The views on education expressed by Ahmad Lutfi and the administrative efforts of Zaghiul as Minister of Education were apt to attract the aspiring Egyptian student, as well as the teacher and intellectual, to this group. The feminist views of Qasim Amin and the support he received from the Jarida—Umma group with which the Zaghlul-led Wafd was initially identified was the only declared hope for the improvement of the status of women in Egypt, so that the participation of women in the anti-British demonstrations throughout 1919 and the later Feminist Movement organized by Huda Hanum Shaarawi were all closely allied to the Wafd.
With these advantages and potential sources of suppon. Saad
Zaghiul set out to form an ad hoc delegation consisting of himself
Abd al-Aziz Fahmi and Ali Shaarawi to interview Sir Reginald
Wingate and request permission for a delegation to go to London
and present Egyptian national demands to the British government.