و لد كونراد زوسه في مدينة برلين

و لد كونراد زوسه في مدينة برلين "ال

و لد كونراد زوسه في مدينة برلين "المانيا" عام 1910 ، و من ثم انتقل مع عائلته عام 1912 إلى مدينة برونسبرغ في بروسيا الشرقية حيث التحق بالمدرسة البروتستنتية هناك ، و كان منذ صغره ولوعا بالتقنيات الجديدة و يحب الرسم ،و التحق في سنة 1935 بجامعة برلين شرلوطن "جامعة برلين التقنية" و درس الهندسة الميكانيكية ليعمل بعدها في ميدان الإستاتيكيات لدى شركة الطيران هينشل في ديساو ، و كان يقوم في الشركة بحل معادلات حسابية باليد كانت تستدعي كثير من التخمين و الوقت ، و لعل شعوره بالملل و العناء دفع به إلى التفكير في آلة تقوم بتلك العمليات الحسابية و توفر عليه مشقة التركيز و التخمين ، و ترك العمل في تلك الشركة و اعتزل في منزل أبويه و عكف في بحث معمق لتحقيق الرؤية التي راودته خلال عمله لدى شركة هينشل للطيران ، و اتخذ من أحدى غرف المنزل ورشا للعمل التجريبي رغم تحفظات و الده و أخته اللذين كانا يمولان اكتشافاته ..اشتهر زوس بميوله الشديد إلى المجال التقني حيث قاده طموحه المعرفي لتصميم آلة لعصر البرتقال و هو مازال في سن 14 من عمره ، و لم يكن اختراعه هذا إلا بداية لوُلوج حقل الابتكار العلمي الذي سيخلد اسمه بين كبار عباقرة الاكتشافات العلمية في العالم ، و لعل أهم ما كان يميز شخصيتة هو اختراعاته العلمية المذهلة ، فقد عرض نماذج صناعية أذهلت الجميع و كشفت عن عبقريتة الفذة ، فقد قدم نماذج لمدينة المستقبل ، و نموذجا لمختبر أوتوماتيكي لالتقاط الصور ، و نموذجا لطائرة تصلح للملاحة في الفضاء ، كل ذلك و هو في سن الطفولة ، فما كان ذلك إلا مؤشرا لظهور عبقرية علمية ستقدم اختراعا يغير حياة العالم آلا وهو "الحاسوب" أو " بالكومبيوتر" .. استطاع في سنة 1938 تقديم نموذج لآلة قابلة للبرمجة تساعد المهندسين في العمليات الحسابية المعقدة ، و صُممت الآلة من الصفيح و بلغ حجمها حجم قاعة كبيرة للعروض تم توصيلها بالكهرباء ، و لكن ذلك الجهاز كان يعاني من عدم دقة الأداء مما دفعه ان يكتب في إحدى مذكراته عبارة "الآلة جاهزة لكنها لا تشتغل بشكل جيد" ، و في سنة 1940 حاول التغلب على الثغرات الوظيفية بتوظيف عمل حسابي إلكتروني ..و رغم فشل النموذج الأول لجهازه لم ييأس المخترع الألماني واستمر في بحوثه و اختباراته إلى أن قادته تجاربه العلمية سنة 1941 إلى أول جهاز إلكتروني قابل للبرمجة يعمل بشكل جيد و يوازي من حيث المبدأ الحواسب التي تستخدم حاليا ، عرفت آلته الجديدة التي اعتبرت آنذاك ثورة علمية تحت إسم "Z 3" ، و هو أول جهاز يجري عمليات حسابية ناجحة و يقوم بتخزين نتائجها ، لكن الجهاز الجديد كان حجمه يوازي حجم خزانة و يحتوي على ما يقارب 2000 من ملفات الوصل الشبيهة بتلك المستخدمة في أجهزة الهاتف ، و تميزت آلة زوسه بقابليتها للبرمجة عن طريق برامج موضوعة على كروت مثقبة ..اعتبر العام 1941 منعطفا مهما في تاريخ المخترع الألماني ، إلا أنه تم الاختلاف حول اعتبار تلك الفترة عام و لادة تقنيات الحاسوب ، فالبعض يرى أن آلة زوسه لا يمكن اعتبارها حاسباً آلياً بالمعنى الحديث لكونها ليست متعددة الأغراض ، فهي كانت معدة لأداء نوع معين من الوظائف فقط ، غير أن هذا لا ينفي كونها مهدت الطريق لمزيد من الإنجازات في هذا المجال .. لم يحصل زوسه على التقدير الكافي لانجازاته العلمية نظراً للحرب العالمية الثانية التي كانت مستعرة آنذاك ، و التي أسفرت أيضاً عن تدمير آلته "Z 3" في إحدى الغارات :eek3: ، غير أن المتحف الألماني في مدينة ميونخ يحتفظ لحسن الحظ بنموذج من الحاسوب الضخم "Z 3" ، ابان الحرب نجح زوسه في تجنب أي تعامل مع الحزب النازي ، و استطاع اقناع الجيش بعدم صلاحيته لأداء الخدمة العسكرية ، فبعد الحرب أنشأ زوسه أول شركة حاسب آلي حديثة و واصل العمل على مشروعه حتى أنتج الآلة "Z 4"، و هي التي تعد موديلاً أكثر تطوراً من سابقتها ، و في التسعينات لاقت نظريته حول الفضاء المبرمج رواجاً كبيراً ، و استلهمها كثير من المنظرين في أعمالهم حول بنية الكون ، و تصور تلك النظرية الكون على أنه حاسب آلي كبير تعمل أجزاءه بنفس الطريقة التي تعمل بها الترانزستورات في الحاسب الآلي ..و توفي زوسه عام 1995 عن 85 عاماً بعد نجاحه كونراد في انجاز أكبر طفرة علمية في تكنولوجيا القرن العشرين ، حيث وضع الأسس الهندسية لصناعة و برمجة الحاسوب ، و أبهر الناس بعبقريته و أدهشهم بتصميماته التكنولوجية حتى اعتبره البعض الاب الشرعي للحاسب الحالي
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
And LED Conrad Zaush, in the city of Berlin, "Germany" in 1910, and then moved with his family in 1912 to the city Bronsberg in East Prussia, where he joined the Protestant school there, and it was from a young age grow fonder new technologies and loves drawing, and enrolled in the1935 University Berlin Hrlotun "Technical University of Berlin" and studied mechanical engineering works in the field later Alastadtt the airline Henhl in Dessau, and he was in the company resolves mathematical equations by hand requires a lot of guesswork and, And perhaps he felt bored and suffering led him to think of the machine such calculations and provides difficult for him to focus and guesswork, and leave work at that company and retired at the home of his parents and engaged in in-depth research to achieve the vision that راودته through his workAir Henhl Co., and was taken from one of the rooms of the house and Rasha experimental work, despite reservations, his father and sister, who were funded discoveries.Zeus بميوله the famous deep into the technical field where knowledge led his ambition to design a machine to the era of oranges and is still at the age of 14 years old, and did not invent this only the beginning to enter the field of scientific innovation who سيخلد named among the top geniuses discoveriesIn the world, and perhaps the most important thing was characteristic of his personality is amazing scientific inventions, he offered industrial models stunned everyone and revealed his inimitable genius, has provided models for the city of the future, and a model for automatic lab to take pictures, and a modelSuitable for navigation in space, all that is in childhood, what was it only an indication of the emergence of a scientific genius invention will change the life of the world, namely "the computer" or "computerized".In 1938, was able to provide a model for programmable machine helps engineers in complex calculations, and the machine is designed, with a tin the size of a large hall of the presentations have been delivered electricity, but that device was suffering from a lack of accuracyWhich led him to write in one of his memoirs, the term "machine ready, but does not operate well," and in 1940 tried to overcome the functional gaps employing my work mail.And despite the failure of the first prototype of his machine did not give up German inventor and continued its and اختباراته to research that led scientific experiments in 1941 to the first electronic device a programmable works well and parallels in terms of the principle of computers that are currently used,His new machine which was considered at the time a scientific revolution under the name "z 3", and is the first device being successful calculations and stores the results, but the new device was the equivalent size of a closet, and it contains nearly 2,000 of link files similar to thoseDevices, and characterized by machine Zaush بقابليتها programmable through programs placed on the perforated cards.1941 considered an important turning point in the history of German inventor, but he was disagreement about that period in consideration and to the birth of computer technology, some felt that machine Zaush can not automatically be considered a computer in the modern sense of being neither multiple, They were designed to perform a specific type of job only, but this does not negate being paved the way for further achievements in this area.. Did not get Zaush adequate appreciation for his scientific achievements since World War II was raging at that time, which also resulted in the destruction of his instrument "z 3" in one of the raids: eek3:, But the Deutsches Museum in Munich, fortunately retains computer model of the huge "z 3", during the war succeeded Zaush in avoiding any dealings with the Nazi Party, and was able to persuade the army not expire for military service, After established Zaush WarModern computer company and continued to work on the project until the machine produced a "z 4", and that is a more sophisticated model than its predecessor, and in the nineties met with his theory of space programmed in great demand, and inspired many theorists in their work on the structure of, And imagine that theory, the universe as a large computer operating its parts in the same manner in which they operate transistors in computers.And died Zaush in 1995 for 85 years after Conrad's success in completing the biggest scientific breakthrough in the technology of the twentieth century, which laid the foundations for engineering and computer programming industry, and dazzles People بعبقريته and eyebrows Ptsamemath even considered by some technologicalCurrent legitimate computer
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Konrad Zuse in Berlin and led "Germany" in 1910, then moved with his family to the city of برونسبرغ 1912 in Eastern Prussia, where he joined the Protestant school there, and was from a young age ولوعا new techniques and likes to draw, and he joined in the1935 at the University of Berlin شرلوطن "Technical University of Berlin and studied mechanical engineering in the field of الإستاتيكيات to work beyond the airline هينشل at Dessau, and was in the company to solve mathematical equations by hand was for many guessing andAnd perhaps felt bored and trouble caused him to think of a machine that calculations and provide hard focus and guessing, and left to work in that company and retired from the house in his parents and had been in search of depth to achieve the vision that continued through his workThe company هينشل air, taken from one of the rooms of the house and Rasha experimental work despite the reservations of father and sister that they are his.。Known for his strong Zeus technical field, where he and his ambition to design machine for cognitive orange and is still at the age of 14 years old, and was not only the beginning of this invention لوُلوج field scientific innovation which will mark his name among the top geniuses and discoveriesIn the world, and perhaps the most important is characterized شخصيتة is impressive scientific inventions, industrial models show stunned everyone and revealed عبقريتة outstanding, the city of the future, a model of laboratory models to capture images, and a model of automatic transmissionSuitable for navigation in space, all that is in the childhood, what was the only indicator of scientific genius invention changes the life of the world will be, "computer" or "digital".。In 1938 the model was able to provide a programmable help engineers in complex calculations, and designed the machine of tin and the magnitude of a large hall for connected electricity, but it suffers from a lack of accuracy of the deviceWhich led him to write his memoirs, "in one of the machine ready but don't work well", and in 1940 tried to overcome the functional gaps employing computational work an.。And despite the failure of his first model did not give up the German inventor and continued to research and test experiments that led in 1941 to the first scientific programmable electronic device works well and is in principle the computers currently in use,The new machine, which was then considered a scientific revolution under the name "Z 3", is the first device is successful and stores the results of arithmetic operations, but the new device was equivalent to the size of the Treasury and contains nearly 2000 points similar to those filesIn the telephone, and characterized by Zuse can be programmable by software machine placed on a perforated cards.。The 1941 important turning point in the history of the German inventor, but there had been disagreement about that period and LADA computer techniques, some felt that the machine cannot be considered a computer automatically Zuse in the modern sense, it is not aIt was designed to perform a certain type of jobs only, but this does not mean that paved the way for more achievements in this area.. did not receive adequate recognition for his achievement on scientific view Zuse Second World War which was raging at the time, and which had also resulted in the destruction of his "3" in a Z raids: eek3:However, the German Museum in the city of Munich retains fortunately module of computer Z huge "3", during the war in avoiding any succeeded Zuse treated with the Nazi party, and was able to convince the army not to fit for military service, after the war established the ZuseA computer company and continued to work on the project until the newly produced machine "Z 4", which are more sophisticated than its predecessor, and موديلاً in nineties was his theory about space scheduler in great demand, and inspired many theorists in their work on the structureAnd imagine that the universe as a theory of computer operating parts in the same way that works by transistors in the computer.。And he died 85 years after the success of Zuse 1995 completion of a breakthrough in the largest Conrad twentieth century technology, which laid the foundations of engineering industry and computer programming, and impress people surprised his genius and even considered by some technological بتصميماتهThe current computer forensics
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
And led Conrad zosh Berlin "Germany" in 1910, and in 1912 he moved with his family to the city of bronsbergh in Eastern Russia where he joined a Protestant school, and since he was argumentative new technologies and loves drawing, and he enrolled in 1935 University of Berlin shrlotan "Berlin Technical University and studied mechanical engineering works in the field of alastatikiat in airline hinshl in Dessau, he was in the company of mathematical equations by hand were calls for many guessing and And perhaps he felt bored and really push it to think of the machine that the calculations and the hardship and guessing, and leave the company and retired in the parental House and engaged in in-depth research to achieve the vision set down by currency Hinshl aviation company, and was taken from one room and for experimental work despite the reservations of his father and his sister, who had financed his discoveries..Best known for the strong leanings to Zeus technical area where ambitious leaders knowledge of machine design for Orange and era is still at the age of 14 years old, and this invention was only beginning to enter the field of scientific innovation that would be enshrined his name among top geniuses discoveries In the world, and perhaps the most important characteristic of his personality is amazing scientific inventions, industrial models stunned everyone and revealed the inimitable genius, models for the city of the future, a model of automatic laboratory to capture, and a model Navigable in space, and is in infancy, that was only an indication of the emergence of scientific genius invention will change the life of the world is the "computer" or "computer".. In 1938 could provide a model for programmable machine help engineers in the complex calculations, Tin machine, designed with large size offers connected to electricity, but that device was inaccurate Which led him to write a memoir "machine ready but it does not work well, and in 1940 he tried to overcome the functional gaps in employment work an account..And despite the failure of the first model of its German inventor did not give up and continued his research and tests that the scientific experiments in 1941 led to the first programmable electronic device works well and Parallels in principle of computers that are currently used, The new machine which then considered scientific revolution under the name of "Z", is the first device being successful calculations and store their results, but the new device was the size equivalent to the size of a closet and contains nearly 2000 of focal files similar to those In telephones, and characterized the zosh machine programming through software placed on a perforated cards..The year 1941 important turning point in the history of German inventor, however, disagreement over the period of his countrymen and computer techniques, some see zosh machine cannot be considered automatically by computer modern sense not being multiple It was designed to perform a particular type of job, but this does not preclude it being paved the way for further achievements in this area.. Did not receive adequate recognition for zosh accomplishments of the scientific view of the second world war that was raging at the time, which also resulted in the destruction of his "Z" in one of the raids: eek3: But the German Museum in Munich keeps luckily form from huge computer "Z", during the war succeeded zosh to avoid any dealings with the Nazi party, and could persuade the military to unfitness for military service, after the war created zosh A modern computer company and has continued to work on the project until the machine produced a "Z", which is more sophisticated than the previous model, and in the 1990s was his theory about space Scheduler in great demand, and inspired many theorists in their work on the structure And imagine that the theory of the universe as a computer major working parts in the same way as transistors on computer..Zosh died in 1995 and 85 years after his success in the biggest breakthrough Conrad scientific technology in the twentieth century, laid the foundations for engineering and computer programming, and wowed people with his genius and astonished them with typical technological even considered by some For the current computer
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