علاقة مادة الرياضيات بالمنتج:-يوجد علاقة كبيرة بين مادة الرياضيات و ال ترجمة - علاقة مادة الرياضيات بالمنتج:-يوجد علاقة كبيرة بين مادة الرياضيات و ال الإنجليزية كيف أقول

علاقة مادة الرياضيات بالمنتج:-يوجد

علاقة مادة الرياضيات بالمنتج:-يوجد علاقة كبيرة بين مادة الرياضيات و المنتج الخاص بي لان منتجي يعتمد على الاشكال الهندسية و الخطوط الهندسية و ايضا يوجد مقاسات التي خاصة بهذه الماده مثل العمل على مساحة محدده و مقاسات الاشكال و حجمها و اخرى.كيف قامت مادة الرياضيات بمساعدتي في عمل و تصميم المنتج؟مادة الرياضيات لها دور كبير في القيام بمنتجي مثلا ما هي انواع الخطوط و الاشكال التي يمكن ان نقوم بعملها من الخطوط ( تشكيل الخطوط الهندسية لعمل منتج) و و تناسق الاشكال و كيفية تشكيل منها شكل مميز.تأثير المادتين في القيام بالمنتج Art, Math:-لقد اثرت المادتين تأثير كبير على منتجي و هم مع بعضهم تكامل لأعرف كل المعلومات المطلوبة لعمل هذا المنتج فمثلا تناسق الالوان و تركيب الاشكال هذا ( (Art و المقاسات و الخطوط الهندسية و الاشكال الهندسية فهذ (( Math و مادة الرسم ساعدتني في تنسيق الالوان و التعرف اكثر عن الفن الاسلامي و اشكاله و مادة الرياضيات عرفتني انواع الخطوط الهندسية و الاشكال الهندسية و كيفية استخدامهم في اللفن الاسلامي.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Relationship mathematics product: - <br>There is a great relationship between mathematics and my producers because the product depends on geometric shapes and lines engineering and also that there are sizes specific to this article , such as work on the specific surface area and shapes and sizes and size of the other. <br>How did the math work and helping me in the design of the product? <br>Mathematics has a great role in doing the producers , for example , what kinds of lines and shapes that can do its job of lines (forming lines for engineering work product) and consistency and forms and how to form a distinct form. <br>Articles the effect of doing product Art, Math: -<br>Articles have affected a significant impact on the producers and they are with each integration to know all the information required this product to work for example, the consistency of colors and fitting shapes this ((Art and sizes and geometric lines and geometric shapes Vhz ((Math and material drawing helped me to coordinate colors and identify more about Islamic art and forms and types of mathematics introduced me lines and geometric forms of engineering and how to use them in the Islamic Allvin.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
The relationship of mathematics to the product:<br>There is a great relationship between mathematics and my product because my product depends on geometric shapes and geometric lines, and there are also sizes for this material, such as working on a specific area, shape sizes, size, and others.<br>How did mathematics help me work and design the product?<br>Mathematics has a big role in producing, for example, what types of lines and shapes we can do from the lines (the formation of geometric lines for a product), the consistency of the shapes and how to form them in a distinctive form.<br>Effect of the two substances in the making of the product Art, Math:-<br>The two articles have had a great impact on my producers and they are together integrated to know all the information required for the work of this product, for example, the consistency of colors and the composition of this shapes (Art, sizes, geometric lines and geometric shapes, this (Math and the drawing material helped me in coordinating colors and getting to know more about the art of weapons) My mother, his forms and mathematics, taught me the types of geometric lines, geometric shapes, and how to use them in Islamic art.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Relationship between mathematics and products:<br>There is a big relationship between mathematics and my products, because my products depend on geometry and geometric lines, and also have the dimensions of these materials, such as working in a specific space and size Shape, size and other.<br>How does mathematics help my work and product design?<br>An important role of mathematics, for example, what kind of line and shape, the line we can make, such as the consistency of the shape and shape of the production line, and how to form a unique shape.<br>The function of two substances in art production<br>These two materials have an important influence on manufacturers, they complement each other to determine all the information needed for the work, such as color symmetry and shape installation, such as art, size, engineering font and shape This is geometry - math and drawing materials help me to coordinate colors and learn more about the forms and mathematical materials of Islamic art, you know the types and geometric forms of my geometric lines, and how to use them Islam.<br>
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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