gainst him, "Hmmm I missed you... I can't wait to make you mine ..." Jo pushes him away saying "really... you missed me... not one text, not one call... yet you missed me na? it shows..." she walks away pouting, mumbling... Jalal comes and grabs her hand, looks at them saying "love the mendhi design ... the color is deep and rich... so you love me deeply eh...darker the color, deeper you love for me?" tries to cage her with his arms ... she pushes away saying "keep dreaming ... why would I care ? " Jalal smirks and says "then why are you upset I did not text or call?" a smile spreads over his face ... "Sorry Jo, I was very busy, and with time difference ... I did not want to disturb my pretty bride, I want to have a well rested I can ..."and whispers something into her ears ...she pushes him away saying "always your thoughts are in line with sx... " Jalal sighs and says "what to do... you came into my life and now that's all I can think of .." pulling her trying to kiss her ... Jo dodges away and says "so did you go to your one night stands on this trip?" Jalal looks away ... Jo holds his arms and looks into his eyes and says "look into my eyes and tell me ... " Jalal stares at her silently... nods his head, he sees Jo eyes get glassy with tears as she lets go of hi