the editor in your local newspaper. While every letter may not be published, editors pay attention to well-written letters. This is especially true when there are many letters written on the same topic. In turn, elected offcials are also infuenced by letters newspapers have chosen for publication.
This guide will help you prepare an effective letter to the editor that expresses your opinion on an issue. It includes two letters about a controversial issue and specifc guidelines on how to prepare a successful letter yourself.
After you read the guide, prepare a letter yourself. Let a friend read it for clarity. Be sure to sign the letter and list your address – newspapers will not publish anonymous letters.
Your letter can be positive, negative or informative in tone. It can also be emotional or objective. But it should be simple and short – rarely more than 300 words. And, of course, it should refect your true opinions.
Here is an example of a letter supporting a proposed program