}The seed was sown in her mind. Then, while she(HK) was bathing, her precious bangle was hidden by one of the maids and she was told that the girl had taken it. HK was furious and she taunted Akbar so much, that Akbar declared punishment(death) for the girl, as it was the rule of that time. The girl had nothing to say in her defense. But, at the punishment, the girl vanished and the royal guards could not find her.
This was the core. Now, from to time, many tales have been wrapped around this. This incident is attributed as an imprecation on FS, and it is said that due to the imprecation of the girl's father, FS started to turn inhabitable. It is said - He maintained that her daughter did no wrong and she was falsely implicated in this crime, and cursed the place.
Overall, this was to lay stress on the SAY which HK used to enjoy in her talks with Akbar.