Q: 10) According to Aristotle, tragic plots may be of three kind Explain ?
According to Aristotle ,tragic plots may be of three kinds ,
a) simple ,
b) complex ,and
c)plots based on or depicting incidents of suffering and depending for their effect on such depiction .
1)The words simple and complex here have technical terms . A Simple plot is one which does not have any Peripety and Anagnorisis, but the action move forward uniformly without any violent or sudden change.
2)Aristotle prefers Complex plots . An ideal tragic plot ,according to Aristotle , must not be Simple .It must be complex i.e. it must have perepeteia i.e. " reversal of intention ", and Anagnorisis i.e. " recognition of truth " It is the unexpected catastrophe resulting from a deed done with the best of intentions that arouses ,pity , and , fear , to the greatest possible extent . The ideal Tragedy is one which results from human error . error on the part of friends and relatives . error on the part of the hero himself . The ideal Tragedy is a story in which the calamity is due to a false move blindly made by a friend or kinsman or by the hero himself . " it is a tragedy brought about , not by the deliberate purpose of some evil agent , nor yet by mere chance , but by human error.
3)As regards the third kind of plot , the plot depending for its effect on incidents of suffering , Aristotle rates it very low . It is the plot which derives its effect from the depiction of torture , murder , marming , violence , death , etc , and says Aristotle , tragic effect must be created naturally , and not with artificial and theatrical aids . Such plots indicate a deficiency in the art of the poet.