Directions: Read each idiom and determine the meaning.
Idiom: A common expression understood figuratively, as the literal definition makes no sense.
1. When the boys were having difficulty finding a DJ for the party, Brian suggested that they just turn on the radio at the party, but Kevin didn't want to cut corners.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To cut corners is to do something the quick or easy way and not the "right" way.
2. Don't challenge Zeke to a dance off unless you are ready because Zeke will get in a dance battle at the drop of a hat.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To do something at the drop of a hat is to do something quickly and without preparation. Zeke is always ready to have a dance battle.
3. Antibiotic researchers have already picked the low-hanging fruit, so discovering new antibiotics to battle infections is very difficult.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To pick low-hanging fruit is to complete easy tasks first, leaving more difficult work for later. Antibiotic researchers have a more difficult job today than they had in the past.
4. Alan kept talking about how he could do a backspin, but when the rubber met the road all he could really do was lie on his back and slide around.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
When the rubber met the road means that talk has ceased and performances are being measured. Alan talked a lot about how he could backspin but he couldn't actually do it.
5. When Mr. Lewis asked Jimmy to tell the class about the Pythagorean Theorem, Jimmy wanted nothing more than to eloquently explain it and impress Brittany with his knowledge, but he was drawing a blank.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
Drawing a blank means to try and think of something but fail. Jimmy wanted to answer Mr. Lewis's question, but he couldn't.
6. John didn't mind rewriting his essay each time Ms. Robinson returned it; as long as he was still eligible for the scholarship, he would jump through hoops for her.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To jump through hoops means to satisfy difficult or tedious demands. By rewriting his essay so many times, John was jumping through hoops.
7. Ever since Paul Jr. found out that he could make money by shoveling driveways in the winter, he's been riding the gravy train.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To ride the gravy train is to earn money quickly and consistently. When the gravy train stops, so does the money. Paul Jr. will figure this out in the spring, but an industrious young man like he will probably take to landscaping.
8. Vince sighed when he thought about how wickedly short the spring break was and how dreadfully long the remainder of the school year would be, yet he knew that there was little that he could do about it but get back into the saddle.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To get back into the saddle is to resume a burdensome task after some time away.
9. Kyle had been bullied every day until Carter, the captain of the wrestling team, took him under his wing.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To be under one's wing is to receive one's protection or guidance in a challenging situation. Kyle is no longer bullied after Carter begins protecting him.
10. I tried to warn Brian that he was playing with fire, but he kept flipping off of the trampoline and into the pool until he missed the pool one time and broke his ankle.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To play with fire is to unnecessarily expose oneself to severe risks. Brian was needlessly exposing himself to danger and he suffered the consequences.
11. After a long day of school, football practice, studying, and chores, Glen wanted to play GameBox, but he was beat.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To be beat is to be exhausted. Glen wanted to play video games, but he was too fatigued from his long day of activities.
12. Whenever Scrub-Tom-Rectangle-Bottoms came on the TV, the children were glued to their seats.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To be glued is to one's seat is to be captivated by a display. The children can do nothing other than watch Scrub-Tom-Rectangle-Bottoms in a transfixed manner while he is on the television.
13. The naughty child planned to wait out on his roof on Christmas Eve and to throw a lump of coal at Santa Clause when he appeared, thereby giving him a taste of his own medicine.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To give someone a taste of one's own medicine is to return the poor treatment that one received. The naughty child is sick of receiving coal and decides to give some coal to Santa.
14. June worried about the test for weeks prior to taking it; so much so that he almost gave himself an ulcer, but when he actually sat down to take the test, he thought that it was a walk in the park.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
Something that is easy to do can be described as a walk in the park. Although June worried about the test a great deal, when he took it he thought that it was easy.
15. Vanessa wanted to speak out at the Nonviolent Protest, but she felt that since most of the people there would already be nonviolent people, she would just be preaching to the choir.
What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________
Answer Explanation
To preach to the choir is to attempt to persuade people who are already in agreement with you. Vanessa wants to deliver a message of change, but she fears that she will only reach nonviolent people at the nonviolent protest.
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
الاتجاهات: قراءة كل لغة، وتحديد المعني. لغة: تعبير مشترك المفهوم المجازي، كتعريف الحرفي لا معنى له. 1-عند البنين كانت تواجه صعوبة في إيجاد دي جي للطرف، اقترح ريان أن هم فقط تشغيل الراديو في الحزب، ولكن لم أكن أريد Kevin ملتوية. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةلقص زوايا القيام بشيء ما طريقة سريعة أو سهلة، وليس على طريقة "الحق". 2-لا تحد زيكي لرقص إيقاف إلا إذا كنت على استعداد لأن زيكي سيحصل في معركة رقص في قطره من قبعة. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةللقيام بشيء ما في قطره من قبعة القيام بشيء ما بسرعة ودون إعداد. زيكي مستعدة دائماً ليكون معركة رقص. 3-الباحثون المضادات الحيوية قد اختار بالفعل منخفضة شنقاً الفاكهة، وحتى اكتشاف المضادات الحيوية الجديدة للالتهابات معركة صعبة للغاية. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةلاختيار منخفضة شنقاً الفاكهة لإكمال مهام سهلة أولاً، ترك العمل أكثر صعوبة في وقت لاحق. الباحثون المضادات الحيوية لديها مهمة أصعب اليوم مما كانت في الماضي. 4-Alan إبقاء الحديث حول كيف يمكن أن يفعل أقوى، ولكن عندما التقى المطاط الطريق كل ما يمكن القيام به حقاً هو الاستلقاء على ظهره والانزلاق نحو. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةعندما التقى المطاط يعني الطريق أن الحديث قد توقف ويتم قياس الأداء. Alan تحدث كثيرا عن كيف أنه يمكن لأقوى إلا أنه لا يمكن أن تفعل ذلك في الواقع. 5-وعندما سئل السيد لويس جيمي أقول الفئة عن نظرية فيثاغورس، جيمي يريد شيئا أكثر من بلاغه شرح ذلك واعجاب بريتاني مع علمه، ولكن أنه كان رسم فارغة. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةالرسم وسيلة فارغة المحاولة والتفكير في شيء لكن تفشل. جيمي مطلوبة للإجابة على سؤال السيد لويس، بل أنه لم أستطع. 6-جون لا تمانع في إعادة كتابة مقالته كل الوقت عادت السيدة روبنسون؛ طالما أنه لا تزال مؤهلة للحصول على المنح الدراسية، أن القفز من خلال الأطواق لها. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةإلى القفز من خلال الأطواق يعني للوفاء بمطالب صعبة أو مملة. بإعادة كتابة مقال له مرات عديدة، جون كان القفز من خلال الأطواق. 7-ومنذ الابن Paul تبين أنه يمكن كسب المال عن طريق التجريف المداخل في فصل الشتاء، أنه قد تم ركوب القطار المرق. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةلركوب القطار المرق كسب المال بسرعة واستمرار. عند توقف القطار المرق، لذلك لا المال. الابن Paul سيكون هذا الرقم في الربيع، ولكن شاب المجتهد مثل أنه سوف يستغرق لهندسة المناظر الطبيعية. 8-فينس المؤسسة عندما يفكر حول كيف شريرة قصيرة عطلة الربيع وكيف اتصف الطويل ستكون الفترة المتبقية السنة الدراسية، ولكن كان يعلم أن هناك القليل أنه يمكن القيام به حيال ذلك، لكن العودة إلى السرج. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةللحصول على العودة إلى السرج لاستئناف مهمة مرهقة بعد بعض الوقت بعيداً. 9-Kyle قد تم تخويف كل يوم حتى كارتر، قائد فريق المصارعة، أخذته تحت جناحه. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةلتكون تحت جناح واحد الحصول على الحماية أو التوجيه في حالة صعبة. لم يعد يتم تخويف Kyle بعد أن يبدأ كارتر حماية له. 10-حاولت تحذير ريان الذي كان يلعب بالنار، ولكن تبقى التقليب قبالة الترامبولين وإلى التجمع حتى أنه غاب عن التجمع مرة واحدة وكسر كاحله. ما المقصود بهذا المصطلح؟ ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ شرح الإجابةللعب مع النار دون داع تعريض نفسه لمخاطر جسيمة. ريان كان بلا داع تعريض نفسه للخطر، وأنه عانى من العواقب. 11. After a long day of school, football practice, studying, and chores, Glen wanted to play GameBox, but he was beat. What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Answer ExplanationTo be beat is to be exhausted. Glen wanted to play video games, but he was too fatigued from his long day of activities. 12. Whenever Scrub-Tom-Rectangle-Bottoms came on the TV, the children were glued to their seats. What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Answer ExplanationTo be glued is to one's seat is to be captivated by a display. The children can do nothing other than watch Scrub-Tom-Rectangle-Bottoms in a transfixed manner while he is on the television. 13. The naughty child planned to wait out on his roof on Christmas Eve and to throw a lump of coal at Santa Clause when he appeared, thereby giving him a taste of his own medicine. What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Answer ExplanationTo give someone a taste of one's own medicine is to return the poor treatment that one received. The naughty child is sick of receiving coal and decides to give some coal to Santa. 14. June worried about the test for weeks prior to taking it; so much so that he almost gave himself an ulcer, but when he actually sat down to take the test, he thought that it was a walk in the park. What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Answer ExplanationSomething that is easy to do can be described as a walk in the park. Although June worried about the test a great deal, when he took it he thought that it was easy. 15. Vanessa wanted to speak out at the Nonviolent Protest, but she felt that since most of the people there would already be nonviolent people, she would just be preaching to the choir. What is the meaning of this idiom? ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Answer ExplanationTo preach to the choir is to attempt to persuade people who are already in agreement with you. Vanessa wants to deliver a message of change, but she fears that she will only reach nonviolent people at the nonviolent protest.
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