100:01:45,744 --> 00:01:49,307Now we're coming intothe cooling room.20 ترجمة - 100:01:45,744 --> 00:01:49,307Now we're coming intothe cooling room.20 العربية كيف أقول

100:01:45,744 --> 00:01:49,307Now w

00:01:45,744 --> 00:01:49,307
Now we're coming into
the cooling room.

00:01:49,324 --> 00:01:51,756
As you can see the upper
three furnaces,

00:01:51,757 --> 00:01:54,188
the first one, the second
and the third over there

00:01:54,209 --> 00:02:00,479
are constantly in service. The other
furnaces can be fired up when required...

00:02:02,241 --> 00:02:06,199
You will have no direct contact
with Herr Hoffmeister,

00:02:06,267 --> 00:02:08,351
our director general.

00:02:08,438 --> 00:02:12,595
And you are never to disturb him
for any reason whatsoever.

00:02:12,635 --> 00:02:16,700
Is that quite clear, Herr Zeitz?
This is his office.

00:02:28,532 --> 00:02:31,601
And this is your office.

00:03:07,388 --> 00:03:10,237
Friedrich Zeitz, Herr Hoffmeister.

00:03:10,311 --> 00:03:13,993
Oh, yes, the new boy...
with the first in engineering.

00:03:14,009 --> 00:03:17,791
From Freiburg university.
I majored in metallurgical chemistry.

00:03:17,885 --> 00:03:19,710
Is it no rather late for work?

00:03:19,795 --> 00:03:25,876
Yes. Though I mean... no.
I have all the time in the world.

00:03:25,908 --> 00:03:27,952
Well, I haven't.

00:03:28,276 --> 00:03:34,365
Frau Hoffmeister is a stickler for
punctuality, soup is in the plates at 7.30.

00:03:37,124 --> 00:03:39,968
I abhore soup.

00:04:00,147 --> 00:04:03,159
Hey, Fritz.

00:04:13,369 --> 00:04:15,707
You call that a kiss?

00:04:15,808 --> 00:04:19,862
- No time, Anna. I'm too busy.
- You're always too busy!

00:04:19,942 --> 00:04:23,836
Your washing's dry but
have yet to iron it!

00:04:25,967 --> 00:04:29,847
- I'll bring it up with your soup.
- I abhore soup.

00:04:30,053 --> 00:04:33,076
- Do you? That's new.
- Yes, it is.

00:04:36,089 --> 00:04:41,118
The board was very impressed by your report
on the raw materials to output ratio.

00:04:41,218 --> 00:04:45,293
We've decided... I've decided to
widen your responsibilities.

00:04:45,368 --> 00:04:51,384
You'll start by supervising the order for
parts for the Düsseldorf railway bridge.

00:04:51,672 --> 00:04:55,223
You'll be very
comfortable in here.

00:04:57,939 --> 00:05:04,936
If you need to consult me, don't hesitate.
My door will be always open to you.

00:05:15,409 --> 00:05:20,419
- Found it?
- Almost! There's such a mountain of files!

00:05:20,747 --> 00:05:25,790
- My father's father started the foundry in...
- In 1835!

00:05:28,169 --> 00:05:34,045
Exactly. Then the boom came with
the demand for railway tracks...

00:05:34,350 --> 00:05:38,509
For the first main line from
Dresden to Leipzig in 1839.

00:05:41,119 --> 00:05:44,525
Is there anything you don't know?

00:05:45,108 --> 00:05:49,169
Oh, yes, Herr Hoffmesiter,
I still have much to learn.

00:06:13,142 --> 00:06:15,846
Are you all right, sir?

00:06:15,899 --> 00:06:18,909
- Shall I call the doctor?
- No.

00:06:33,860 --> 00:06:39,707
I have... a quite serious
health condition.

00:06:42,014 --> 00:06:47,784
But nobody here at the plant
must know of it. Nobody.

00:07:22,666 --> 00:07:27,008
Friedrich Zeitz, Herr Hoffmeister
is expecting me.

00:07:42,005 --> 00:07:46,865
My doctor has confined me to
the house until further notice.

00:07:46,938 --> 00:07:50,614
I can partly run the steelworks
by telephone so...

00:07:52,021 --> 00:07:54,795
I've decided to give
you a new job.

00:07:54,867 --> 00:07:56,902
- Me?
- Yes.

00:07:59,187 --> 00:08:03,247
I want you to report to me
here once a day to discuss

00:08:03,300 --> 00:08:08,344
current business and then to relay
my instructions back to the works.

00:08:08,632 --> 00:08:10,633
What do you say?

00:08:24,531 --> 00:08:26,603
Stop here, please.

00:08:45,726 --> 00:08:49,207
The manufacture of 328 girders
should be subject to a 40% deposit,

00:08:49,208 --> 00:08:52,688
not 33%, as mistakenly
states in the contract.

00:08:53,030 --> 00:08:54,688
Incidentally, Herr Hoffmeister.

00:08:54,862 --> 00:08:57,769
For six days this furnace has been
out of line. The hairline crack

00:08:57,770 --> 00:09:00,676
in the reservoir must be between
the sixth and the seventh.

00:09:00,862 --> 00:09:04,676
That's why this furnace and this one here
are still not operational.

00:09:05,094 --> 00:09:07,751
Could you please type out two copies
of the engineer's meeting?

00:09:07,969 --> 00:09:10,272
Herr Hoffmeister wishes to
add his own notes before

00:09:10,273 --> 00:09:12,713
distributing it to the factory.
I'll take a copy from my desk.

00:09:14,455 --> 00:09:16,899
...it follows that
renovating the foundry

00:09:16,900 --> 00:09:19,344
will cut budget costs and double
the output to 12 tons per year...

00:09:19,434 --> 00:09:22,753
Thank you.
That's enough for today.

00:09:24,477 --> 00:09:25,939
Come on.

00:09:27,997 --> 00:09:29,987
Herr Zeitz?

00:09:30,873 --> 00:09:33,528
I'm Frau Hoffmeister.

00:09:34,249 --> 00:09:36,492
Herr Hoffmeister's wife?

00:09:36,513 --> 00:09:40,226
Of course.
I'm not his mother.

00:09:42,578 --> 00:09:46,135
So we meet at last. My husband
has told me a lot about you.

00:09:46,160 --> 00:09:49,651
I was just about to take some tea.
Would you like to join me?

00:09:49,717 --> 00:09:54,872
It's very kind of you but...
I'm already late. Another time, perhaps.

00:09:56,015 --> 00:09:58,841
Goodbye, Herr Hoff...
Frau Hoffmeister.

00:10:12,969 --> 00:10:16,862
Music means more to me
than anything in the world.

00:10:17,003 --> 00:10:20,611
Except my husband
and son of course.

00:10:24,860 --> 00:10:28,772
Oh, no, thank you.

00:10:39,654 --> 00:10:41,339

00:10:42,085 --> 00:10:43,434
Thank you.

00:10:44,969 --> 00:10:48,113
Yes, thank you or no, thank you?

00:10:48,980 --> 00:10:51,839
Yes, no, it's perfect.

00:11:08,990 --> 00:11:13,088
Somebody once said, I can't
remember who, that so...

00:11:13,171 --> 00:11:19,436
that music can exist without the wolrd
but the world cannot exist without music.

00:11:22,417 --> 00:11:24,766
I believe it was Goethe.

00:11:24,926 --> 00:11:30,022
Yes. So you enjoy
literature then, Herr Zeitz.

00:11:30,056 --> 00:11:33,840
To be honest I mostly
read science books.

00:11:34,991 --> 00:11:37,341
Tea is really very nice.

00:11:37,412 --> 00:11:42,503
- Have you never tasted tea before?
- No, it's the first time.

00:11:43,648 --> 00:11:47,514
Well, enough about me.
Tell me about yourself.

00:11:48,041 --> 00:11:53,798
- I'm afraid, there's nothing to tell.
- No, surely you must have a family.

00:11:53,885 --> 00:11:57,384
I never knew my father. My mother
died when I was very young.

00:11:57,473 --> 00:12:01,574
- But who brought you up?
- I was a ward of state.

00:12:02,102 --> 00:12:05,186
Well, you certainly did
brilliantly at school.

00:12:05,242 --> 00:12:09,347
I had to, it was my only hope,
literally my only hope.

00:12:16,853 --> 00:12:21,684
- Have you found somewhere nice to live?
- Very nice, thank you.

00:12:22,667 --> 00:12:27,839
My husband commissioned it. I hated sitting
for it, I think it shows, doesn't it?

00:12:32,804 --> 00:12:36,859
- That's a very pretty...
- Isn't it beautiful?

00:12:37,289 --> 00:12:40,008
I saw it in a shop window
and fell in love with it.

00:12:40,626 --> 00:12:42,925
My husband thinks it's ghastly.

00:12:46,102 --> 00:12:51,214
- More tea? - No. Thank you.
I should be getting back to the office.

00:12:51,355 --> 00:12:55,000
Yes, of course. What time is it?
Otto will be home soon.

00:12:55,007 --> 00:12:58,380
Otto, he's our son.
You haven't met him yet?

00:12:58,448 --> 00:12:59,750

00:13:00,666 --> 00:13:04,846
He is... he is a very
bouncy, very happy boy,

00:13:04,946 --> 00:13:08,729
but he doesn't really
apply himself in school.

00:13:09,591 --> 00:13:11,430
It occurs to me...

00:13:15,654 --> 00:13:17,717
I did some tutoring
when I was a student.

00:13:18,070 --> 00:13:22,083
If you like I could give your
son some extra lessons.

00:13:22,132 --> 00:13:27,231
- Would... would you have time for that?
- I could make time.

00:13:28,022 --> 00:13:33,099
No. Don't let me disturb you,
I left my newspaper somewhere.

00:13:33,463 --> 00:13:37,724
- So how do you find our young friend?
- You'll never guess what he just offered.

00:13:37,789 --> 00:13:39,092
I've no idea.

00:13:39,117 --> 00:13:43,195
- He's offered to give Otto extra lessons.
- Well!

00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:47,812
You soon have the whole
family under your wing.

00:13:52,890 --> 00:13:56,179
It's easy. Come on, try.

00:14:01,593 --> 00:14:06,853
See? You've got it in you.
Now, let's practise your French.

00:14:06,954 --> 00:14:11,474
- French is a beautiful language.
- No, it's not. Mother makes me learn it.

00:14:11,549 --> 00:14:13,573
But I hate it.

00:14:13,662 --> 00:14:16,537
Try reading me this fable.

00:14:18,071 --> 00:14:20,074
The Wolf and the Dog.

00:14:20,075 --> 00:14:23,575
A prowling wolf, whose shaggy skin
Hid little but his bones,

00:14:23,576 --> 00:14:27,076
So strict the watch
of dogs had been

00:14:27,077 --> 00:14:32,477
Once met a mastiff dog astray.

00:14:32,478 --> 00:14:37,378
A prouder, fatter, sleeker Tray,

00:14:37,379 --> 00:14:40,779
Sir Wolf in famish'd
plight, Would fain have

00:14:40,780 --> 00:14:44,179
made a ration upon
his fat relation

00:14:44,180 --> 00:14:47,480
But then he first must fight;

00:14:47,481 --> 00:14:50,031
And well the dog seem'd able

00:14:50,032 --> 00:14:52,581
To save from wolfish table
his carcass snug and tight.

00:14:52,582 --> 00:14:56,632
So, then, in civil conversation

00:14:56,633 --> 00:15:00,682
The wolf express'd his
admiration of Tray's fine case.

00:15:00,683 --> 00:15:08,68
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
100:01:45، 744--> 00:01:49، 307الآن نحن أنت قادم إلىغرفة التبريد.200:01:49، 324--> 00:01:51، 756وكما ترون العلويالأفران الثلاثة،300:01:51، 757--> 00:01:54، 188الأولى، والثانيوالثالثة أكثر من هناك400:01:54، 209--> 00:02:00، 479يتم باستمرار في الخدمة. الأخرىيمكن أن تطلق الأفران حتى عند الاقتضاء...500:02:02، 241--> 00:02:06، 199سيكون لديك أي اتصال مباشرمع هوفميستر هير،600:02:06، 267--> 00:02:08، 351مديرنا العام.700:02:08، 438--> 00:02:12، 595وأنت ابدأ تعكير لهلأي سبب من الأسباب.800:02:12، 635--> 00:02:16، 700ذلك واضحة تماما، زيتز هير؟وهذا المكتب له.900:02:28، 532--> 00:02:31، 601وهذا هو المكتب الخاص بك.1000:03:07، 388--> 00:03:10، 237فريدريش زيتز، هوفميستر هير.1100:03:10، 311--> 00:03:13، 993أوه، نعم، الصبي جديدة...بالأول في الهندسة.1200:03:14، 009--> 00:03:17، 791من جامعة فرايبورغ.أنا تخصص في الكيمياء المعدنية.1300:03:17، 885--> 00:03:19، 710ليس في وقت متأخر نوعا عن العمل؟1400:03:19، 795--> 00:03:25، 876نعم. على الرغم من أن يعني.. لا.لدى كل الوقت في العالم.1500:03:25، 908--> 00:03:27، 952حسنا، أنا لم.1600:03:28، 276--> 00:03:34، 365هوفميستير فراو هو المتمسك أجلالالتزام بالمواعيد، حساء في اللوحات الساعة 7.30.1700:03:37، 124--> 00:03:39، 968أنا شوربة أبهوري.1800:04:00، 147--> 00:04:03، 159مهلا، فريتز.1900:04:13، 369--> 00:04:15، 707يمكنك استدعاء الذي قبله؟2000:04:15، 808--> 00:04:19، 862--أي وقت من الأوقات، أنا. أنا مشغول جداً.-كنت دائماً مشغول جداً!2100:04:19، 942--> 00:04:23، 836لكن الجافة الغسيل الخاصة بكولم الحديد أنه!2200:04:25، 967--> 00:04:29، 847--سوف أحمل أنه مع حساء الخاص بك.--حساء عابر.2300:04:30، 053--> 00:04:33، 076--هل أنت؟ وهذا الجديد.-نعم،.2400:04:36، 089--> 00:04:41، 118المجلس أعجبت جداً بالتقرير الخاص بكعلى المواد الخام إلى نسبة المخرجات.2500:04:41، 218--> 00:04:45، 293لقد قررنا... لقد قررتتوسيع نطاق المسؤوليات الملقاة على عاتقكم.2600:04:45، 368--> 00:04:51، 384عليك أن تبدأ بالإشراف على أمرقطع غيار لجسر السكة الحديدية في دوسلدورف.2700:04:51، 672--> 00:04:55، 223عليك أن تكون الغايةالراحة هنا.2800:04:57، 939--> 00:05:04، 936إذا كنت بحاجة إلى استشارة لي، لا تتردد.بأبي ستكون دائماً مفتوحة لكم.2900:05:15، 409--> 00:05:20، 419--وجدت؟--تقريبا! يوجد مثل هذه ال ملفات!3000:05:20، 747--> 00:05:25، 790-وبدأ الأب والدي المسبك...-في عام 1835!3100:05:28، 169--> 00:05:34، 045بالضبط. ثم جاءت الطفرة معالطلب للسكك الحديدية...3200:05:34، 350--> 00:05:38، 509للخط الرئيسي الأول مندريسدن في لايبزيغ في عام 1839.3300:05:41، 119--> 00:05:44، 525هل هناك أي شيء كنت لا تعرف؟3400:05:45، 108--> 00:05:49، 169أوه، نعم، هوفميستر هير،لا يزال لدى الكثير لنتعلمه.3500:06:13، 142--> 00:06:15، 846هل أنت كل الحق، سيدي الرئيس؟3600:06:15، 899--> 00:06:18، 909-سوف أدعو الطبيب؟-رقم3700:06:33، 860--> 00:06:39، 707لدى خطيرة جداً...حالته الصحية.3800:06:42، 014--> 00:06:47، 784لكن لا أحد هنا في المصنعيجب أن تعرف ذلك. لا أحد.3900:07:22، 666--> 00:07:27، 008فريدريش زيتز، هوفميستر هيروتتوقع لي.4000:07:42، 005--> 00:07:46، 865وقد تقتصر طبيبي لي أنمجلس النواب حتى إشعار آخر.4100:07:46، 938--> 00:07:50، 614يمكن تشغيل جزئيا دعاماتعن طريق الهاتف حيث...4200:07:52، 021--> 00:07:54، 795لقد قررت أن تعطيلك مهمة جديدة.4300:07:54، 867--> 00:07:56، 902-لي؟-نعم.4400:07:59، 187--> 00:08:03، 247أريد منكم أن يقدم ليهنا مرة واحدة في يوم لمناقشة4500:08:03، 300--> 00:08:08، 344الحالي في الأعمال التجارية ومن ثم إلى ترحيلتعليماتي إلى الأشغال.4600:08:08، 632--> 00:08:10، 633ماذا تقول؟4700:08:24، 531--> 00:08:26، 603وقف هنا، يرجى.4800:08:45، 726--> 00:08:49، 207صنع عوارض 328ينبغي أن تخضع وديعة 40%،4900:08:49، 208--> 00:08:52، 688لا 33%، كما عن طريق الخطأويذكر في العقد.5000:08:53، 030--> 00:08:54، 688وبالمناسبة، هوفميستر هير.5100:08:54، 862--> 00:08:57, 769وقد تم هذا الفرن لمدة ستة أيامخارج الخط. الكراك شعري5200:08:57، 770--> 00:09:00، 676في الخزان يجب أن تكون بينالسادس والسابع.5300:09:00، 862--> 00:09:04، 676وهذا هو السبب هذا الفرن، وهذا واحد من هناهي ما زالت لا تعمل.5400:09:05، 094--> 00:09:07، 751ويمكن أن يرجى كتابة نسختينمهندس الاجتماع؟5500:09:07، 969--> 00:09:10، 272تود هوفميستر هيرإضافة ملاحظات بلده قبل5600:09:10، 273--> 00:09:12، 713توزيعه على المصنع.سوف أخذ نسخة من مكتبي.5700:09:14، 455--> 00:09:16، 899. المصدقية ويتبع ذلكتجديد مسبك5800:09:16، 900--> 00:09:19، 344وستخفض تكاليف الميزانية ومزدوجةالإخراج إلى 12 طناً في السنة...5900:09:19، 434--> 00:09:22، 753شكرا.وهذا يكفي لهذا اليوم.6000:09:24، 477--> 00:09:25، 939هيا.6100:09:27، 997--> 00:09:29، 987زيتز هير؟6200:09:30، 873--> 00:09:33، 528وأنا هوفميستر فراو.6300:09:34، 249--> 00:09:36، 492زوجة هير هوفميستر؟6400:09:36، 513--> 00:09:40، 226طبعًا.أنا لست أمة.6500:09:42، 578--> 00:09:46، 135حتى ونحن نجتمع في الماضي. زوجيوقد قال لي الكثير عنك.6600:09:46، 160--> 00:09:49، 651كنت فقط عن أن تتخذ بعض الشاي.هل ترغب في الانضمام لي؟6700:09:49، 717--> 00:09:54، 872أنها الرقيقة جداً لكم ولكن...أنا فعلا في وقت متأخر. آخر مرة، ربما.6800:09:56، 015--> 00:09:58، 841وداعا، هوف هير...فراو Hoffmeister.6900:10:12، 969--> 00:10:16، 862الموسيقى تعني أكثر بالنسبة ليمن أي شيء في العالم.7000:10:17، 003--> 00:10:20، 611باستثناء زوجيوابنه بالطبع.7100:10:24,860 --> 00:10:28,772Oh, no, thank you.7200:10:39,654 --> 00:10:41,339Milk?7300:10:42,085 --> 00:10:43,434Thank you.7400:10:44,969 --> 00:10:48,113Yes, thank you or no, thank you?7500:10:48,980 --> 00:10:51,839Yes, no, it's perfect.7600:11:08,990 --> 00:11:13,088Somebody once said, I can'tremember who, that so...7700:11:13,171 --> 00:11:19,436that music can exist without the wolrdbut the world cannot exist without music.7800:11:22,417 --> 00:11:24,766I believe it was Goethe.7900:11:24,926 --> 00:11:30,022Yes. So you enjoyliterature then, Herr Zeitz.8000:11:30,056 --> 00:11:33,840To be honest I mostlyread science books.8100:11:34,991 --> 00:11:37,341Tea is really very nice.8200:11:37,412 --> 00:11:42,503- Have you never tasted tea before?- No, it's the first time.8300:11:43,648 --> 00:11:47,514Well, enough about me.Tell me about yourself.8400:11:48,041 --> 00:11:53,798- I'm afraid, there's nothing to tell.- No, surely you must have a family.8500:11:53,885 --> 00:11:57,384I never knew my father. My motherdied when I was very young.8600:11:57,473 --> 00:12:01,574- But who brought you up?- I was a ward of state.8700:12:02,102 --> 00:12:05,186Well, you certainly didbrilliantly at school.8800:12:05,242 --> 00:12:09,347I had to, it was my only hope,literally my only hope.8900:12:16,853 --> 00:12:21,684-هل وجدت في مكان جميل للعيش؟--نيس جداً، شكرا لكم.9000:12:22، 667--> 00:12:27، 839زوجي تكليف عليه. لقد كرهت الجلوسلذلك، أعتقد أنه يظهر، أليس كذلك؟9100:12:32، 804--> 00:12:36، 859-هذه هي جميلة جداً...-أليس من الجميل؟9200:12:37، 289--> 00:12:40, 008رأيت ذلك في نافذة متجروسقطت في الحب معها.9300:12:40، 626--> 00:12:42، 925زوجي يعتقد أنها مروعة.9400:12:46، 102--> 00:12:51، 214--المزيد من الشاي؟ -رقم شكرا.أنا ينبغي أن يكون الحصول على العودة إلى المكتب.9500:12:51، 355--> 00:12:55، 000نعم بالطبع. ما الوقت الآن؟وسوف تكون أوتو البلاد قريبا.9600:12:55، 007--> 00:12:58، 380أوتو، هو ابننا.كنت لم اجتمع معه حتى الآن؟9700:12:58، 448--> 00:12:59، 750رقم9800:13:00، 666--> 00:13:04، 846أنه هي.. وجداالصبي نطاط، سعيدة جداً،9900:13:04، 946--> 00:13:08، 729ولكنه قال أنه لا حقاًتطبيق نفسه في المدرسة.10000:13:09، 591--> 00:13:11، 430يحدث لي...10100:13:15، 654--> 00:13:17، 717لقد فعلت ذلك لبعض الدروسعندما كنت طالبا.10200:13:18، 070--> 00:13:22، 083إذا كنت ترغب في أن أعطى الخاص بكابن بعض الدروس الإضافية.10300:13:22، 132--> 00:13:27، 231--سوف.. سوف يكون لديك الوقت لذلك؟--أنا يمكن أن تجعل الوقت.10400:13:28، 022--> 00:13:33، 099رقم لا تدع لي الإزعاج لك،لقد تركت بلدي صحيفة في مكان ما.10500:13:33، 463--> 00:13:37، 724-فكيف تجد صديقنا الشباب؟--You ابدأ تخمين ما قدم فقط.10600:13:37,789 --> 00:13:39,092I've no idea.10700:13:39,117 --> 00:13:43,195- He's offered to give Otto extra lessons.- Well!10800:13:44,000 --> 00:13:47,812You soon have the wholefamily under your wing.10900:13:52,890 --> 00:13:56,179It's easy. Come on, try.11000:14:01,593 --> 00:14:06,853See? You've got it in you.Now, let's practise your French.11100:14:06,954 --> 00:14:11,474- French is a beautiful language.- No, it's not. Mother makes me learn it.11200:14:11,549 --> 00:14:13,573But I hate it.11300:14:13,662 --> 00:14:16,537Try reading me this fable.11400:14:18,071 --> 00:14:20,074The Wolf and the Dog.11500:14:20,075 --> 00:14:23,575A prowling wolf, whose shaggy skinHid little but his bones,11600:14:23,576 --> 00:14:27,076So strict the watchof dogs had been11700:14:27,077 --> 00:14:32,477Once met a mastiff dog astray.11800:14:32,478 --> 00:14:37,378A prouder, fatter, sleeker Tray,11900:14:37,379 --> 00:14:40,779Sir Wolf in famish'dplight, Would fain have12000:14:40,780 --> 00:14:44,179made a ration uponhis fat relation12100:14:44,180 --> 00:14:47,480But then he first must fight;12200:14:47,481 --> 00:14:50,031And well the dog seem'd able12300:14:50,032 --> 00:14:52,581To save from wolfish tablehis carcass snug and tight.12400:14:52,582 --> 00:14:56,632So, then, in civil conversation12500:14:56,633 --> 00:15:00,682وكان إكسبرس الذئب لهإعجاب الحالة الجميلة في علبة.12600:15:00، 683--> 00:15:08، 68
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