Please, read this repot in conjunction with several reports given to her family in the past.
Advanced metastatic breast cancer to the bone, liver, brain, spine on failed several lines of chemotherapy for symptomatic treatment.
This patient was first time seen in King Faisal Specialist Hospital Research Center in 2016. At that time, she presented with advanced locally left breast which was treated in the referring hospital with neoadjuvant chemotherapy FAC 3 cycles and she underwent left MRM followed by 3 FAC. At that time, the patient was referred to us for radiation and when we saw her we found that HER-2/neu was positive so we gave her adjuvant Herceptin total of 1 year. The patient after that was stable for several years. She was put on hormonal treatment. She had no evidence of recurrence of her disease. In 2012, she presented with symptoms suggestive of bone metastasis and at that time her investigation was done and revealed that she had bone metastasis but there was no visceral metastasis. She was challenged again with Herceptin and also hormonal manipulation as well as radiation for her bone metastasis and also she was put on Zoladex at that time for her bone metastasis. The patient continued to have regular followup with us with stable condition. After about a year ,she became more symptomatic and after workup, we found that she had multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules and focal lesions in the liver so we decided at that time to give the treatment with docetaxel and Herceptin. She had the treatment tolerated well and she had excellent response to the chemotherapy and the patient was left on Herceptin for several months but docetaxel was discontinued after 8 cycles.. Unfortunately in 2014, she had mild progression in the liver so we treated her with capecitabine as well as Herceptin and she was stable for several months. In fact, she had Herceptin for about 16 cycles at that time and she had also several cycles of capecitabine with stable disease and she had more or less about 17 cycles of capecitabine. In 2015, she started to progress on capecitabine so we discontinued capecitabine and in September 2015 we started her on weekly Taxol Herceptin and pertuzumab. The patient had at that time good response at the beginning but unfortunately within few months she presented with headache and she was found to have multiple brain metastasis. At that time, we referred her to radiation and unfortunately her condition after that continued to deteriorate with further progression of her disease in the liver and bone as well as the lung. The patient also had multiple brain metastasis unresectable and she continued really to her progression of her symptoms. She came today in my clinic in June 2016 and this patient as I mentioned before had poor performance status, she had extensive intracranial and extracranial metastasis. The
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
يرجى قراءة هذا التنظيم بالاقتران مع تقارير عدة نظراً إلى عائلتها في الماضي.تشخيص العامل:متقدمة سرطان الثدي المنتشر إلى العظام، الكبد، الدماغ، العمود الفقري في فشل عدة خطوط للعلاج الكيميائي لعلاج الأعراض.This patient was first time seen in King Faisal Specialist Hospital Research Center in 2016. At that time, she presented with advanced locally left breast which was treated in the referring hospital with neoadjuvant chemotherapy FAC 3 cycles and she underwent left MRM followed by 3 FAC. At that time, the patient was referred to us for radiation and when we saw her we found that HER-2/neu was positive so we gave her adjuvant Herceptin total of 1 year. The patient after that was stable for several years. She was put on hormonal treatment. She had no evidence of recurrence of her disease. In 2012, she presented with symptoms suggestive of bone metastasis and at that time her investigation was done and revealed that she had bone metastasis but there was no visceral metastasis. She was challenged again with Herceptin and also hormonal manipulation as well as radiation for her bone metastasis and also she was put on Zoladex at that time for her bone metastasis. The patient continued to have regular followup with us with stable condition. After about a year ,she became more symptomatic and after workup, we found that she had multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules and focal lesions in the liver so we decided at that time to give the treatment with docetaxel and Herceptin. She had the treatment tolerated well and she had excellent response to the chemotherapy and the patient was left on Herceptin for several months but docetaxel was discontinued after 8 cycles.. Unfortunately in 2014, she had mild progression in the liver so we treated her with capecitabine as well as Herceptin and she was stable for several months. In fact, she had Herceptin for about 16 cycles at that time and she had also several cycles of capecitabine with stable disease and she had more or less about 17 cycles of capecitabine. In 2015, she started to progress on capecitabine so we discontinued capecitabine and in September 2015 we started her on weekly Taxol Herceptin and pertuzumab. The patient had at that time good response at the beginning but unfortunately within few months she presented with headache and she was found to have multiple brain metastasis. At that time, we referred her to radiation and unfortunately her condition after that continued to deteriorate with further progression of her disease in the liver and bone as well as the lung. The patient also had multiple brain metastasis unresectable and she continued really to her progression of her symptoms. She came today in my clinic in June 2016 and this patient as I mentioned before had poor performance status, she had extensive intracranial and extracranial metastasis. The
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