About UploadRoll
UploadRoll lets you keep both photo and video snaps received from Snapchat forever.
If you wish UploadRoll to save your snaps, make sure you open the UploadRoll app FIRST every time you receive a snap.
You can check for new messages by using the 'Pull To Refresh' feature on list of snaps.
How UploadRoll works?
When you reveive a snap from the Snapchat, lauch UploadRoll. After successfully login you can see the list of the snaps you have received. Tap the one(which has 'available to download' status) you wish to view and wait until fetch is finished. After download is complete, you can view the snap as many times as you want and save to the library.
How do I save a photo/video to the phone?
Open the photo and video that you want to save. Tap the action button in the top right corner and select save.
Logging in with UploadRoll logs me out of Snapchat
There is nothing we can do about this. Snapchat only allows you to keep one active session at any time. Logging into your Snapchat account with UploadRoll will log you out of Snapchat.
Logging in with Snapchat logs me out of UploadRoll
This is because Snapchat can only keep one program logged in at a time. Use the 'Remember Password' function to easily log back in
Mark snaps as viewed
Marking your snaps as viewed lets the sender know you have seen it.This also deletes it from Snapchat so it cant be downloaded again however UploadRoll keeps a copy of it for you. UploadRoll can automatically mark your snaps as viewed, either after they have been downloaded or only one you have viewed them.
How to delete friends stories?
Because these stories were posted by your friends, You can delete the stories that are over 24 hours.