Dear Firas
Thank you very much for you and your team as well
I have talked with my brother yesterday for such cases, he confirmed that Dr. Ahmed Abood (M.Sc in children surgery) has the desired willingness to do the required operations at the medical city in Baghdad, such operations are free-of-cost, we just need to advocate for the children to accelerate their operations and support them with the required medications until the date of the operation.
My brother can be reached on 07702 537352, you can coordinate with him to meet Dr. Ahmed Aboud at earlier opportunity and discuss this issue with him but before PLZ do secure the medical reports of this girl before taking any steps and if there is any urgent medication needs do let me know and I will be responsible for them.
Plan B; if we failed to secure the free-of-cost operation then we could go with big appeal for this girl and I'm sure we wil seucre the the required amount of money within less than a week INSHA"ALLAH.
Very best regards and looking for your feedback and quick action,