1. Colony
a. A colony is a pile or mass of a sufficiently large number of cells, growing on or in solid medium, that they are visible to the naked eye.
2. Broth medium
a. Broth medium is media lacking a solidifying matrix
3. Selective medium
Examples of selective media include:
i. mannitol salts agar (selects against non-skin flora)العينه من الجلد
ii. MacConkey agar (selects against gram-positives)البكتيريا الموجبه
iii. eosin-methylene blue agar (selects against gram-positives)
iv. phenylehyl alcohol agar (selects against gram-negatives)البكتيريا السالبه
4. Differential medium
Examples of differential media include:
i. mannitol salts agar (mannitol fermentation = yellow)
ii. blood agar (various kinds of hemolysis)
iii. MacConkey agar (lactose fermentation = yellow)
iv. eosin-methylene blue agar (various kinds of differentiation)
5. culture technique
a. Colony isolation:
i. The basis of pure culture technique is the isolation, in colonies, of individual cells, and their descendants, from other colonies of individuals.
ii. This is usually done by culturing methods employing petri dishes such