Dear Yousef, Aamer, and Fahad,
I’m delighted that you are at McMurry. I want be available in any way that I can to support you in the practice of your faith. The email that David Heringer forwarded to you, in the email string below, mentions two opportunities. Feel free to email me, call me (325-793-4997), or stop by my office (Old Main 110) about these opportunities or about anything.
If you come to my class on November 18 (one of the opportunities mentioned in the email below), you’ll need to know that Old Main 211 is somewhat hard to find. It is in the separate section behind Matthews Auditorium, not on the general second floor of Old Main. The easiest way to find it is to enter Old Main from the south side by the sign that says Old Main South.
I hope you are having a good semester.