Some Facets of the Registration System
The Aircraft Registry has developed a highly efficient, speedy and cheap registration
As stated earlier, the system is asset-based.
It is also wholly electronic.
There are tight security controls over registration, but anyone is free to search the
Registry on paying the prescribed fee. The Registry is run by Aviareto, a jointly
owned subsidiary of SITA Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques and the Irish Government, and the Supervisory
Authority is the Council of ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization.
There have been some 500,000 registrations.
On average, online registration becomes searchable within 38 seconds of the registration being effected. The fee for registration is USD100 and the fee for searches USD35.
The Registrar is strictly liable for errors and omissions on the part of the Registry and
for system malfunction, which did occur from time to time in the early days. But in a
period of over eight years since the Registry went live, it has not received a single claim.
New regulations herald further sophistication, including an electronic closing room
This facility simulates a physical closing, whereby a series of prospective
registrations can be marshalled and modified while the closing room is open, and
after it is closed the planned registrations can be released to the Registry in the
agreed sequence.