علم الإنفوجرافيك Infographic :بتنا مؤخراً نسمع كثيراً كلمة ” انفوجرافي ترجمة - علم الإنفوجرافيك Infographic :بتنا مؤخراً نسمع كثيراً كلمة ” انفوجرافي الإنجليزية كيف أقول

علم الإنفوجرافيك Infographic :بتنا

علم الإنفوجرافيك Infographic :

بتنا مؤخراً نسمع كثيراً كلمة ” انفوجرافيك ” تتردد على ألسنة الكثير من رواد المواقع التقنية أو حتى من رواد المواقع العادية التي تتناول عرض بيانات معينة حول موضوع ما بشكل رسومي ، فما هو هذا العلم وكيف يمكن الاستفادة منه أو حتى الدخول في عالمه ، هذا ما سنطرحه بهذا الموضوع .

علم الإنفوجرافيك :

هو فن تحويل البيانات والمعلومات والمفاهيم المعقدة الي صور ورسوم يمكن فهمها واستيعابها بوضوح وتشويق ، وهو أسلوب يتميز بعرض المعلومات المعقدة و الصعبة بطريقة سلسة وسهلة وواضحة للقارئ .
مسميات آخرى شائعة لهذا العلم على المواقع :

انفوجرافيك أو انفوجرافيكس Infographics

التصاميم المعلوماتية Information Design

البيانات التصورية التفاعلية Data Visualization

أنواع الإنفوجرافيك :

انفوجرافيك ثابت : يكون عبارة عن رسم تصويري يشرح شيء معين بشكل ثابت دون الحاجة الى أي تفاعل مع القارئ ، كالمثال التالي :

انفوجرافيك متحرك : وهو عبارة عن رسم تصويري متحرك يتفاعل معه القارئ وهذا يعتمد على جزء من مفهوم الرسوم المتحركة وقد نراه في بعض مواقع الويب التي باتت تميل الى هذا العلم باستخدام تقنيات الويب المختلفة مثل HTML5 والـ CSS3 لتشرح شيء معين ، وبعضها يظهر على هيئة فيديو يستخدم رسومات الإنفوجرافيك لتمثيل المعلومات ، مثل الفيديو التالي :

فائدة وأهمية الإنفوجرافيك:

تغيير الطريقة الروتينية لعرض المعلومات والبيانات للناس وبالتالي هذا يساعد على تغيير استجابة الناس وتفاعلهم مع هذه المعلومات عند رؤيتها
عرض المعلومات والأفكار بشكل سهل وسلس يساعد على توصيل الأفكار المعقدة بكل بساطة

خطوات تصميم الإنفوجرافيك:

تحديد الفكرة التي ترغب بعرضها للجمهور بشكل بسيط وسهل

تحديد مصادر موثوقة للمعلومات التي ترغب بعرضها وتمثيلها للفكرة المختارة

عمل رسم وتصور مبدئي للرسم يتحدد فيه العناوين الرئيسية والفرعية، الشكل العام، الألوان، طبيعة التصميم

تنقيح التصميم والتأكد من أن كل البيانات والمعلومات التي تم جمعها عن الفكرة قد تم عرضها بالشكل المرغوب به والشكل السليم، إضافة الى التأكد من صحة الرسوم وهل تعبر عن الفكرة المختارة أم لا
الإخراج النهائي للتصميم المرسوم وهل سيعتمد كتصميم ثابت أم متحرك
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Infographic: alanfogravik flagWe recently heard the word "anfogravik" often hesitate to year many pioneers of tech sites or even leading regular sites dealing with specific data on a topic graphically, what is this and how can you benefit from it, or even to enter into his world, that is what the G8 countries on this topic.Science alanfogravik:Is the art of transforming data and information and complex concepts into images and drawings can be understood and absorbed with clarity and suspense, a style characterized by complex and challenging information display smooth and easy and clear to the reader.Other common names for this science sites:Anfogravik or anfograviks InfographicsDesigns of Informatics Information DesignInteractive Data Visualization scenario dataAlanfogravik types:Anfogravik: a pictorial graphic explaining something statically without need for any interaction with the reader, as the following example:BCzCuDpCMAAZsUZAnfogravik mobile: a drawing painterly animation interacts with the reader and this depends on the part of the concept of animation was seen in some websites now tend to this knowledge using various Web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3 to explain something, and each appears as a video alanfogravik graphics used to represent information, such as the following video:The usefulness and importance of alanfogravik:Change the routine way to display information and data to people so this helps change people respond and interact with this information when you see itView information and ideas in an easy and smooth helps connecting complex ideas simplyAlanfogravik design steps:Select the idea you want to display to the public in a simple and easyIdentifying reliable sources for the information you want to display and representation of selected ideaFunction graph and visualize the principle of drawing which is determined by headings and subheadings, general shape, colors, design natureRevision of design and ensure that all data and information gathered about the idea was viewed as desirable and proper, in addition to verifying fee and do reflect the selected idea or notThe final output of the design Ordinance does depend as static or animated design
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Science Alanfujravek Infographic: recently we now hear so much the word "Anfujravek" hesitate on the tongues of many of the pioneers of technical or sites even of the pioneers of regular sites dealing view certain data on a topic graphically, what is this science and how they can benefit from it, or even enter into his world this is what we will put forward this subject. aware Alanfujravek: is the art of data and information and complex concepts into photographs and drawings converter that can be understood and absorbed clearly and suspense, a style characterized by display complex information and difficult smooth and easy and clear manner to the reader. designations another rumor of this science to sites: Anfujravek or Anfujraveks Infographics informatics designs Information Design conceptual data Interactive data Visualization types Alanfujravek: Anfujravek fixed: be a graphic pictorial explains certain thing consistently without the need for any interaction with the reader, following example: BCzCuDpCMAAZsUZ Anfujravek moving: It is a cartoon graphic interacts with him the reader and this depends on the part of the concept of animation has been seen in some Web sites that are tend to this science by using different web technologies such as HTML5 and the CSS3 to explain certain things, some of which appear on the video body uses graphics Alanfujravek to represent information, such as the following video: the usefulness and relevance Alanfujravek: changing the way the routine to display the data and information to the people and therefore this helps to change people's response and interaction with this information when seeing the presentation of information and ideas in a seamless easy helps to deliver complex ideas simply design steps Alanfujravek: identify the idea that you want to view it to the public in a simple and easy to identify sources reliable information that you want viewing and representation selected for the idea of the work of drawing the initial idea of painting which is determined by the headlines and sub, the overall shape, the colors, the nature of the design, the design revision and making sure that all the data and information collected from the idea has been viewed as desirable and proper form, in addition to the ensure the health and whether fees reflect the chosen idea or not, the final output of the design and whether the decree will depend fixed or mobile such as designing

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Alanfwjrafyk Infographic Science:Recently, we often hear the word "Anfwjrafyk" are on the many of the pioneers of technical positions or even the users normal sites dealing with the presentation of certain data about my question, what is science and how to use it or even enter his world, that is Sntrhh this theme.Alanfwjrafyk Science:The art of transforming complex data information and concepts to the pictures and can be clearly understood and suspense, a method is introduced the difficult and complex information in a clear, smooth and easy. The reader.Other names are common sites for that flag.Anfwjrafyk or Anfwjrafyks InfographicsThe design information Information DesignInteractive conceptual data Data VisualizationAlanfwjrafyk types:Anfwjrafyk fixed: a pictorial drawing consistently explains a pattern without the need for any interaction with the reader, Kalmthal:BCzCuDpCMAAZsUZAnfwjrafyk Animation: a pictorial drawing animation interacts with the reader depending on the part of the animation concept was seen in some web sites that are tend to have this knowledge using web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3 to explain something, some of which appear on the video is used to represent information, such as graphics, Alanfwjrafyk the following Video:The usefulness and relevance of Alanfwjrafyk:Change the routine method to display information and data that helps people and thereby change the response of people interaction with this information when you see.The display of information and ideas and helps smooth easy to communicate complex ideas simple.The design of Alanfwjrafyk steps:Determination of the idea that wish publicly offered a simple and easyReliable sources of information that you would like by and representing the selected conceptThe work of a drawing and painting which designates primary and secondary address, the general layout, colors, nature of designDesign revision and ensure that all data and information collected about the idea is presented. The desired shape by the shape and sound, in addition to confirm the charges it reflects the idea is selected or not.The final output of design Ordinance and will depend upon the design of fixed or mobile.
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لغات أخرى
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