It will better prepare them for the tough job of parenting - Parents will be better prepared for the job of parenting.
- Parents will know how to manage stress, and what do when they are at the "breaking point," thus preventing child abuse
- Parents will be better prepared to discipline, thus will more likely to do it.
- Parents will know how to discipline teenagers, thus there will be less teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol use, violence, bullying, sexting and juvenile crime.
- Parents will be better prepared to recognize and respond to bullying, whether their child is the bully or the victim.
- Parents will know CPR in case (god forbid) it's necessary.
- Parents will childproof their home.
- Parents will know how to recognize, prevent and respond sexual abuse.
- Many parents allow their child or teenager to use internet in their bedrooms, and not in an open area where everyone can walk by and look. This can result in the child contacting internet predators cyber bullying, posting nude photos online and viewing pornography. Parents should not allow internet in their child's or teen's bedroom and their child should be taken away if they do. . There is no good reason for a child or teen to have internet in their bedrooms. The parenting class will give parents advice on internet safety (internet devices are to be used in a family area when parents are home, parental controls including blocking, monitoring and time limits installed, parent or adult check regularly).