (http://bwabtk.com/yemen/99049.html)Without consideration or clarification with regard to graduating students before that date, all intended to emphasize the illegality of an earlier seal after today and what is the majority of Yemeni students and linked to it remains it is linked to the capital, Sanaa, where all international and local organizations, offices and embassies, and timbers.Any mental disposed with the development of our students and their futures.Only learning of this decision issued by it is not easy for all students to deal with the current situation, isn't it difficult for any of them to reach the, isn't this an invitation to drag our students praise the consequences. What about students who have received certificates of graduation from high school and the old seal, and especially those who have been affected by armed conflict and the ongoing political situation in Yemen, and that because of all this couldn't get the opportunity to study at universities outside Yemen.What is the guilt of our students than from conflict and decisions did not take into account the rights of student right?Is it not enough that many of them were unable to continue their studies for the same reasons associated with the events in Yemen.What are the treatments that can solve these problems and their status in order to continue their University.Don't do an our arena of armed conflict and the political situation which has brought all of us only destruction and death and loss of future opportunities for our children. If your children have been solved their problems don't they insert our relentless war.And did not know of any consequence will belong to and resolved you curse history and revulsion.Dr. Ahmed Abdul Aziz nouman construction Member of the international network to promote the rule of lawPresident of the Foundation for scientific studies and illuminated health research
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
No Tqahmwa students of our children in armed conflict and war unfair comments and questioned the decision issued today from the private temporary capital to abolish stamp of the Ministry of Education and not to deal with him and directed to all the official authorities and the relevant locally, regionally and internationally. Announced the news link (http://bwabtk.com/yemen/ 99049.html) without consideration or clarification of what respect for students graduates before this date and everything is intended to emphasize the illegality of the former seal after day and be what will be the most Yemeni students are involved in the matter still is linked to the capital Sana'a, where all the headquarters of the international and local organizations and embassies are located and so drag ... any mentality is to act with the development of our students and their future. Does he not know of the issued resolution is that it is not easy for all students to deal with the current situation, is not it difficult for any of them that is accessing what is thrown to him, right This call to drag our students to what may have dire consequences. What about the students who have already our children and received certificates of graduation from high school and seal the old, especially those who have been affected by armed conflict and political situation taking place in Yemen, and that because of all of this could not get the opportunity to study at universities outside Yemen. What is the guilt of our students of what is happening from the conflict and of the decisions do not take into account the Yemeni student's rights? Is it not enough that many of them were unable to continue their studies and for the same reasons that have been associated ongoing in Yemen events. What are the treatments can solve their problems this situation in order to continue their university studies. No Tgroa our children in the arena of armed conflict and political conditions that did not bring all of us only death and destruction and the loss of the future and opportunities for our children. If your children have been solved their problems do not Tqahmwa our children in a relentless war. any consequence accrue to you and solve the curse of history and the curse of future generations. It is not known d. Ahmed Al Noman constructive member of the international network to promote the rule of law head Manar Scientific Foundation for Studies and Research Health

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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