Back in the 16th century, Spain was on the cutting edge of fashion. Spanish clothing styles influenced the world and traditional Spanish clothing was widely known for its elegance and decoration. As the Habsburg Spain grew in power, Spanish fashions such as Spanish capes, corsets and farthingales became popular all over Western Europe. Farthingales were bell-shaped hoop skirts made up of whalebone, cloth and intricate cages of wire underneath women’s clothes. The style was cumbersome for Renaissance women and it took them hours to get dressed.
Spanish traditional clothing was heavily influenced by the Moorish culture which dominated parts of the Iberian Peninsula from the 711 century until their expulsion in 1492. The Moorish culture popularized rich embroideries with the introduction of the needle, the use of jewels (often as buttons) and perfume as well as heavy girdles and collars. The color black became popular for special events and both men and women wore heavy gold necklaces with precious stones. Additionally, clothes in Spain were often made of rich and heavy fabrics and decorated with gold or silver threads.
These Spanish clothes and fashions failed to evolve with the rapidly changing times. As a result, Spanish traditional fashion would eventually become outdated and give way to French Dominance. Cities like Paris were more innovative and began to lead the way in 17th century European Fashion.
Today, Spanish fashion is very modern but traditional Spanish clothing is still worn for special events. Flamenco performers still dawn typical Spanish dresses in red, black, or white with their hair in a bun and a rose behind their ear. The male flamenco performers traditional costumes come are made up of black or red tuxedos shirts and classic slacks.
Traditional Spanish bullfighter’s costumes have also remained unchanged over the years and are elaborate costumes inspired by flamboyant 18th century Andalusian clothing. They are known as “suits of lights” (traje de luces) and easily distinguished by their use of sequins, gold and silver threads, and detailed embroidery.
In addition to these Spanish costumes for specific performers, every region in Spain has its own traditional clothing and Spanish dresses. They are not often worn, but you can often catch a glimpse of them during regional celebrations and parades.
Most traditional Spanish clothing is reserved for special events and celebrations. The most common pieces, still used today, include: the mantilla, the peineta and the gilet.
Mantilla: The mantilla is a traditional Spanish veil piece that is often worn during religious celebrations such as Spanish weddings. It is a light lace or silk scarf that is worn over the head or shoulders on a high comb and held in place by pins.
Peineta: The peineta is a large decorative comb placed in the hair to hold up the mantilla. It is usually tortoiseshell colored with a curved body and long prongs to increase height. The peineta, used on special occasions, originated centuries ago making it a traditional piece of Spanish clothing.
Gilet: The word gilet comes from the Spanish word jileco (from Arabic word yalíka), or chaleco in modern Spanish. It is a sleeveless jacket, much like a waistcoat or vest that forms an important part of traditional Spanish clothing. Historically they were fitted and embroidered and in the 19th century the gilet was dress bodice shaped like a man’s waistcoat. Contemporary gilets are used for additional warmth outdoors. In the first edition of El Quijote, in 1605, a diminutive of the word appeared: gilecuelo.
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
وكانت إسبانيا مرة أخرى في القرن السادس عشر، في طليعة الموضة. أنماط الملابس الإسبانية أثرت العالم والملابس التقليدية الإسبانية كانت معروفة على نطاق واسع للأناقة والديكور. كما أن "إسبانيا هابسبورغ" نمت في السلطة، الأزياء الإسبانية مثل الرؤوس الإسبانية، الكورسيهات وفارثينجاليس أصبحت شعبية في جميع أنحاء أوروبا الغربية. فارثينجاليس كانت على شكل جرس تنورات هوب مكونة من شاربان والقماش واقفاص معقدة من الأسلاك تحت الملابس النسائية. كان النمط مرهقة لنهضة المرأة واستغرق ساعات منهم مﻻبسي.الملابس التقليدية الإسبانية كان شديد التأثر بثقافة المغاربي الذي يهيمن على أجزاء من شبه الجزيرة الإيبيرية من القرن 711 حتى طردهم في 1492. شعبية ثقافة مغاربي المطرزات غنية مع إدخال الإبرة، استخدام جواهر (غالباً كأزرار) والعطور وكذلك الحزام الثقيل والياقات. اللون الأسود أصبحت شعبية للمناسبات الخاصة، والرجال والنساء على حد سواء وارتدى الثقيلة قلادات الذهب مع الأحجار الكريمة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، الملابس في إسبانيا كانت غالباً مصنوعة من الأقمشة الغنية والثقيلة ومزينة بخيوط الذهب أو الفضة.هذه الملابس الإسبانية والموضات لم تتطور مع الزمن يتغير بسرعة. كنتيجة لذلك، في نهاية المطاف ستصبح قديمة الأزياء التقليدية الإسبانية وتفسح المجال "الهيمنة الفرنسية". المدن مثل باريس كانوا أكثر ابتكاراً، وبدأ أن تقود الطريق في "الموضة الأوروبية في" القرن السابع عشر.Today, Spanish fashion is very modern but traditional Spanish clothing is still worn for special events. Flamenco performers still dawn typical Spanish dresses in red, black, or white with their hair in a bun and a rose behind their ear. The male flamenco performers traditional costumes come are made up of black or red tuxedos shirts and classic slacks.Traditional Spanish bullfighter’s costumes have also remained unchanged over the years and are elaborate costumes inspired by flamboyant 18th century Andalusian clothing. They are known as “suits of lights” (traje de luces) and easily distinguished by their use of sequins, gold and silver threads, and detailed embroidery.In addition to these Spanish costumes for specific performers, every region in Spain has its own traditional clothing and Spanish dresses. They are not often worn, but you can often catch a glimpse of them during regional celebrations and parades.Most traditional Spanish clothing is reserved for special events and celebrations. The most common pieces, still used today, include: the mantilla, the peineta and the gilet.Mantilla: The mantilla is a traditional Spanish veil piece that is often worn during religious celebrations such as Spanish weddings. It is a light lace or silk scarf that is worn over the head or shoulders on a high comb and held in place by pins.Peineta: The peineta is a large decorative comb placed in the hair to hold up the mantilla. It is usually tortoiseshell colored with a curved body and long prongs to increase height. The peineta, used on special occasions, originated centuries ago making it a traditional piece of Spanish clothing.Gilet: The word gilet comes from the Spanish word jileco (from Arabic word yalíka), or chaleco in modern Spanish. It is a sleeveless jacket, much like a waistcoat or vest that forms an important part of traditional Spanish clothing. Historically they were fitted and embroidered and in the 19th century the gilet was dress bodice shaped like a man’s waistcoat. Contemporary gilets are used for additional warmth outdoors. In the first edition of El Quijote, in 1605, a diminutive of the word appeared: gilecuelo.
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