ٍWord Detective: Using Context Clues and Word Part CluesWhen you come across a word and you don’t know what it means, follow these steps to help you determine the meaning. 1. Use context clues. Read the text and sentences around the word to see if there are clues to its meaning.2. Break the word apart.•Lookfortherootwordandfigureoutthemeaning.•Arootwordisawordinitssimplestformthatcarriesthe main meaning. It has no added word parts.•Lookfortheprefixandfigureoutthemeaning.•Aprefixisagroupoflettersaddedtothebeginningofa word that changes its meaning (un [not] + happy = unhappy, which means “not happy”).•Lookforthesuffixandfigureoutthemeaning.•Asuffixisagroupoflettersaddedtotheendofawordthat changes how a word is used (inspect, inspector) or changes what a word means (clueless means “without a clue”).3. Put the word back together.Putthemeaningoftherootwordandanyprefixand/orsuffixtogether to see if you are able to build the meaning of the word. 4. Reread the text. Readagaintoseeifyoufiguredouttheword’smeaning.Askyourself, DoesthemeaningthatIfiguredoutmakesenseinthissentence?