Thus, a selective approach to honouring obligations undermines the credibility of international non-proliferation and disarmament regimes and has grave consequences. Fourth, there is no such thing as a responsible nuclear arsenal and an irresponsible arsenal. The presence of nuclear weapons in any location or State undermines the international security of all States. In addition to the danger and severity of conflict generated by the arms race, particularly in hotspots, the presence of these weapons and the risk of nuclear accidents make the very possession of nuclear weapons a threat to international security. It is not enough to rely on the argument put forward by some that there has been no nuclear war to date, even though there have been a number of occasions when the world was on the brink of such a war. One nuclear explosion is enough to have a long-term impact on the world as a whole and to create food, environmental and social catastrophes that could have untold consequences. The international community is in fact facing numerous economic, social and environmental crises posing major challenges that will have to be addressed through major international efforts.