child all I wanted to do was be an adult or act like an adult. In all  ترجمة - child all I wanted to do was be an adult or act like an adult. In all  العربية كيف أقول

child all I wanted to do was be an

child all I wanted to do was be an adult or act like an adult. In all the games you acted like someone older than you are- a teacher or a mum or a doctor. From year 3 to year 6 my friends and I had our own band and we would have band meetings at lunch times and write songs together. We even performed them to the rest of the year in the talent show.
When you were younger you didn't worry about how you looked or get embarrassed as easily as I do now. You see children throwing tantrums in the supermarket and their mums go bright red but the kids don't care because they just want what they want and don't care about what other people think.
I remember there would be a different craze every year at primary school, first of all a few people would have it then someone else would want it until nearly everyone had it, and then it would get banned so there wasn't much point in getting it in the first place. Things like yoyos, pokemon cards, those squidgy aliens in jelly that were supposed to have babies if u put them in the same egg, tamagotchis- I remember them being in the newspaper because parents were taking them to work because their children wanted someone to stop them from dying when they were at school, those small block things with faces that you would throw at the ground and get points for it landing on its head and back.
And of course there was the Spice Girls craze. I remember I had a fight with my friends over who was going to be sporty spice, and it ended up with the words Spice Girls being banned. Whenever someone said it you'd go "Ummmmm! You said the s word!". What at the time we thought of as a really huge massive fight was actually really small and over nothing.
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
child all I wanted to do was be an adult or act like an adult. In all the games you acted like someone older than you are- a teacher or a mum or a doctor. From year 3 to year 6 my friends and I had our own band and we would have band meetings at lunch times and write songs together. We even performed them to the rest of the year in the talent show.When you were younger you didn't worry about how you looked or get embarrassed as easily as I do now. You see children throwing tantrums in the supermarket and their mums go bright red but the kids don't care because they just want what they want and don't care about what other people think. I remember there would be a different craze every year at primary school, first of all a few people would have it then someone else would want it until nearly everyone had it, and then it would get banned so there wasn't much point in getting it in the first place. Things like yoyos, pokemon cards, those squidgy aliens in jelly that were supposed to have babies if u put them in the same egg, tamagotchis- I remember them being in the newspaper because parents were taking them to work because their children wanted someone to stop them from dying when they were at school, those small block things with faces that you would throw at the ground and get points for it landing on its head and back. وبالطبع كان هناك جنون "السبايس جيرلز". أتذكر كان قتال مع أصدقائي عبر الذي كان على وشك أن التوابل رياضي، وانتهى بعبارة "سبايس جيرلز" حظرها. كلما قال أحدهم أنه سوف تذهب "أم! قال لك كلمة s! ". ما في وقت اعتقدنا لمعركة ضخمة حقاً ضخمة كانت في الواقع صغيرة حقاً، وأكثر من أي شيء.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
كل ما أردت القيام به هو الطفل يكون بالغا أو التصرف مثل الكبار. في جميع الألعاب التي تصرفت كمن أقدم لكم are- مدرس أو أمي أو الطبيب. من 3 سنوات إلى 6 سنوات أصدقائي، وكان لي الفرقة الخاصة بنا، وسيكون لدينا اجتماعات الفرقة في أوقات الغداء وكتابة الأغاني معا. حتى أجرينا لهم بقية العام في اظهار المواهب.
عندما كنت أصغر سنا كنت لا داعي للقلق حول الكيفية التي ينظر أو الحصول على بالحرج بسهولة كما أفعل الآن. ترى الأطفال رمي نوبات الغضب في السوبر ماركت والأمهات على الذهاب أحمر مشرق ولكن الأطفال لا يعيرون اي اهتمام لأنهم يريدون فقط ما يريدون ولا يهتمون بما يعتقده الآخرون.
أتذكر أنه سيكون هناك جنون مختلفة كل سنة في أن المدارس الابتدائية، أولا وقبل كل عدد قليل من الناس يكون عليه بعد ذلك شخص آخر يريد حتى ما يقرب من الجميع كان ذلك، وبعد ذلك سوف تحصل منعت ذلك لم يكن هناك فائدة كبيرة في الحصول عليه في المقام الأول. أشياء مثل yoyos، بطاقات البوكيمون، أولئك الأجانب Squidgy عمل في هلام التي كان من المفترض أن يكون الأطفال إذا ش وضعها في نفس البيض، tamagotchis- أذكر منهم يجري في صحيفة لأن الآباء كانوا يأخذون منهم للعمل لأبنائهم أراد شخص ما أن يتوقف منهم من الموت عندما كانوا في المدرسة، تلك الأشياء كتلة صغيرة مع الوجوه التي كنت رمي على الأرض والحصول على نقاط لذلك الهبوط على رأسه وظهره.
وبالطبع كان هناك جنون سبايس جيرلز. أتذكر تشاجرت مع أصدقائي حول من كان على وشك أن التوابل رياضي، وانتهى بعبارة سبايس جيرلز حظرها. كلما قال أحدهم أنه كنت تذهب "Ummmmm! قال لك ليالي الكلمة!". ما في الوقت الذي وصفه أنه كان صراعا شديدا ضخمة حقا في الواقع صغيرة حقا، وأكثر من أي شيء.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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