Can you help our family?
Edmonton, AB
$100 of $6,000
Raised by 2 people in 1 day
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Created May 18, 2015
Chris Lautischer
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Got an update from Launchgood as they have not yet sent any funds from the campaign. They needed some more info and are confused on the bank account as it is Canadian vs US. The donations today helped and I should have in my account shortly for basic necessities - $150 of space on a credit card left, and nothing in the bank for an emergency like this is scary. PLEASE share this though, even if you can only offer a dua. The more who see it the better chances of my family making it to a place we need to be. Not looking for luxury by any means ... just to be at "0" owed to any company and living on what Allah SWT provides is my biggest goal. So maybe one day I can attend Hajj .. especially as my health deteriorates lately I see the importance.
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As-Salam Allikum
I have never hid my past (and stories from it have been published) so I won't "hide my sins" as the viel has been removed a long time ago. I've also used videos on this account I used from my Launchgood account and have more information about that below.
I am a 32 (33 in July) male born and raised in Canada - as were my parents. My grandparents came from a German and Austrian background. Religiously - I was baptized Lutheran, have always had a fascination with religion and cults (and was first introduced to Islam when I read the Qur'an simply to see if it was a "peaceful" or "war based" religion many years before 9/11) Though never called one home. I enjoyed attending church, usually Catholic because I liked the rituals associated but felt a level of of hypcoracy within the congregations and never felt right about a book, I knew was changed constantly and manipulated for political purposes. I am married (religiously - not legally) to a beautiful woman whom I share a son with (who is 6 months old) and a stepdaughter who just turned 11. I converted to Islam in February of this year and hope the story below helps share how I came to convert and what the goal of this project is. My family, has not yet entered the fold of Islam, but insha'allah the day will come.
In my life, I have certainly been at the top and the bottom. When I was young, I experienced some trauma and this led into a lifetime of struggle as I never knew how to deal with stress well and as a result became quite antisocial. While I was raised in a middle class family with all the world in front of me, this antisocial mentality and the discoverey in my late teens of illegal drugs took me in the opposite direction. It gave me a feelings of freedom. Although fleeting and empty .. it filled a hole, and temporarily made me feel like things were ok in life. Eventually though, it led to being homeless and sleeping in the lobby of banks at night. I moved from drugs to an alcohol addiction as I grew. Thinking the latter was "less harmful", yet the feeling of emptiness was still inside.
Years later, my alcoholism left me in a place of nearly complete loss where I was mentally and emotionally empty. I had even been hospitalized, by force, on occasion for causing self harm. I had experienced alcohol withdrawl seizures and the delerium tremens... Things were bad, before I cleaned up. Dec 30th, 2013 I took my last drink. Less than 2 months later my girlfriend (and as of April 19th, 2015 my wife) was pregnant and I found myself a father in November 2014..