young servant's heart. Knowing this poor girl was
'sold' by her parents just for the sake of money; he could not help but to feel
distressed. Even a servant like him knew this act was wrong because children
are meant to be loved, not to be sacrificed. But what can he do? A??er all, it was
his mistress's 'brilliant' idea that this poor girl had to su??er on
behalf of her.
Ruolan's mind was distracted when he suddenly heard her coughing; the cough
was so bad as if she was about to cough out of her heart and lungs. Alarmed, he
hurriedly stood then moved to her side, rubbing her back gently, the young
servant's face was all pale upon seeing her in pain."Miss Jiao Ju, are you
The young maiden did not answer him immediately instead continued on
coughing hard. A??er some time, she was able to stop the coughs stop but the
blood stain on her mouth shocked the young servant. He immediately stood to
inform his mistress about the matter but was halted by her when she tugged his
sleeve tightly, Jiao Ju wore a desperate look as she shook her head. "It is better
this way..."
Ruolan's chest tightened, he does not wish for things to get worse, in panicked
he said: "Miss Jiao Ju, do not be like this! Let me inform this to Young Mistress
and bring you some medicine or... It will get serious!" He tried to convince her
but was no use; she kept pulling his sleeve, preventing him from moving.
"It is okay, my illness has reached to a stage which is incurable... So, there is no
use for you to get me a cure..." Jiao Ju could only smile helplessly; her face was
all pale as sweats dripping down her forehead.
Ruolan had his one's heart in one's mouth[1] upon hearing her refusal to be
treated. Even though there were none medicines that will not work on her
anymore, she should not have given up in continuing her life. Who knows if
miracle did exist? At least, that was what he thought.
The young sick maiden fixed her position then sat obediently beside the young
servant, her eyes focused on the tea in front of her as she continues on talking,
"Did you know? Soon a??er I knew my parents agreed to have me become your
mistress's scapegoat, I tried to end my llife. I could not believe for my own
parents treated me like a tool. Did they not see me as their own child?" She
paused then turned her head directly to the young servant beside her. "But
then, I realized something."
Her eyes changes, this time they were bright and filled with determination.
"Even though they hated me, they are still my parents thus I cannot bear myself
to hate them. Considered they worked hard to buy medicines and treated my
illness in the past, I used this opportunity to repay my debt to
them." The girl's
face changed into a tender expression, reminiscing back about the good thing
happened to her in the past.
Ruolan sat still there, stunned by her words. Even though her parents hated her
for her uselessness but she did not bear any hatred towards them which made
him secretly respect her. But seeing her condition like this... He cannot help but
to worry.
The girl's heart moved seeing his troubled expression, knowing he was worried
about her, she chuckled so??ly then pats his shoulder. "Good Heavens, Ruolan. I
have never met someone like you who worried over people even though you
just met them in a short time. Thank you for worrying about me, but I have
made up my mind that I will live my life in the palace until I die."
To Ruolan, it was his nature to be worried about other people as he always put
others first then himself for the last. The determined look that the girl wore; the
young servant could not help but to bear with her resolution. It was her choice
a??er all, so he cannot do anything to stop her.
The night has turned late and the temperature had started to become bitterly
cold. A??er Jiao Ju went to sleep, Ruolan retired to his room to rest.
When he opened his eyes again, it was already morning and he got up to
prepare breakfast as usual. A??er finished cooking, he went to Jiao Ju's room to
send her for her breakfast. "Is Miss Jiao Ju up already? Your breakfast is ready
and I am sending it to you." He said as he waited her outside of the room but did
not hear any reply so he called her again. Realizing something was o??; he
barged into her room and found her lying on the floor, her face was all pale
mixed with sweats, strain of blood could be seen on the floor and on her mouth.
Alarmed by the scene in front of him, Ruolan rushed forward to check on her:
"Miss Jiao Ju! Miss Jiao Ju!"
Ruolan's sudden raised of volume woke the other people in the house, made
whole family rushed over the room where they found Ruolan was holding Jiao
Ju in fear. Their eyes widen in shock then asked: "What happened to her?!"
"I-I do not know. When I came here to deliver her breakfast, she already had
been like this when I found her!" The young servant replied in a rush tone.
"Quickly, send for