Research Results5.1 Answer to Q1: What is the effectiveness of using infographic (static andanimated) in the development of: (a) the skills of designing and producingvisual learning materials, and (b) the skills of recognizing the elementsand principles of visual designing?Arithmetic averages, standard deviations and significance of differences betweenthe students’ scores in the pre and post-test measurement scores for the students' performanceon the observation card and the cognitive test. The differences significancebetween the averages were then calculated using paired- samples T-Test. And theresults are shown in table 1.The results shown in table 1 demonstrate the existence of statistically significantdifferences at the level of (0.01) between the mean scores of the pre- and post-testscores of the students of the two experimental groups in their performance for theskills of designing and producing visual learning materials on the observation card;and they also demonstrate the difference in their performance in the cognitive tests forrecognizing the elements and the principles of visual design. These differences in preandpost-test scores denote the effectiveness of the use of both the static and the animatedinfographics on developing the skills of recognizing the elements and the prin-216 http://www.i-jet.orgPaper—The Effect of the Difference Between Infographic Designing Types (Static vs Animated) on …ciples of visual design, as well as the skills of designing and producing visual learningmaterials.