Hello. Very detailed and interesting post.. Yes i sympathised with her because she is Greek and I'm Greek also. She also could be my daughter. So i m very interested about her story. Of course we know only what the Dubai diplomacy wants us to know, but they give us a glimpse of opinion.
The first question is WHY she moved at the age of 18 in Dubai? Was it a request of her father? If yes, i presume that since you accept to suddenly appear in full light as the daughter of a Muslim ruler, could you stay non MUSLIM?
Muslim posters feel free to reply to my question. My personnal opinion is NO, but I mught be wrong.
This girl in an tender age before the majority, changed everything in her life.
From an unkown middle class young girl (even with a good bank account) she suddenly changed social level and country. Even only these modifications are not easily bearable. Imagine a teen from Spain of Italy suddenly becoming a Princess of the United Kingdom! Not easy.
In top of that, she did a full immersion into another country, another civilization and another religion. All this a the age when her other mates dream to party and to shop.
Was she aware about the problems to face? I presume not herself, but her mom? Difficult to say. Mrs Grigorakos is a greek from diaspora, mainly brought up in USA and UK. International citizen, she might having underestimated the situation. Maybe she thought that this move to Dubai was similar to move to Spain ot Italy.
As for the Dubai family integration. I sincerely do not think that Sheikha Mahra expected to become close to her Dubai siblings, i believe both parties do not care for eachother.
Finally we should not be ashamed to talk about a very important reason:money. She is the daughter of a very very rich man. We do not know how he behaviored financially with her before. Of course, he was supporting to her, but as actually the UAE have an aura of excessive money and luxury, living iN the spot and being one of the official heirs of such a fortune, certainly is appealing. Even a young girl, and certainly the adults around her can be fascinated.
Finally the interesting point is that apparently there is no clash with her dad. Sheikh Mohammed seem modern. I do not think that a Saudi ruler would give such freedom to his young female kid.
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النتائج (
العربية) 1:
مرحبا. وظيفة مفصلة للغاية ومثيرة للاهتمام... نعم مخمور معها لأنها اليونانية وأنا اليونانية أيضا. وقالت أنها أيضا يمكن أن تكون ابنتي. حتى أنا م مهتم جداً حول قصتها. وبالطبع نحن نعرف فقط ما الدبلوماسية دبي التي يريدنا أن نعرف، بل أنها تعطينا لمحة عن الرأي.السؤال الأول لماذا انتقلت في سن ال 18 في دبي؟ كان بطلب والدها؟ إذا كان الجواب نعم، افترض أن منذ قبولك لتظهر فجأة في الضوء الكامل كابنة حاكم مسلم، يمكن أن تبقى غير مسلم؟ ملصقات إسلامية لا تتردد في الرد على سؤالي. رأيي شخصي هو لا، لكن موت تكون خاطئة.هذه الفتاة في عصر عطاء قبل الأغلبية، غيرت كل شيء في حياتها.من فتاة قاسي شباب الطبقة متوسطة (حتى مع حساب مصرفي جيد) أنها تغير فجأة المستوى الاجتماعي والبلد. هذه التعديلات حتى فقط لا تطاق بسهولة. تخيل في سن مراهقة من "إسبانيا لإيطاليا" فجأة أن تصبح أميرة المملكة المتحدة! ليس بالأمر السهل.في أعلى من ذلك، وقالت أنها الانغماس كامل في بلد آخر وحضارة أخرى ودين آخر. كل هذا العصر عندما لها سائر الأصحاب الحلم إلى الطرف وتذكارات.وقالت أنها تدرك حول المشاكل التي تواجهها؟ افترض لا نفسها، ولكن أمها؟ من الصعب القول. السيدة جريجوراكس هو يوناني من الشتات، ترعرعت أساسا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمملكة المتحدة. مواطن دولي، وقالت أنها قد بعد الاستهانة بالحالة. ربما ظنت أن هذا الانتقال إلى دبي مماثلة للانتقال إلى إيطاليا بعد التمديد في إسبانيا.As for the Dubai family integration. I sincerely do not think that Sheikha Mahra expected to become close to her Dubai siblings, i believe both parties do not care for eachother. Finally we should not be ashamed to talk about a very important reason:money. She is the daughter of a very very rich man. We do not know how he behaviored financially with her before. Of course, he was supporting to her, but as actually the UAE have an aura of excessive money and luxury, living iN the spot and being one of the official heirs of such a fortune, certainly is appealing. Even a young girl, and certainly the adults around her can be fascinated.Finally the interesting point is that apparently there is no clash with her dad. Sheikh Mohammed seem modern. I do not think that a Saudi ruler would give such freedom to his young female kid.__________________Reply With Quote
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