Elizabethan drama:
-The chief literary glory of the great Elizabethan age was its drama, but even before it began several plays appeared which showed that a great development had taken place. They are not very good plays, but in general the comedies are better than the tragedies .
-The first regular English comedy was Ralph Roister Doister by NICHOLAS Udall ,headmaster of Westminster School, who probably wrote it for his boys to act It is in rough verse and contains the sort of humour that may be found among country people .
-The firs regula English tragedy was Gorboduc in blank verse performed in 1564. The first three acts were written by THOMAS NORTON, the other two by THOMAS SACK VILLE. It is very dull ,and is about King Gorboduc of England and his family, .
-The Spanish Tragedy (1592) by THOMAS Kyd is an example of the tragedy of blood, popular at the time. Blood and death play a arge part in such play . The first great dramatist of the time was CHRISTOPHER MARIOWE.His first tragedy, 1-Tamburlaine Great .2-The few of Malta 3-dr.faustus.4-Edward the Second.
مهم*why marlowes writing were considered as an example for other dramatists in Elizabethan age?
Marlowe's writing set an example for other dramatists in the great Elizabethan age in two important ways
1-the use of powerful blank verse lines to strengthen the drama.
2-The development of character to heighten the sense of tragedy .
-The poet who introduced the Elizabethan Age proper.
- Became famous after he published The Shepherd’s Calendar (1579): a poem in 12 books, one for each month of the year.
-They take the form of discussions among shepherds and are the best pastorals written in English up to that time.
- His greatest work is The Faerie Queene .
- Spenser invented a special meter for this poem, the Spenserian stanza
-He also wrote 88 sonnets under the title Amoretti .
- His book of sonnets, Astrophel and Stella.
- an English philosopher, essayist.
-Works: New Atlantis (1627)
- Some of the best-known sayings in English come from Bacon’s essays: وحده منهم
- Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark.
-If a man be gracious to strangers, he shows he is a citizen of the world.
-Why should I be angry with a man for loving himself better
than loving me?
- Revenge is a kind of wild justice.
-Cure the disease and kill the patient