Niasara Fa s, one ofthe most famous No h Ameican natural wondeN, hasiong beer a popular tourisr desrinarion rou.ists rodav nock t" *" rl" """ ].1";'.i ^ii".iiu .",*,""," r,,"*"- Falls: rhe l73-root-hish Horseshoe Fa's o; rhe cr*ar"".,a" Ji'" i'r,.e..lii]1"'."ii, *"."".a,"" -:!e province of ontario and the 182Joot hish {mcrrcan Fars on lhe u.s. .ia'".r ii".i"*,. ,r,",rr.," "r . ewrork.App,oiEra,"'u8.*".-, "rr],""","-,r", g"..",..,;.1,t,..-,,lilr'e",..,",
"",.^t* ralL. s irh , he .e{ coine o er A*cricJ, rJ_ls.
Mostvisirors come between Ap 1andOcrober and iris quite a popular activi rv to iakea sreamerour onro the river and right up ro rhe bas".t,r,. r.
ai,"" .p,.,". iil. "r_ p*.tUr".
ser a spectacutar vjew ot the falts fron the sr.aresi. i_ru-, "r.^gih;;.rijg"," 9 r,,o ** *
Prospict poinr d rabte Rock, or frorn one ot tr,. r"*.r*-"ti." i*.*."ii"r, i.," rr",rr," "pto
Tourists have been visiting Niagara Farls in large numbers since the r800sj annuar visiratio.
l.^i,:-::liq:: l!:," r0 m ir ion viJi,oa per rra,, e"ci""" or "on...n ,naove.en.l tl,^i .ii,j** i.".,"" *-,ra desroy tbe narurai beaurv of this scenic $,onder, rhe state ofNew york .r N'asanrajrs pa, rn 1885 crealed k in order to prorect thela"d *_";i;J;;;
il,*'il..._.0. created OueenVictoria park on the canadian side "t,r," Ni.g". , "..,.iH".JJ* i",.. wi r. ,r," d.ea sun oundin" ,he rr,r unde. rr_e iu,.oic, ion or ".,.,"-i,,, .e..", i., .,;;;;;,;," .,"p. laken , *r.r *
lo p.eserup ,he ori.rin" beaurr or rn" "rer.
1 . What is the major point that the author is
makins in this passage?
(A) Niacara Falls can be viewed tuonl
either the American side or rhe
Canadian side. (B) A trip to the United Srales isnl
complere without a vjsit ro Niasara
(C) Niacara Falls has had an interestins
(D) It has been necessary to protect
Niagara Falls toom the many
tourists who go there.
2. The wo.d "flock" in tine 2 coutd besr be
(A) coDe byplane (B) cone in larse numbers (c) come out ofboredorn (D) cone withou! howins whar they will
I Accordine ro rhe, vhrcf ot rh< tollo$ing besl decIbe. Niagar. Fa rl
(A) Niagara Falls consists ot two ivers,
one Canadian and rhe other
(B) Anerican Falts is corNiderabtv hisher
than HoNeshoe Falls. (C) The Niagam River has lwo tals, oDe
in Canada and one in the Unired
(D) Although the Niagara Rilcl flou,s
throueh the United Statcs and
CaDada, the tals are oniv in iJre
Unired Stares.
4. A "sleaner" in jine 8 is probablt,
(B) a boat
(C) a walknay
lD) a park
3 x3 n 3 n 3 n 3