Jun exclaimed, by all means for the two to please do not cause any sudden problems, okay!? Reishou said that on contrary, for Jun to warn them so many times, it really makes one really want to do something! Yuulin sweatdropped and told Reishou not to be like that.
She hoped that Jun can properly relax tomorrow. Reishou said, yes. Narration: “—so, it’s like that. As a couple, we should also spend a tranquil vacation. –if I didn’t carelessly have loose lips..” At the harem, Reishou is lying down on Yuulin’s lap. She told him that Ranyou said that after Ryukou met with Reishou, he is always very lively!
Yuulin is happy for she gave her all-out effort to boost the brothers’ camaraderie!! Yuulin says, “When he was at Youshu, it still feels that he’s very quiet. *thinks of high spirited Ryukou* After coming here, His Highness Eifuu had become very energetic.”